von BK-Bob | 21.05.2023 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Fantasy

Ouloum Project: Lost Memories 2.0 Kickstarter

Ouloum Project bringt in Kooperation mit Graphigaut Studio aktuell einen Kickstarter am laufen.

Lost Memories 2.0, by Ouloum Project’s & Graphigaut Studio

We had the chance to work with Graphigaut Studio to create miniatures. The works of art he hand-sculpted are simply amazing.

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Our company, Ouloum Project’s, has one simple goal : promote miniature arts, and particularly miniature sculpting and painting. Luckily for us Graphigaut Studio, a world-renowned artist, accepted to work with us to create some of the most amazing miniatures you’ve ever seen. Those masterpieces are the result of his hard work.

If you help us fund this project, we will be able to keep creating more of those miniatures, and maybe even develop the board game we had in mind – which name will be, as you can guess, Lost Memories. If you’re interested, you can learn more about the lore of our miniatures and our board game at the end of this wall.

Note that all Lost Memories miniatures are at the 32mm, 40mm and 54mm scales, and are cast with high quality resin by GRX Créations. We also offer custom resizing services if you contact us directly on Facebook.

The master sculpt was designed using the 40mm scale, which allowed Graphigaut Studio to sculpt more details that he would have been able to at a smaller scale, while still resulting in easy-to-manipulate miniatures for board games.

In conclusion, we chose the 40mm scale at first while having both painters and wargamers in mind, since it is a good compromise between the standard small wargame scales (12-35 mm) and the bigger collection scales (54-75 mm).

After receiving a lot of feedback about the 40mm scale, we now propose all three scales, as a lot of our clients were sad they couldn’t get their favorite miniature at the right scale for them.

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One quick line about the lore of these miniatures : each one is a hero, a Power Source wielder. Those Power Sources are Cyber, Stone, Nature, Fire, Water, Air, Darkness, and Light. All miniatures are designed keeping those elements in mind.

Now, without further ado, the miniatures !

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Lost Memories miniatures lore

In a far future, long after humanity colonized the galaxy, the Tower started revealing its existence.

As high as the sky, moving through planes of existence, it appears randomly on planets where sapient life flourishes and unleashes hordes of monsters.

When the Tower appears on the planets of a solar system, the Blackout, a shockwave of unidentified energy, destroys almost all technology and wipes the memory of most species.

As the Tower’s monsters go rampant, the souls of their victims are absorbed and consumed. Many worlds fell without being able to defend themselves…

…This time, though, things are different. The Blackout also awakened latent powers in people who became destined to stop the Tower and its mysterious owners.

Guided by heroes who either already mastered their powers, or rose to the challenge after the Blackout, the mortals could hold on. The Tower faced a fierce and unexpected opposition – though it is far from stopped.

Will you be able to uncover the Tower’s mysteries and save your world ?

Our plans for the future

Over time, we will let Graphigaut Studio develop more miniatures for each Power Source, as well as monsters and boss enemies. All of them will be used for the Lost Memories board game to come, still under development (in the early stages). We decided to focus on the miniatures first to give everyone the time to paint them, and gather funds to keep working on the game design.

In case you have a hard time picturing how tall a 40mm scale miniature is compared to the more common 32mm scale, here is Shaya next to a Space Marine (Games Workshop) :

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Dive into the creative process with us!

Ouloum Project’s has one main goal: to promote miniature arts. To do so, we wanted to add something special to this Kickstarter campaign, in addition to the miniatures. After discussing with the team, wondering what we could do in this regard, we decided to interview Graphigaut Studio. We wanted to allow everyone to know how an artist thinks and feels when he works on miniatures, so you could dive deep into the creative process with him.

Here’s the translation of Graphigaut Studio’s interview in English (the original one is in French), organized by miniatures. We strongly advise you to read it if you’re interested in miniature arts!

In addition to this interview, we kept his work-in-progress photos, and made visuals out of them so you can see the process from the beginning to the end. We hope you will like it. Here are the pictures, organized by miniatures.

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Information about our products and pledges :

The prices of the pledges do not include taxes and shipping costs. Also, as most painting hobby miniatures, they are sold unpainted, and unassembled. This means they will require you to use glue to assemble them. Textured bases for the miniatures are not automatically included unless they are unlocked through stretch goals. Once unlocked, you will get them for free with the associated miniature (as explained earlier). Those bases will also become available as add-ons in case you want many. You can also purchase them on our shop after the campaign is over if you liked them.


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Stretch Goals:

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* Each time a miniature’s base is unlocked, this miniature gets its textured base for free in all pledges where you choose her, in addition to being unlocked in the add-ons. The scale of the unlocked free base will match the scale of its associated miniature in your pledges.

Example : if you chose a simple 32mm pledge and decide to pick Shaya later in the pledge manager, if Shaya’s base was unlocked, you get a 32mm base for Shaya, for free. You won’t get a free 40mm base for free for your 32mm pledge. It seems obvious to most but we wanted to make sure nobody would misunderstand.

The last secret stretch goal will be revealed later during the campaign !


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As an add-on, we propose a display base for those who want to highlight the features of their most well painted miniatures.

The 54mm Oniri miniature on the base is only there as a reference for the scale. See add-ons for more details.


Shipping costs and VAT will be paid later on our website once the campaign is over (pledge management). They will vary depending on the weight of your order and your country. See prices below to get an idea of the cost you will have to pay. Note that those prices are the current prices but may vary depending on events out of our control (world events like a boat getting stuck in the Suez Canal canal, you know).

About potential import fees : Each country has different rules and regulations on import fees and tariffs. We recommend researching your countries specific rules for importing packages from France.

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The first price column in the middle is for European Countries and United Kingdom. The second price column on the right is for the rest of the world. Those prices do not include taxes, VAT does not apply.

Die Kampagne ist bereits finanziert und läuft noch 18 Tage.

Quelle: Lost Memories 2.0, by Ouloum Project’s & Graphigaut Studio


Seit 2010 im Hobby. Aktuelle Projekte: Warhammer Fantasy/Old World (Imperium, Bretonen, Tiermenschen, Skaven, Gnome), Blood Bowl (Gnome, Echsenmenschen), Warcry, Summoners (Erde, Tod), Bolt Action (Briten), Herr der Ringe (Harad)

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