von BK-Christian | 13.01.2023 | eingestellt unter: Brettspiele, Crowdfunding

OrcQuest WarPath: Resurrection Kickstarter

Das zuvor in der Produktion gescheiterte Spiel OrcQuest erhält unter der Führung von Monolith eine neue Chance.

Und darum geht es:

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I am a returning backer from the first campaign (during the Kickstarter campaign or the Late Pledge). Do I need to pledge during this campaign?

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Das zentrale Pledge:

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Because OrcQuest WarPath already went through a Kickstarter campaign back in 2018, gathering more than 2,200 backers.

Unfortunately, the development of the game did not leave enough funding for the production stage. After exhausting all other alternatives, the previous publisher was looking for a buyer to finalize the game, and we raised our hand.

This new campaign has a crucial objective: to reach a funding goal of $200,000 with the participation of new pledgers.

If we reach that goal, we will be able to print the game for the new backers and for the backers from the first campaign. The backers from the first campaign will only have to pay for the shipping costs to receive what they pledged for 4 years ago.

This can be achieved by unifying the offer. That’s why we are offering a single pledge level for an all-in, in order to avoid multiple costs inducers (packaging, order preparation, shipping…).

This also allows us to schedule a delivery to the backers in October, less than 10 months after the campaign.

We truly believe that OrcQuest WarPath deserves a chance to hit our game tables, despite its past difficulties.

We hope that the campaign will bring together previous and new backers for this “resurrection”.

It’s time to finally unleash the Orcs! 

Der Boxinhalt:

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Das Spielfeld:

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Das Spiel ist schon recht weit, da es ja bereits einmal in Produktion war:

The development is over and the miniatures‘ molds are final. We made changes to the original game to optimize the packaging to group the expansions, reworking the layout and adjusting some aspects of the game experience (dice…).
In compliance with our new policy, all production files are done.

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These 2 boxes form the Resurrection Pledge; the all-in you will receive by participating in this campaign!

They are from a set of copies we have received from the factory. These are preproduction samples. It means that they were printed with the factory tooling and are used for our final approval before mass production.

We still have some minor adjustment and comments to bring you the best game possible.

If you want to see what is in these huges boxes, check out the unboxing videos below!

Der Zeitplan:

A few weeks after the Kickstarter campaign closes, we will open the pledge manager, a platform where you will have to fill in your shipping details, choose or edit the contents of your order, and pay the shipping costs.

We have done everything to find the best compromise between price and service. For some destinations, the fees are still high, but they are the only ones we have been able to obtain that meet our requirements.
The shipping costs in the table below are very reliable estimates that could vary by a maximum of a few euros (up or down). They take into account the annual inflation of logistics costs.

We remind you that these shipping costs do not include VAT (yes, we also have to pay VAT on the shipping costs) and that the parcel you will receive weighs around 9 kgs / 20 pounds.

We regret we are unable to ship to PO Boxes, and to the countries below this list :

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Note that, in compliance to the EU and UK laws, VAT will also be charged on the pledge manager system for EU and UK backers. The pledges from the first campaign won’t be charged as the VAT has already been paid. Only the new pledges made during this campaign are affected.

At this time we cannot estimate the cost as the charges vary from country to country and it is based on the price of the order plus the actual shipping costs (which can only be properly determined in the system). For the board game material, the average VAT in Europe is 19%.

However, rest assured that the full VAT to be charged on each pledge will be clearly displayed in the pledge manager system before final confirmation. European countries that are not part of the European Union and UK will not be charged VAT.

Und die ersten Stretch Goals:

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Die Kampagne ist finanziert und läuft noch 5 Tage.

Quelle: OrcQuest WarPath : Resurrection


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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    • Naja, hatte den alten Kickstarter schon abgeschrieben.
      Jetzt habe ich zumindest die Möglichkeit nochmal Porto zu zahlen und dafür das ganze Zeug zu bekommen (diesmal von Monolith).

    • Ja das nochmalige Porto stinkt etwas, zumindest ersparen sie uns nochmalige VAT. ich bin mit zwei All-In Pledges damals da baden gegangen. Das Porto tut weh, aber besser als das Geld ganz abzuschreiben!

      • Ich schätze, die würden anderenfalls ordentlich Verlust machen… Erstmal kriegen viele Baker ja mehr als sie ursprünglich gepledged und entsprechend bezahlt haben, gleichzeitig sind Versandkosten allgemein um ein Vielfaches gestiegen. Ist jetzt natürlich nicht angenehm aber in meinen Augen absolut fair. Monolith war schon bei den letzten Kampagnen relativ transparent, was die Versandkosten angeht und musste schon bei Conan einiges selber weg stecken um die Preise nicht zu extrem erhöhen zu müssen.

  • Bin bisl hyped muss ich sagen.
    Das Spawnsystem ist ganz cool, weiß nur nicht, ob es groß anders ist als zombicide Black Plaque.

  • Diesmal bin ich endlich dabei.
    Ich war beim ursprünglichen ks mehrmals aus-und wieder eingestiegen, aber damals war es budget mäßig nicht möglich.
    Diesmal klappt es.
    Obwohl ich eigentlich so Plastikschlachten nicht mehr so zeitgemäß finde, will ich bei dem Ork-Thema auf jeden Fall dabei sein

  • Ich frag mich nur, ob ich als ehemaliger Unterstützer auch das kpl. Set wie neu angeboten bekomme … Da währen für mich jetzt die Schweine und glaub die 3 großen neu dabei … Bin durchaus erfreut das das Game noch kommt.

    • Alle ehemaligen Baker kriegen das All in Paket, unabhängig davon, was sie damals gepledged haben. (Soweit ich verstehe.)

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