von BK-Sebastian | 18.12.2023 | eingestellt unter: Allgemeines

OnePageRules: Grimdark Future Warfleets

OnePageRules binden ihr Weltraumspiel in das Grimdark Future Universum ein und passen im Zuge dessen die Fraktionen an.

OPR Grimdark Future Warfleets

Epic space battles come to the Grimdark Future universe with the release of Grimdark Future: Warfleets! Grimdark Future: Warfleets is a miniature wargame of epic spaceship battles in a distant galaxy at war.

The game mechanics are designed to be easy to learn but hard to master, bringing engaging spaceship battles for new and experienced players alike.

Die Grundregeln sind wie immer bei OnePageRules gratis.

You can get started playing Grimdark Future: Warfleets today for free!

What’s New?

If you’ve played the old FTL, you’re going to be right at home with GF: Warfleets, which is primarily a refinement of the core rules, combined with a staggering expansion from 6 old generic factions to 17 brand-new Grimdark Future specific factions for you to enjoy.

To give players a bit more guidance, we have introduced a basic Force Organization structure, which is completely optional as usual. When playing a full 450pts match, players will be able to bring up to 2 heroes, 3 copies of each ship, up to 9 ships, and up to 12 squadrons. In order to bring GF: Warfleets in line with our other games, we have also removed the initiative player roll-off, so the player that deploys first gets to go first.

The change that is probably going to have the most impact on your games is the reduction of ship survivability. In the previous version, each ship component and squadron took 3 damage to be disabled, which lead to unsatisfying games, where few ships were destroyed by the end of the game. In GF: Warfleets components and squadrons are now destroyed after taking just 2 damage, and we’ve increased the point size, giving you exciting games with more ships and more destruction.

We have also made some changes to how certain weapons and upgrades work, and introduced Boarding Pods and Sniper weapons to the core rules. Boarding Pods are used to deal damage to enemy ships over time, whilst Sniper weapons allow the attacking player to decide which components are damaged (instead of the defender). Both of these give you new tactical options in how to defeat different ship types, and add more depth to the game.

Besides these changes, there have been lots of tweaks to heroes, titles, upgrades, and weapons, as well as the introduction of 17 new factions of course. As before, players can mix ships and upgrades from the core rules and the various factions, giving you a ton of options for highly distinct playstyles. You’re spoiled for choice now, and thanks to the integration with Army Forge, it has never been easier to build your fleet.

With this new edition we have also updated the Advanced Rules, as well as all free expansions like Campaign Rules and Solo & Co-Op Rules. We hope that you enjoy GF: Warfleets, and can’t wait to hear about your epic space battles in the future!

Quelle: OnePageRules


Redakteur von Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2001 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Armalion. Aktuelle Systeme: Freebooter's Fate(Alle Fraktionen), Bushido(Ito, Ryu, Ro-Kan),Moonstone, Summoners (Feuer, Luft), Deadzone, ASoIaF(Nachtwache, Targaryen), Dropfleet Commander(UCM, Scourge), Warmaster(Zwerge, Echsen), Eden(ISC, Resistance), KoW: Armada(Basilean, Ork) u.v.m

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  • Ich hatte mich tatsächlich sehr auf die Setting-Umstellung gefreut, bin auch was die Regeln angeht sehr angetan.
    Ich muss aber auch zugeben dass ich es etwas schade finde, dass sie aktuell nicht planen ihre STL-Raumflotten anzupassen.

    Die sind mir nämlich einfach zu generisch und zu unbewaffnet für Schlachtschiffe.

  • Ich glaube, wenn man Gothic spielen will, dann kann man auch Gothic spielen. Die Regeln sind eigentlich out of the Box gut.

    • Die Box von BFG ist aber OOP und man kommt nicht mehr an die Regeln oder dessen Modelle ran?

      Ich finde GF:Warfleets super und es ist kostenlos sowie Einsteigerfreundlich.
      Schiffsmodelle gibt es auch diverse am Markt, genau so wie weitere Sci-Fi Naval Tabletops.

      • BFG hat gerade in Deutschland/Frankreich und Niederlande eine sehr eifrige Community. Gibt ne große Discord Community und Remasterd Regeln auf Englisch, Quickstarter (auch auf Deutsch) und kostenlose Starterflotten zum selber drucken ebenso. Das System ist sehr lebendig 🙂 nur ohne GW.

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