von BK-Bob | 26.11.2023 | eingestellt unter: Fantasy

North Star: Oathmark Elfenkavallerie

Die Elfenkavallerie für Oathmark kann aktuell bei North Star Military Figures vorbestellt werden.

NSMF Oathmark Elf Cavalry 1 NSMF Oathmark Elf Cavalry 2 NSMF Oathmark Elf Cavalry 3 NSMF Oathmark Elf Cavalry 4 NSMF Oathmark Elf Cavalry 5

Elf Cavalry – 25,00£

Elf Cavalry, designed to be used in the Fantasy Mass Battle game Oathmark: Battles of the Lost Age from Osprey Games.

This box set contains enough parts for you to build 15 Elf Cavalry figures. We provide you with enough weapon options to make them all spearmen, all hand weapon and shield or any combination of the two. Each frame also contains a standard bearer and officer option. So you could have a giant unit of 15 Cavalry with an officer and standard bearer, or three units of 5 Cavalry with mixed weapons and a standard/ officer each!

Box also contains 15 plastic bases, 25mm by 50mm, manufactured by Renedra.

The figures are 28mm sized, supplied unpainted and in kit form. You will need plastic cement to stick them together. The flag and shield designs are not supplied in the box. You can either create your own or buy transfer sheets from North Star.

NSMF Oathmark Elf Mounted Champion

Elf Mounted Champion – 7,00£

Elf Mounted Champion.

Metal miniature and plastic horse model. 28mm sized figures, supplied unassembled and unpainted.

NSMF Oathmark Elf Mounted King

Elf Mounted King – 7,00£

Elf Mounted King.

Metal miniature and plastic horse model. 28mm sized figures, supplied unassembled and unpainted.

NSMF Oathmark Elf Mounted Musician

Elf Mounted Musician – 7,00£

Elf Mounted Musician.

Metal miniature and plastic horse model. 28mm sized figures, supplied unassembled and unpainted.

NSMF Oathmark Elf Mounted Wizard

Elf Mounted Wizard – 7,00£

Elf Mounted Wizard.

Metal miniature and plastic horse model. 28mm sized figures, supplied unassembled and unpainted.

NSMF Oathmark Elf Cavalry Collectors Deal

Elf Cavalry Collectors Deal – 45,00£

Offer Ends 27th November.

Special pre-order deal for Oathmark figure collectors.

Deal includes one box of the new Oathmark plastic Elf Cavalry and one each of the four metal Elf Cavalry characters.

As an extra bonus, we’ll also include a free metal model of Elf Hunt Master.

All figures are 28mm sized and supplied unpainted.

NSMF Oathmark Elf Cavalry Army Deal.

Elf Cavalry Army Deal – 82,00£

Offer Ends 27th November.

Special Elf Cavalry Army deal for the Elf Cavalry Pre-order campaign.

Contains three boxes of the new plastic Elf Cavalry and one each of the four metal mounted Elf characters.

Deal also includes a free metal Elf Hunt Master figure.

Total of 49 mounted figures and one foot figure.

All figures are 28mm sized and supplied unpainted

NSMF Oathmark Elf Army Deal

Elf Army Deal – 73,00£

Offer Ends 27th November.

The best Oathmark Elf Army Deal we’ve ever offered.

Includes one box of Elf Infantry, one box of Elf Light Infantry, one box of Elf Cavalry, three Elf characters (King, Musician and Wizard) and an Elf Hunt Master and Hounds (4).

In total 64 foot figures, 15 mounted figures and 4 hounds.

Figures are all 28mm sized and supplied unpainted. The box sets are of unassembled plastic figures, the rest are metal figures.

NSMF Oathmark Elf Cavalry Flags And Shields.

Elf Cavalry Flags and Shields – 6,00£

Banner & Shield Transfers from Little Big Men Studios. Designed to fit on Oathmark: Battles of the Lost Age plastic Elf Cavalry.

Quelle: North Star Military Figures


Seit 2010 im Hobby. Aktuelle Projekte: Warhammer Fantasy/Old World (Imperium, Bretonen, Tiermenschen, Skaven, Gnome), Blood Bowl (Gnome, Echsenmenschen), Warcry, Summoners (Erde, Tod), Bolt Action (Briten), Herr der Ringe (Harad)

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  • Oh man, wenn man schon keine Ahnung von Präsentation hat, dann kann man sich versuchen diese von GW zu kopieren.
    Die Modelle fallen aufgrund der schlechten Präsentation (Minis in mittelguter Fotoqualität vor einem unruhigen Scheiftzu etc) hinter ihren Möglichkeiten zurück. Voll schade, denn hübsch sind sie

  • Die gefallen mir und befinden sich auf meiner Einkaufsliste. Eventuell kann man sie mit den vorhandenen Bausätzen kombinieren um z.B. berittene Bogenschützen zu bauen.

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