von BK-Sebastian | 03.05.2023 | eingestellt unter: Horror, Napoleonisch

North Star: Neue Silver Bayonet Figuren

Bei North Star Miniatures gibt es nun die bereits angekündigten Figuren zur 5. Welle von The Silver Bayonet The Carpathians: Castle Fier verfügbar.

Die zweite österreichische Einheit für 24£


The figures represent:
A Doctor,
A Heavy cavalryman,
A Light cavalryman,
An Irregular,
A Highwayman,
A Coachman,
A Woodsman,
A Tactician,

Die zweite russische Einheit für 24£


The figures represent:
An Officer,
A Junior Officer,
An Artilleryman,
A Heavy cavalryman,
A Veteran Hunter,
An Irregular,
An Occultist,
A Grenadier.

Die Kultisten für 12,50£



Die Vrykolakas für 10£


A subspecies of vampire, only found in a few places in Europe, the vrykolakas look more like a ghoul with wings instead of arms than a traditional vampire. In this way, they are sometimes mistaken for giant bats or werebats. Although vrykolakas drink blood, they also enjoy feasting on the organs of their victims, especially the livers. A group of corpses missing livers is a sure sign of a vrykolakas. It is not unusual for a small group of vrykolakas to serve under powerful vampires.

Die bloodless Hounds für 10£


These dogs have been bred for strength and ferocity. However, once the dogs reach maturity they are fed a poisonous concoction. This drug kills the dogs, but then reanimates them into a foul unlife. These dogs are extremely tough to put down, especially with firearms. Still, they can at least be temporarily ‘killed’ by doing enough damage. However, unless their bodies are burned or disintegrated in acid, they will eventually reform over a matter of weeks and years and once again go on the prowl.

Die Forest Witch für 3£


Appearing as hideous old women, or hags, forest witches are actually fey creatures that dwell deep in the forest. They often make their home in a small hovel, cave, or even inside large dead trees. Forest witches are protectors of the forest and work their magic to heal sick animals and trees. However, they often take this duty to the extreme, kidnapping children to sow fear in nearby villages, using spells to cause insanity and madness, and commanding the plants and animals of the forest to attack intruders

Marcea Lupul für 4£


Once the most feared warlord of the area, Marcea Lupul died under mysterious circumstances. In fact, there are many that claim he never truly ‘died’, but instead was transformed into a vampire and still rules his shadow kingdom from the ruins of his castle. True or not, the secrets of Marcea Lupul could prove extremely valuable in the war against the harvestmen.

Die Ghouls für 12,50£


Ghouls are human carrion eaters who often emerge from the shadows after a battle to feast. While they are not true undead, they have completely surrendered to their basic instincts and are little better than wild animals.

Die Pixies für 10£


Of all of the small winged-fairies, pixies are the most frequently encountered. They are also the most mischievous, mean-spirited, and potentially dangerous. While they are incapable of doing much direct damage to a creature the size of a human, the distraction they cause, and their ability to stop firearms from working make them very unwelcome guests on a battlefield.

Der Dog Head für 12£


Only found in the Carpathian Mountains and other isolated sections of Romania, dog-heads are solitary, ogre-like creatures with canine-like heads, some of which have four eyes. Most dog-heads live in caves or abandoned structures, gnawing on old bones. Every month or two, a dog-head emerges from its lair to hunt.
Although capable of eating any meat, these monsters prefer humans above all else. Due to their acute sense of smell, it is extremely difficult to sneak up on, or surprise, a dog-head.

Der Dark Wolf für 3£


Much of the evil reputation of wolves comes from a small subset who have been tainted by corrupting magic. These ‘dark wolves’ are much more aggressive than their untainted cousins and will happily attack humans given the opportunity. Dark wolves are often found running with werewolves or in service to other evil powers such as vampires.

Quelle: North Star Figures


Redakteur von Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2001 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Armalion. Aktuelle Systeme: Freebooter's Fate(Alle Fraktionen), Bushido(Ito, Ryu, Ro-Kan),Moonstone, Summoners (Feuer, Luft), Deadzone, ASoIaF(Nachtwache, Targaryen), Dropfleet Commander(UCM, Scourge), Warmaster(Zwerge, Echsen), Eden(ISC, Resistance), KoW: Armada(Basilean, Ork) u.v.m

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  • Langsam sollte ich es wirklich ausprobieren… Setting ist sehr verlockend und die weiterentwickelte Grave-engine soll auch gut funktionieren.

  • Habe mir die Vorbestellung bei dem netten deutschen Partner gleich vorgestellt um auch den Alpenkrampus zu bekommen.

    • Du sprichst mir dermaßen aus der Seele. Es gibt nicht einen historischen oder historisch anmutenden Hersteller, der mir so richtig geile Minis bietet. Klar die Perrys oder Victrix (und einige andere) sind sicher gut. Aber einen Wow-Effekt hatte ich fast nie.

      • Für Napoleonisches Zeug unbedingt mal Pianowargames anschauen, die sind richtig gut und perfekt für SB. Und aus Deutschland😁

      • Danke, kannte ich wirklich noch nicht und es sind paar wirklich gute Figuren dabei 🙂

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