von BK-Bob | 22.06.2023 | eingestellt unter: Patreon

Medbury Miniatures: Juni Patreon

Medbury Miniatures bieten auf ihren Patreon sowohl Fantasy als auch historische Miniaturen an.

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June Historical Release!

Hey guys, here is the preview for the June Historical Patreon and Tribes Release!

The Models Will Be Released a Few days Later this month, For Patreon Users you won’t see any Difference, Tribes users who would typically Receive files on the first won’t see anything till the 3rd, Excuses at the bottom off the post*

The Metals Release For these Figures will be by the 10th off June, 6 6 off the Figures have already been Cast, infact that was almost a month ago, the next 6 Havent been, and nor have the Horses, that will happen after the Tournament this weekend*

So! Whats in this Months Release, this is another Vendel Era release, so previously we had the Foot Figures for sword and Board, axes, 2 handed axes, and Spearman, and some unarmoured Warriors aswell, This month is Mounted Versions off those models. A Tabletop Army from this Period likely Might not Contain any Cav, or if they did, maybe 4? Again it really depends what its for, but these will open the Doors to what you ‘Could’ do with these figures,

So the first 3 kits,  are Armoured Warriors with Spears either Thrusting, Stabbing, throwing, either in front or to the Side, the Kits are in pairs, but are all essentially the Same, the Hands like usual are Open so you can Use Brass Spears or printed Resin ones, which help avoid breakages

The 4th kit is armoured warriors with upright Spears, these could go with the walking horses or galloping, and the 5th kit is unarmoured Spearmen with Upright Spears and are intended for Walking Horses.

The last 2 Models are Riders with Axes.

Next Month will Focus on Characters from the Era, not Necessarily all Combat poses either, After this i will have well enough Covered the Saxon/Scandinavian looking figures and will Reassess and either move into goths/Franks or Bounce to another Period for a Brief time,

If there’s any units for a game you play and your utilising these Models, let me know and ill make sure i do them before i move on

*so as i’ve mentioned Before june 3rd im Running a 50 player Tournament, so 25 Terrain Tables, Catering, Prizes… Aswell My daughter picked the worst last week to get sick, so that’s been taking up alot off our time, we regretfully will be a few days late.

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June Fantasy Release!

The Fantasy Previews for June are Finally here! So i’ll waste no time going over them, These will be on MMF within the next few Hours,

So first up we have More Orc warriors, these are all done in the Same Style but all Slightly Unique, so we have 3 With Swords, 3 With axes, and 3 With handed Weapons, all off these are Single Piece miniatures, i have a whole bunch off Different Stylings Of orcs in the Back catalogue, personally i think they Work best as a Mix and match and Mirrored for Variety

There are 2 kits off Shields Currently, with the Intact Round Shields in 3 Variants, as well as the Older Broken Shields

Next up are 2 wolf riders with Spears, these are Completely New and done in the Style off the Orcs this month, there Hands are Empty for Printed Spears or Brass Spears, and are also separate From the Wolf, however they are intended for the Wolves with Saddles, For this month i only have Spears

Lastly are 4 Models Representing Daniel Milton Horsecheifs Sketches for Orcs/goblins with His consent of course, these represent His goblin Howlers, the 2 Mounted Pieces are lifted Directly from the Artwork and the 2 foot models are adapted from the mounted Figures, Right Now these serve as Great Scouts or trackers, and i’m Keen to do more off these if they prove popular

This month being late is purely because off the event over the Weekend, so July release and onwards is back to the Regular Schedule,

I’m going to be Away for this Upcoming Week, But will be Back from the 12th, if you have any issues with the releases Please Email us, whitney will be reading those as usual, and i can fix any issues,

What would you like to see next month?

Quelle: Medbury Miniatures


Seit 2010 im Hobby. Aktuelle Projekte: Warhammer Fantasy/Old World (Imperium, Bretonen, Tiermenschen, Skaven, Gnome), Blood Bowl (Gnome, Echsenmenschen), Warcry, Summoners (Erde, Tod), Bolt Action (Briten), Herr der Ringe (Harad)

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