von BK-Pascal | 13.12.2023 | eingestellt unter: Fantasy, Historisch, Patreon

Medbury Miniatures: Dezember Patreon

Medbury Miniatures haben im Dezember wieder STL-Pakete für Patreons zusammengestellt.


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The Final preview for 2023 is here! And in full christmas Spirit it is full of elves! These Figures will be Available for download on MMF and metals purchasable on the store by the 5th of December.

So the Main Figures this month are a Regiment of 12 Elven Rangers, they have 3 Clear Command figures, a Standard bearer, musician and Leader, there are additionally 9 Figures in various shooting or preparing to shoot poses. All of these figures are single piece prints, while the metals many of the hands holding arrows are a Separate component, aswell the banner figure has empty hands for a Brass/wire banner shaft, and the Pennant component is also hollow allowing you to slide it onto the wire, also included is a full printable banner,

The last 4 Figures this month are Armoured warriors with hand and a half axes and shields, these figures are in a similar style to the Pikemen from 2 months ago but slightly different, they come as single piece prints, and separate axes for some of the metals, and separate Shields for both mediums, the Shields in my mind are trying to evoke some greek Shields, with the beaten metal look and shape, i think they will be quite effective in a bronze gold colour, they are also smaller than the usual Elf tear drop shields, because there meant to be Slung over the back or arm so they can use there Axes, More Elven warriors in this Style have been made, and will come down the line, Spear sword and such,

So end of the year, atleast 400 Figures sculpted this year, and still somehow i didnt find time to do any eastern models, except for the 3 Kingdoms stuff which hasnt really got shown off yet, but after the Release on the 5th, time to start looking to 2024! Ill have to do a full post on that later on, aswell a kickstarter update post, but just on that quickly, we are somewhere between 60%-70% finished Casting all the figures, and brett has a bunch of time of his other work to do many extra days in december which has always been the plan anyway, so i dont doubt that will be done in january,

Keep an Eye out for a post on the 5th to let you know the downloads and kits are ready!


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Last Historical Releases for 2023 Tribes/Patreon and First month on Dark ages Mainland Europe, Specifically the start of the Carolingian/merovingian Ranges. These Figures both Digital/Metal as per usual Will be Live on the Website/MMF by the 5th of the month if not sooner.

A Quick foreword on my Approach to Carolingians, there is quite well known illustrations based on some contemporary Art that depicts them in Morion esque helmets and Sculpted body Armour akin to Classical/Roman esque Designs, while very popular, its in conflict with other contemporary Art, does not Fit in with contemporary Technology or Match what came before and what came after. So i’ve chosen to completely Separate the Fantastical Illustrations from the more grounded approach i’ve taken. Models Representing These Depictions can come at a later time,

So the First 2 Kits for this month are 2 Carolingian Warrior kits, 1 at rest, 1 Attacking, both with 4 Figures, these Combine to make a unit of 8 Warriors, they Come with 6 New shields depicted in the renders, as well as Generic Dark age Shields, my suggestion is to combine them for Flavour, the Spears are all separate as per usual to use printed or Wire spears.

The 3rd Kit contains 4 Armoured Warriors which would work well in the Hearthguard profile, Here the differences between the Franks and The Scandinavians becomes a bit more pronounced which is more or less forced upon the models by me in a Attempt to make them feel different, with New helmets, new Cuts of chainmail and belt details,

The plan for January is to do the same 3 kits again but mounted, in fact i’ve already done half of those figures because the plan was to do half mounted this month, but im still working on New horses, so next month, 8 Carolingian Horsemen, and 4 With heavy armour,

One of the things about the vendel era Figures, the amount of equipment each figure had was quite romanticised because it was very much inspired from the Poems which depict everyone in Mail with long spears and gilded helmets, so thats what the figures were, within the bounds of the Archeological Finds and Designs, so starting Franks both carolingian and Merovingians, is ill Take it down a Notch back to a level of realism.

Fantasy Preview is coming tomorrow! With Elven Rangers and warriors

Quelle: Medbury Miniatures auf Patreon


Brückenkopf-Redakteur und Miniature-Painting-Streamer. Wiedereinstieg ins Hobby 2015 nach sehr langer Pause. Spielt Warhammer 40k, SAGA, Star Wars Legion, Summoners uvm.

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