von BK-Pascal | 11.06.2023 | eingestellt unter: Fantasy, Patreon

Lord of the Print: Juni Patreon

Im Juni haben Lord of the Print wieder ein STL-Paket für Patreons zusammengestellt.

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Hi everyone!

Let me introduce you to all the models for next month’s release: Reptile’s Bulwark! 🦎

Some of you have recently asked us if it was possible to see the models before the beginning of the month of their release.
Until now, this hasn’t been possible, as we’ve been finishing all renders just in time for the start of each month. But since we have a more stable schedule now, we’ve decided to show you the models before they’re released at the begining of the following month. 😃

Also, don’t worry, on the day of the release I’ll make a post to let you know that the model set is available! 😉

Anyway, here’s the list for “Reptile’s Bulwark” (55 models including variations):

• Torvodon King – Mount, Saddle, & Wild versions (4 inches)

• Torvodon Wild Assault (4 inches)

• Torvodon Wild Look (4 inches)

• Lizardmen Soldiers (1 inch)

  • Lizardman soldier Chief
  • Lizardman soldier Attack
  • Lizardman soldier Charge
  • Lizardman soldier Crouch
  • Lizardman soldier Iddle
  • Lizardman soldier Look
  • Lizardman soldier Run
  • Lizardman soldier Stand
  • Lizardman soldier Walk
  • Lizardman soldier Warcry
  • Lizardman soldier Tamer (2 inches)

• Lizardman Ironbones (3 inches)

• Lizardman Steelscale (3 inches)

• Crested varan (2 inches)

  • Crested varan Sleep
  • Crested varan Crawl
  • Crested varan Jump
  • Crested varan Walk

• Lizardmen Mount – Mount, Saddle, & Wild versions (3 inches)

  • Lizardmen Mount Standing A
  • Lizardmen Mount Standing B
  • Lizardmen Mount Climbing A
  • Lizardmen Mount Climbing B
  • Lizardmen Mount Rear up A
  • Lizardmen Mount Rear up B
  • Lizardmen Mount Running A
  • Lizardmen Mount Running B
  • Lizardmen Mount Searching A
  • Lizardmen Mount Searching B
  • Lizardmen Mount Look (only Wild and Saddle)

• Legendary Chromatic Green Dragon (4 inches)

I hope you like the models from „Reptile’s Bulwark“! 😊

See you very soon for the release of the models!

Quelle: Lord of the Print auf Patreon


Brückenkopf-Redakteur und Miniature-Painting-Streamer. Wiedereinstieg ins Hobby 2015 nach sehr langer Pause. Spielt Warhammer 40k, SAGA, Star Wars Legion, Summoners uvm.

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