von BK-Bob | 17.07.2023 | eingestellt unter: Fantasy, Patreon

Lord of the Print: Darkness Corrupts

Für den Juli gibt es Chaos beim Patreon von Lord of the Print.

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July release – Darkness Corrupts full reveal

Hello everyone!

Finally, here’s the reveal of all the models for our July release! 😊

Darkness Corrupts will be available on July 3, 2023!

Just like this month, I’ll be doing a post on release day with download links for Darkness Corrupts and the MyMiniFactory discount code. 🙂

As always, here’s the list for “Darkness Corrupts” (36 models including variations):

• Hydra (4 inches)

• Hydra Wingless (4 inches)

• Dark Knight (1 inch)

Dark Knight Axe Pack

  • Dark Knight Axe Attack
  • Dark Knight Axe Chief
  • Dark Knight Axe Run
  • Dark Knight Axe Stand
  • Dark Knight Axe Walk

Dark Knight Mace Pack

  • Dark Knight Mace Attack
  • Dark Knight Mace Chief
  • Dark Knight Mace Run
  • Dark Knight Mace Stand
  • Dark Knight Mace Walk

Dark Knight Scythe Pack

  • Dark Knight Scythe Attack
  • Dark Knight Scythe Chief
  • Dark Knight Scythe Run
  • Dark Knight Scythe Stand
  • Dark Knight Scythe Walk

• Death Horse – Mount & Saddle versions (2 inches)

  • Death Horse Stance A
  • Death Horse Stance B
  • Death Horse Running A
  • Death Horse Running B
  • Death Horse Walk A
  • Death Horse Walk B
  • Death Horse Standing A
  • Death Horse Standing B
  • Death Horse Rearing up A
  • Death Horse Rearing up B

• Infernal Tamer (4 inches)

• Hellhound (2 inches)

  • Hellhound Alpha Roaring
  • Hellhound Crawling
  • Hellhound Run
  • Hellhound Rush
  • Hellhound Smelling
  • Hellhound Tracking

• Hellhound Alpha Carcass (3 inches)

• Hellhound Squad (3 inches)

I hope you’ll like this new set of minis! 😄
See you very soon for the release!

Quelle: Lord of the Print bei Patreon


Seit 2010 im Hobby. Aktuelle Projekte: Warhammer Fantasy/Old World (Imperium, Bretonen, Tiermenschen, Skaven, Gnome), Blood Bowl (Gnome, Echsenmenschen), Warcry, Summoners (Erde, Tod), Bolt Action (Briten), Herr der Ringe (Harad)

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