von BK-Pascal | 04.04.2023 | eingestellt unter: Fantasy, Patreon

Lord of the Print: April Patreon

Im April haben Lord of the Print wieder ein STL-Paket für Patreons zusammengestellt.

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April release – Crusade Rising

Hello everyone!

The battle between the templars and the dragon is about to begin!
Crusade Rising is now available! ⚔️

Please note, on the presentation image of the release the King is quite huge, but this is only an aesthetic choice for the image.

Here’s the list for “Crusade Rising” (44 models including variations):

Templar King Christian (1 inch) x1

Templar Knight (1 inch) x18

Templar Knight Sword Squadron

Templar Sword Attack

Templar Sword Chief

Templar Sword Run

Templar Sword Walk

Templar Knight Hammer Squadron

Templar Hammer Attack

Templar Hammer Chief

Templar Hammer Run

Templar Hammer Walk

Templar Knight Scepter Squadron

Templar Scepter Attack

Templar Scepter Chief

Templar Scepter Stand

Templar Scepter Walk

Templar Knight Flail Squadron

Templar Flail Stand

Templar Flail Chief

Templar Flail Run

Templar Flail Walk

Templar Knight Support

Templar Drummer

Templar Banner

Templar Priest (1 inch) x1

Templar Priest on his bear (2 inches) x1

Templar King on his bear (2 inches) x1

Templar Bear – Mount, Saddle, & Wild versions (2 inches)

Templar Bear Scepter Point

Templar Bear Scepter Watch

Templar Bear Banner Point

Templar Bear Hammer Watch

Templar Bear Hammer Stand

Templar Bear Sword Stand

Templar Bear Sword Charge

The legendary chromatic red dragon (4 inches) x2

with castle base
with rock base

Quelle: Lord of the Print auf Patreon



Brückenkopf-Redakteur und Miniature-Painting-Streamer. Wiedereinstieg ins Hobby 2015 nach sehr langer Pause. Spielt Warhammer 40k, SAGA, Star Wars Legion, Summoners uvm.

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