Last Sword Miniatures: Pilgrims of the Grail
Bei Last Sword Miniatures gibt es diesen Monat eine Pilgerreise.
Pilgrims of the Grail
Happy New Year to all.
First of all, thank you for continuing to support us in this adventure, which would not be possible without you. We have grown a lot along the way. And we hope that this is only the beginning of the journey and that we can continue in your company for much longer.
This month is the beginning of a new range, which we hope you will be as excited about as we are. On a sculptural level it is by far the most ambitious month since we started
In a few days you will have the usual votes to see which paths we continue to venture.
You will have to choose if you want us to continue with the development of the Kingdom of Nevarra or you prefer us to advance along another route, for example, the Deserts of Ashes or the Fallen County and its vampiric masters.
In any case today is a day of celebration. I hope you enjoy the content, which as always will be added to your accounts around the 15th.
Any problem with miniatures that have not been assigned due to last minute additions, please let me know privately so I can assign them manually.
A big hug to all of you and thank you very much for being here!
Wow, gefallen mir sehr gut…könnte ich glatt schwach werden.
Richtig schicke Bretonen zum Drucken.
Mir gefällt vor allem die Morgana Le Fay im klassischen alten Mittelalter-Stil. Die war meiner Meinung nach immer schon besser als die spätere Feenzauberin von GW. Aber auch die Gralspilger und die alternative Repanse machen was her.
Schöne Hommage an die bretonischen Battle Pilgrims von GW. Dürften gut bemalt ziemlich fantastisch aussehen. Sehr nice! 🙂
Denke mal das hier war die Inspiration: