von BK-Thorsten | 04.01.2023 | eingestellt unter: Terrain / Gelände

Kromlech: Fantasy Bowl Stadium

Kromlech starten mit einem modularen Fantasy Bowl Stadion ins neue Jahr.

Fantasy Bowl Stadium (1) Fantasy Bowl Stadium (2) Fantasy Bowl Stadium (3) Fantasy Bowl Stadium (4) Fantasy Bowl Stadium (5) Fantasy Bowl Stadium (6) Fantasy Bowl Stadium


This set contains parts needed to assemble one complete Fantasy Bowl Stadium – a titanic construction that will make you feel like your every game in Fantasy Bowl is played during the Championships! The set encompasses two Fantasy Bowl Stadium Tribunes, four Fantasy Bowl Stadium Dice Towers, two Fantasy Bowl Stadium Short Tribunes, two Fantasy Bowl Stadium Dugouts, one Fantasy Bowl Stadium Score Tower, and four Fantasy Bowl Stadium Light Towers. Additionally, you get four Fantasy Bowl Stadium Corners, one Fantasy Bowl Stadium Staircase, and one Fantasy Bowl Stadium Slot Cover.

The dream of every Fantasy Bowl player is to take part in a Grand Championship at the greatest playing field – the Fantasy Bowl Stadium itself. Not everyone had the privilege to see this majestic, huge construction. The lucky ones that were able to qualify or get a ticket to previous annual Championships, tell stories about comfortable spectators‘ seats, innovative usage (as well as a true festival) of space, architectonic mastery, dugouts of enormous capacity, towers taller than the tallest giants, and even free hot dogs prepared by the best dwarven chefs!

This product is supplied unpainted and requires assembly. Instructions are available as a digital PDF in the Attachments tab. Miniatures seen in the pictures are not part of this set and are available separately.

Approximate dimensions: Height: 14.2″ / 36 cm Width: 39.4″ / 100 cm Length: 55.1″ / 140 cm

Fantasy Bowl Stadium Score Tower (1) Fantasy Bowl Stadium Score Tower (2) Fantasy Bowl Stadium Score Tower (3) Fantasy Bowl Stadium Score Tower


This set contains parts needed to assemble Fantasy Bowl Stadium Score Tower.

Even though the Score Tower on Fantasy Bowl Stadium isn’t broken, sometimes it still shows the wrong score. It’s unofficial information, but it mostly happens when the destructive daemon supporters arrive at a match of their favorite team.

This product is supplied unpainted and requires assembly. Instructions are available as a digital PDF in the Attachments tab. Miniatures seen in the pictures are not part of this set and are available separately.

Approximate dimensions: Height: 10.4″ / 26.5 cm Width: 3.7″ / 9.5 cm Length: 6.5″ / 16.5 cm

Fantasy Bowl Stadium Light Towers (1) Fantasy Bowl Stadium Light Towers (2) Fantasy Bowl Stadium Light Towers (3) Fantasy Bowl Stadium Light Towers


This set contains parts needed to assemble four Fantasy Bowl Stadium Light Towers.

There were several cases of someone sabotaging the Light Towers at Fantasy Bowl Stadium. Even though every single time the vandals weren’t captured or even identified, the one trope remains. All of these sabotages happened during the matches of a perfectly-seeing-in-the-dark team of rat-like creatures.

This product is supplied unpainted and requires assembly. Instructions are available as a digital PDF in the Attachments tab. Miniatures seen in the pictures are not part of this set and are available separately.

Approximate dimensions: Height: 12″ / 30.5 cm Width: 4.1″ / 10.5 cm Length: 5.1″ / 13 cm

Fantasy Bowl Stadium Tribune (1) Fantasy Bowl Stadium Tribune (2) Fantasy Bowl Stadium Tribune (3) Fantasy Bowl Stadium Tribune (4) Fantasy Bowl Stadium Tribune


This set contains parts needed to assemble Fantasy Bowl Stadium Tribune. Includes one Fantasy Bowl Stadium Dugout and two Fantasy Bowl Stadium Slot Covers.

„Move away, I can’t see anything“ – these are the words that you won’t hear, sitting on the tribune of Fantasy Bowl Stadium. There is enough space for everyone – even for the whole group of Ogre-supporters.

This product is supplied unpainted and requires assembly. Instructions are available as a digital PDF in the Attachments tab. Miniatures seen in the pictures are not part of this set and are available separately.

Approximate dimensions: Height: 4.7″ / 12 cm Width: 7.3″ / 18.5 cm Length: 35.9″ / 91 cm

Fantasy Bowl Stadium Dice Tower (1) Fantasy Bowl Stadium Dice Tower (2) Fantasy Bowl Stadium Dice Tower (3) Fantasy Bowl Stadium Dice Tower (4) Fantasy Bowl Stadium Dice Tower (5) Fantasy Bowl Stadium Dice Tower


This set contains parts needed to assemble Fantasy Bowl Stadium Dice Tower.

Anyone who ever sat close to one of the Fantasy Bowl Stadium’s towers heard a specific rumbling. If you are one of such persons, don’t worry – these aren’t the symptoms of incoming collapse. These are just the effects of powerful and hazardous spells cast by the mysterious gods of Fantasy Bowl, which struggle with fate.

This product is supplied unpainted and requires assembly. Instructions are available as a digital PDF in the Attachments tab. Miniatures seen in the pictures are not part of this set and are available separately.

Approximate dimensions: Height: 14.2″ / 36 cm Width: 3.7″ / 9.5 cm Length: 6.5″ / 16.5 cm

Fantasy Bowl Stadium Short Tribune (1) Fantasy Bowl Stadium Short Tribune (2) Fantasy Bowl Stadium Short Tribune (3) Fantasy Bowl Stadium Short Tribune (4) Fantasy Bowl Stadium Short Tribune


This set contains parts needed to assemble Fantasy Bowl Stadium Short Tribune. Includes one Fantasy Bowl Stadium Slot Cover.

On lesser stadiums, it’s a common sight, that spectators (literally) fight one another for a good seat. That’s why the Fantasy Bowl Stadium has a reputation as one of the safest places in the entire known world – here never happened that someone needed to fight his way to a preferable seat. There are just too many tribunes!

This product is supplied unpainted and requires assembly. Instructions are available as a digital PDF in the Attachments tab. Miniatures seen in the pictures are not part of this set and are available separately.

Approximate dimensions: Height: 5.5″ / 14 cm Width: 6.7″ / 17 cm Length: 20.9″ / 53 cm

Fantasy Bowl Stadium Dugout (1) Fantasy Bowl Stadium Dugout (2) Fantasy Bowl Stadium Dugout (3) Fantasy Bowl Stadium Dugout (4) Fantasy Bowl Stadium Dugout (5) Fantasy Bowl Stadium Dugout


This set contains parts needed to assemble Fantasy Bowl Stadium Dugout.

Since one of the Elven trainers‘ complained about not having enough space for his whole (and numerous) team of assistants, make-up artists, etc., the management of Fantasy Bowl Stadium gave the order to rebuild the whole dugout section. Now there’s a strong worry that one day some dragon will make his lair in one of them.

This product is supplied unpainted and requires assembly. Instructions are available as a digital PDF in the Attachments tab. Miniatures seen in the pictures are not part of this set and are available separately.

Approximate dimensions: Height: 4.7″ / 12 cm Width: 6.7″ / 18.5 cm Length: 15.1″ / 38.5 cm

Quelle: Kromlech


Brückenkopf-Online Redakteur und Tabletop Insider stv. Chefredakteur. Spielt Infinity, SAGA, Freebooter's Fate, Kings of War, Warhammer 40k, Warzone Resurrection, Dropzone Commander, Deadzone, Dreadball, X-Wing, Konflikt '47, Bolt Action, Dead Man's Hand, Dracula's America, Beyond the Gates of Antares, Dropfleet Commander, Frostgrave, Collision, Bushido, Shadespire, Aristeia! und Warpath.

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  • Auch wenn es eine ganz andere Art von Stadion ist, mein erster Gedanke war: kaum ist Ziterdes weg und das Stadion nicht mehr verfügbar, schon springt Kromlech in die Lücke!
    Bin jedenfalls froh das ich letzte Woche noch bei Ziterdes bestellt habe.
    Bei „Mittelalter Gebäuden“ finde ich lasercut nicht so toll

  • Der Preis ist zwar happig, aber dafür bekommt man auch ein komplettes Station, dass zumindest auch vorbedruckt ist. Und für so eine Konstruktion ist Holz auch noch annehmbar.

    Was ich aber mal eben überschlagen habe: Käme einen der Kauf der einzelnen Komponenten nicht sogar günstiger? Allerdings sind die Eckelemente nicht separat im Angebot, daher ist die Rechnung nicht ganz vollständig. Auf jeden Fall aber gibt es bei dem Komplettset keinen wirklichen Discount.

  • In den Momenten bin ich wieder froh einen 3D Drucker zu haben. Zwar dauerte der Druck alles in allem knapp 3Monate, dafür hat man am Schluss zu einem Bruchteil des Preises auch ein ansehnliches Stadium.

  • So ein Stadion sieht schon beeindruckend aus, aber gibt es eigentlich auch Zuschauer in 28mm oder muss man dann vor leeren Rängen spielen?

    • Es gibt, zumindest zum 3-D drucken, mittlerweile eine ganze Reiehe von Zuschauern und Fans von verschiedenen Anbietern. Teilweise echt witzig gemacht.

      Optisch ist so ein Stadion auch echt cool, gerade wenn es mit Zuschauern gefüllt ist. Aber zum eigentlichen Spielen finde ich es dann doch ziemlich unpraktisch, weil die Zuschauerränge immer im Weg sind. Selbst wenn man sie nur auf einer Seite des Spielfeldes aufbaut.

  • Ja, der praktische Nutzen des Stadions hält sich in überschaubaren Grenzen … und dafür 500 €?
    Ich weiß nicht …

  • ok, ich finde die Idee ja sehr charmant und sieht auch cool aus, aber praktische Frage:

    Ist so ein geschlossener, relativ hoher Ring um das Spielfeld, der offenbar pro Seite auch nochmal 20-25 cm tiefe zu haben scheint, und da Türme/Gebäude mit min 36 zwischen stehen nicht irgendwie im Weg beim spielen?

    Spiele selbst keine Sport /Stadion Sachen aber denke ich an andere vergleichbar große Boards, z.b. für Kill Team, ist auch bei viel Gelände das selten so dicht drumherum gestellt.

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