von BK-Pascal | 15.06.2023 | eingestellt unter: Science-Fiction

Kromlech: Caste Enclaves Neuheiten

Kromlech haben neue Modelle für ihre Caste Enclaves in ihren Shop aufgenommen.

Tideline Fighter

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This set contains one Caste Enclaves Tideline Fighter. It’s armed with various weapons, including front Gatling, missiles underneath the wings, and a Repeating Particle Gun underneath the back.

Tideline Fighter is striking-from-above Caste Enclaves aircraft. It’s armed with various weapons, including front Gatling, missiles underneath the wings, and a Repeating Particle Gun underneath the back.

The product design fits 28 mm scale wargames. This set is supplied unpainted and requires assembly. Cast from the highest quality resin. Our products are intended for experienced modelers and may require trimming, bending, and fitting. We recommend washing all resin parts before assembly (tap water with mild detergent) and using Kromlech Superglue or other cyanoacrylate adhesives. For more details, check the guide to handling resin in the Attachments tab.

This kit comes with a 120×92 mm oval base with an acrylic flying stand.

Preis: 54,99 EUR

Caste Enclaves Swordtail

Kromlechcaste Enclafligh14 Kromlechcaste Enclafligh15 Kromlechcaste Enclafligh16 Kromlechcaste Enclafligh17 Kromlechcaste Enclafligh18 Kromlechcaste Enclafligh19 Kromlechcaste Enclafligh20 Kromlechcaste Enclafligh21 Kromlechcaste Enclafligh22 Kromlechcaste Enclafligh24

This set contains one Caste Enclaves Swordtail – a drone gunship armed with one of two available swiveling cannons, either Great Plasma Annihilator or Particle Destroyer.

Swordtail – an imposing centerpiece of the Caste Enclaves army – can wreak havoc on any battlefield thanks to one of its swiveling turret-mounted cannons (either Great Plasma Annihilator or Particle Destroyer). It can feature either Gatlings or Missile Launchers at the front for even more firepower.

The product design fits 28 mm scale wargames. This set is supplied unpainted and requires assembly. Cast from the highest quality resin. Our products are intended for experienced modelers and may require trimming, bending, and fitting. We recommend washing all resin parts before assembly (tap water with mild detergent) and using Kromlech Superglue or other cyanoacrylate adhesives. For more details, check the guide to handling resin in the Attachments tab. Instructions are available as a digital PDF in the Attachments tab.

This kit comes with a 60 mm round base with an acrylic flying stand.

Preis: 39,99 EUR

Caste Enclaves Warmantis

Kromlechcaste Enclafligh25 Kromlechcaste Enclafligh26 Kromlechcaste Enclafligh27 Kromlechcaste Enclafligh28 Kromlechcaste Enclafligh29 Kromlechcaste Enclafligh30 Kromlechcaste Enclafligh31 Kromlechcaste Enclafligh32

This set contains one Caste Enclaves Warmantis – a drone gunship with a swiveling station carrying six target-link missiles.

Warmantis is a modified version of Caste Enclaves Swordtail. Instead of a giant cannon, Warmantis is armed with a collection of six target-link missiles. It can feature either Gatlings or Missile Launchers at the front for even more firepower.

The product design fits 28 mm scale wargames. This set is supplied unpainted and requires assembly. Cast from the highest quality resin. Our products are intended for experienced modelers and may require trimming, bending, and fitting. We recommend washing all resin parts before assembly (tap water with mild detergent) and using Kromlech Superglue or other cyanoacrylate adhesives. For more details, check the guide to handling resin in the Attachments tab. Instructions are available as a digital PDF in the Attachments tab.

This kit comes with a 60 mm round base with an acrylic flying stand.

Preis: 39,99 EUR

Blackfish Drones

Kromlechcaste Enclafligh34 Kromlechcaste Enclafligh35 Kromlechcaste Enclafligh36 Kromlechcaste Enclafligh37 Kromlechcaste Enclafligh38 Kromlechcaste Enclafligh39 Kromlechcaste Enclafligh40 Kromlechcaste Enclafligh41

This set contains three Caste Enclaves Blackfish Drones – one can swap its Covert Gatling for Magma Gun. There’s an option to equip the Drones with Upgrade Systems.

Caste Enclaves Blackfish Drones are equipped with highly-advanced camouflage projectors, which allow them to operate alone in the field. Besides Drones themselves, this set also includes three Covert Gatlings (enough for all Drones), one Magma Gun (for one Drone to swap its weapon for it), and four Upgrade Systems (available for every Drone), allowing you to equip all Drones as desired.

The product design fits 28 mm scale wargames. This set is supplied unpainted and requires assembly. Cast from the highest quality resin. Our products are intended for experienced modelers and may require trimming, bending, and fitting. We recommend washing all resin parts before assembly (tap water with mild detergent) and using Kromlech Superglue or other cyanoacrylate adhesives. For more details, check the guide to handling resin in the Attachments tab.

This kit comes with 3x 32 mm round bases with acrylic flying stands.

Preis: 19,99 EUR

Blackfish Drones Squad

Kromlechcaste Enclafligh42 Kromlechcaste Enclafligh43 Kromlechcaste Enclafligh44 Kromlechcaste Enclafligh45 Kromlechcaste Enclafligh46 Kromlechcaste Enclafligh47 Kromlechcaste Enclafligh48 Kromlechcaste Enclafligh49

This set contains one Caste Enclaves Blackfish Drones Squad consisting of six models – two can swap their Covert Gatlings for Magma Guns. There’s an option to equip the Drones with Upgrade Systems.

Squads of Caste Enclaves Blackfish Drones are the force able to make significant shifts on any battlefield. They’re equipped with highly-advanced camouflage projectors, which allow them to operate alone in the field. Besides Drones themselves, this set also includes six Covert Gatlings (enough for all Drones), two Magma Guns (for two Drones to swap their weapons), and eight Upgrade Systems (available for every Drone), allowing you to equip all Drones as desired.

The product design fits 28 mm scale wargames. This set is supplied unpainted and requires assembly. Cast from the highest quality resin. Our products are intended for experienced modelers and may require trimming, bending, and fitting. We recommend washing all resin parts before assembly (tap water with mild detergent) and using Kromlech Superglue or other cyanoacrylate adhesives. For more details, check the guide to handling resin in the Attachments tab.

This kit comes with 6x 32 mm round bases with acrylic flying stands.

Preis: 29,99 EUR

Small Transparent Energy Shields

Kromlechcaste Enclafligh50 Kromlechcaste Enclafligh51

This set contains six Small Energy Shields – two of each unique pattern. Made from transparent, high-quality resin.

Highly-advanced armies in a grim dark future reality often use powerful shielding technology to protect their troops or even vehicles.

The product design fits 28 mm scale wargames. This set is supplied unpainted. Cast from the highest quality resin. Our products are intended for experienced modelers and may require trimming, bending, and fitting. We recommend washing all resin parts before assembly (tap water with mild detergent) and using Kromlech Superglue or other cyanoacrylate adhesives. For more details, check the guide to handling resin in the Attachments tab.

Preis: 6,99 EUR

Medium Transparent Energy Shields

Kromlechcaste Enclafligh52 Kromlechcaste Enclafligh53

This set contains four Medium Energy Shields – two of each unique pattern. Made from transparent, high-quality resin.

Improvements in shielding technology allow some factions from grim dark future reality to guarantee even more protection for troops or vehicles. Medium Energy Shields should be a good choice for both.

The product design fits 28 mm scale wargames. This set is supplied unpainted. Cast from the highest quality resin. Our products are intended for experienced modelers and may require trimming, bending, and fitting. We recommend washing all resin parts before assembly (tap water with mild detergent) and using Kromlech Superglue or other cyanoacrylate adhesives. For more details, check the guide to handling resin in the Attachments tab.

Preis: 9,99 EUR

Large Transparent Energy Shields

Kromlechcaste Enclafligh54 Kromlechcaste Enclafligh55

This set contains two Large Energy Shields – each with a unique pattern. Made from transparent, high-quality resin.

The highest level of protection requires the largest, most durable Energy Shields possible. Numerous resources are needed to produce such force. That’s why even the highly-advanced factions of grim dark future reality use this technology only for the most precious of their creations.

The product design fits 28 mm scale wargames. This set is supplied unpainted. Cast from the highest quality resin. Our products are intended for experienced modelers and may require trimming, bending, and fitting. We recommend washing all resin parts before assembly (tap water with mild detergent) and using Kromlech Superglue or other cyanoacrylate adhesives. For more details, check the guide to handling resin in the Attachments tab.

Preis: 12,99 EUR

Quelle: Kromlech


Brückenkopf-Redakteur und Miniature-Painting-Streamer. Wiedereinstieg ins Hobby 2015 nach sehr langer Pause. Spielt Warhammer 40k, SAGA, Star Wars Legion, Summoners uvm.

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  • Gefällt mir alles ziemlich gut, viel besser als die erste Welle. Den Raketenpanzer könnte ich mir auch in einer generischeren Sci-Fi Armee vorstellen, z.B. für Antares.

  • Sehr interessante Alternativen für die Tau, die auch mal weiter weggehen von GWs Design. Gefällt mir.

  • Schilde sind immer nice, ob man Sie in ein Diorama einbaut oder zur Basegestaltung verwendet.
    Die großen Flieger sind schon sehr nice auch wenn ich Sie eher als Gun/-Dropship in einem 15mm System verwenden würde.

    Allerdings ist der Preis auch nicht von schlechten Eltern, aber das ist sicherlich dem Material geschuldet

  • Finde ich nicht schlecht, aber das Original Design von GW gefällt mir dann doch besser.
    Aber für jemanden der eine komplette Drohnen Armee aufstellen möchte bestimmt sehr interessant.
    Genial finde ich die Bemalung der Blackfish Drones, mit diesem halben Tarn Effekt 🙂

  • Wie auch schon bei der ersten Welle und den sehr mediocren Inperialen stimmt hier das Preis Leistungs Verhältnis einfach nicht. Nur weil man ein GW me2 Produkt anbietet muss man keine GW Preise aufrufen.

    Die Designs sind okay aber nicht TAUgen nicht für den gewünschten Einsatz bereich dafür sind sie zu generisch SciFi.
    Nichts creatives nur versatzstücke aus verschidenen SciFi Stilen. Da gibt es wirklich genug bessere Alternativen.

    Wem es gefällt dem sei es gegönnt.

    Meins ist es nicht und es reiht sich nahtlos in eine reihe von Kromlech Veröffentlichungen ein die nach kreativen Stillstand schreien.
    Das ging mit den Eldar los und ist seit dem nicht besser geworden.

    Das ist schon schade aber scheint für kromlech zu funktionieren

    • Ich möchte das vorgestellte Produkt hier nicht verteidigen (warum auch) aber so ganz nachvollziehen kann ich deinen Kommentar auch nicht:
      – Du sagst es sei zu generisch, weiter oben schreibt jemand das es ihm gefällt weil es nicht genau dem GW Design entspricht, wie du siehst ist es also ne Geschmacksfrage.
      – es gibt genug bessere Alternativen? Ja wirklich? Welche denn? Auf dem 3D-Druck Markt vielleicht, aber viele bessere Alternativen für fertige Resin Bausätze fallen mir nicht ein.
      – GW Preise sehe ich hier auch nicht? Günstig ist das hier bestimmt nicht, aber 55€ für einen Resin Bausatz dieser Größe empfinde ich nicht als frech. Und 30€ für 6 Flugdrohnen ist in meinen Augen auch nicht unverschämt.

Die Kommentarfunktion ist geschlossen.