von BK-Christian | 14.09.2023 | eingestellt unter: Kings of War

Kings of War: Zwielichtsippe Preorder

Die finsteren Elfen des KoW-Universums sind da.

MG Mantic Twilight Kin One Click Ultimate Bundle 1 MG Mantic Twilight Kin One Click Ultimate Bundle 2 MG Mantic Twilight Kin One Click Ultimate Bundle 4 MG Mantic Twilight Kin One Click Ultimate Bundle 3 MG Mantic Twilight Kin One Click Ultimate Bundle 10 MG Mantic Twilight Kin One Click Ultimate Bundle 5 MG Mantic Twilight Kin One Click Ultimate Bundle 6 MG Mantic Twilight Kin One Click Ultimate Bundle 7 MG Mantic Twilight Kin One Click Ultimate Bundle 8 MG Mantic Twilight Kin One Click Ultimate Bundle 9

Twilight Kin One-Click Ultimate Bundle – 300,00

The Twilight Kin are reborn with a stunning new miniature range in the hottest Kings of War release of 2023.

Want everything new without any messing about? Then this is your bundle – including the Lord of Nightmares, Mikayel himself, for FREE.


Please note this is a pre-order, dispatching on Wednesday the 18th October 2023.


  • 16x Hard Plastic Corsair Voidwalkers/Fleetwardens
  • 20x Hard Plastic Voidtouched Mutants/Weavers
  • 6x Hard Plastic Impalers
  • 3x Hard Plastic Void Skiffs & Crew
  • 8x Hard Plastic Corsair Voidwalkers/Fleetwardens/Wranglers
  • 5x Hard Plastic Reapers
  • 1x Resin Mikayel, Lord of Nightmares
  • 1x Resin Navigator
  • 1x Resin Void Captain
  • 1x Resin Summoner Crone on Mare
  • 1x PVC Soulbane
  • 1x PVC Butcher Fleshripper
  • 1x PVC Dragon Body and Wings
  • 1x Resin Gordrake Head Upgrade
  • 1x Resin Gordrake Base
  • 1x MDF 150x100mm Base
  • 6x MDF125x50mm Bases
  • 2x MDF 100x40mm Bases
  • 1x MDF 75mm Square Base
  • 2x MDF 50mm Square Base
  • 1x MDF 50x25mm Base
  • 1x MDF 40mm Square Base
  • 2x Hard Plastic 25mm Square Bases
  • 1x Twilight Kin Guide
  • 1x Twilight Kin Rules Booklet

MG Mantic Twilight Kin Mega Army 1

Twilight Kin Mega Army – 150,00

The scruples of elven character have been conditioned out of each and every member of the Twilight Kin. To become one of their dark cult, an elf must become hardened to torture and savagery. Initiates are tested continually to ensure their hearts have no sympathy for their victims – that no moral doubts will cause them to stray from their devotion to the Great Return.

Please note this is a pre-order, dispatching on Wednesday the 18th October 2023.


  • 16x Hard Plastic Corsair Voidwalkers/Fleetwardens
  • 9x Hard Plastic Impalers
  • 20x Hard Plastic Voidtouched Mutants/Weavers
  • 3x Hard Plastic Void Skiffs with Corsair Crew
  • 1x Resin Summoner Crone on Mare
  • 2x MDF 100x40mm Bases
  • 3x MDF 150x50mm Bases
  • 2x MDF 125x50mm Base
  • 1x MDF 50x25mm Base
  • 1x MDF 100x150mm Base
  • 1x Twilight Kin Guide
  • 1x Twilight Kin Rules Booklet

MG Mantic Twilight Kin Army

Twilight Kin Army – 95,00

Dwelling in their underworld caverns for so long has brought physical changes upon the Twilight Kin. They are paler than other elves, their skin taking on a sickly, almost pasty cast. The beauty of their countenances is clouded by a cruelty that has become almost innate to them. The Voidwalkers and those who commune with entities from the Void, have peculiar eyes that convey a terrible intensity that is unnerving to look upon.

Please note this is a pre-order, dispatching on Wednesday the 18th October 2023.


  • 16x Hard Plastic Corsair Voidwalkers/Fleetwardens
  • 6x Hard Plastic Impalers
  • 10x Hard Plastic Voidtouched Mutants/Weavers
  • 1x Resin Void Captain
  • 2x MDF 100x40mm Bases
  • 2x MDF 150x50mm Bases
  • 1x MDF 125x50mm Base
  • 1x Hard Plastic 25mm Square Base
  • 1x Twilight Kin Guide
  • 1x Twilight Kin Rules Booklet

MG Mantic Twilight Kin Ambush Starter Set

Twilight Kin Ambush Starter Set – 40,00

The Twilight Kin have developed a culture and mindset that has diverged drastically from the other elven kindreds. Though they share a common history, the Twilight Kin have deliberately cast aside the morality and compassion that endowed Elvenholme with much of its grandeur at the height of the kingdom’s power. In their ruthless drive to restore the glories of the past, the Twilight Kin have shed the very essence of that past.

Please note this is a pre-order, dispatching on Wednesday the 18th October 2023.


  • 16 x Hard Plastic Corsair Voidwalkers/Fleetwardens
  • 3 x Hard Plastic Impalers
  • 2 x MDF 100x40mm Bases
  • 1 x MDF 150x50mm Base
  • 1 x Kings of War Ambush Rulebook
  • 1 x Twilight Kin Ambush Guide

MG Mantic Twilight Kin One Click Ultimate Bundle 2

Mikayel, Lord of Nightmares – 45,00

A Soulbane of nigh-unprecedented cruelty and ambition, Mikayel is known and feared across the vast reaches of Mantica and beyond. His title, Lord of Nightmares, is well-earned indeed, for none can sleep soundly when Mikayel is abroad. He can strike anywhere he pleases in the lands of mortals and is engaged on a deadly mission to gain ascendancy over the other Dark Lords of the Twilight Kin’s subterranean realm.

Please note this is a pre-order, dispatching on Wednesday the 18th October 2023.


  • 1x Resin Mikayel, Lord of Nightmares
  • 1x MDF 50mm Square Base

MG Mantic Twilight Kin One Click Ultimate Bundle 4

Twilight Kin Heroes – 45,00

Leading the Corsairs, whether aboard ship or in battle, are the Void Captains and Navigators, while Summoner Crones are thaumaturges whose presence greatly benefits any Twilight Kin force. A Soulbane is the ultimate horror – a stable mutant, so malevolent and warped by the void as to be unrecognisable from the individual that birthed the monster they have become.

Please note this is a pre-order, dispatching on Wednesday the 18th October 2023.


  • 1x Resin Navigator
  • 1x Resin Void Captain
  • 1x Resin Summoner Crone on Mare
  • 1x PVC Soulbane
  • 2x Hard Plastic 25mm Square Bases
  • 1x MDF 50x25mm Base
  • 1x MDF 50mm Square Base

MG Mantic Twilight Kin One Click Ultimate Bundle 3 MG Mantic Gordrake

Gordrake – 55,00

Among the more monstrous components of a Twilight Kin force are the Void-dwellers that have been subjugated by their beastmasters or summoned by their spellcasters. Among these are the Gordrakes, hideous two-headed monstrosities that are capable of slaughtering entire villages on their own.

Please note this is a pre-order, dispatching on Wednesday the 18th October 2023.


  • 1x PVC Dragon Body and Wings
  • 1x Resin Gordrake Head Upgrade
  • 1x Resin Gore Drake Base
  • 1x MDF 75mm Square Base

MG Mantic Twilight Kin One Click Ultimate Bundle 10

Butcher Fleshripper – 18,00

Butcher Fleshrippers are slaughter incarnate. They will attack anything they can find, ripping their victims to bloody ribbons in an orgy of violence. Somehow, these gory acts fuel the rage of the other Butchers around them, driving them into a violent frenzy, from which none can escape.

Please note this is a pre-order, dispatching on Wednesday the 18th October 2023.


  • 1x PVC Butcher Fleshripper
  • 1x MDF 40mm Square Base

MG Mantic Twilight Kin One Click Ultimate Bundle 5

Void Skiffs – 45,00

The Void-skiff is a peculiar vessel employed by the Twilight Kin that harnesses the twisted emanations of the dimensional seas to propel itself over any terrain. Levitating over land as easily as water, the Void-skiffs are a little larger than a chariot in size, manned by a crew of one or two Corsairs. In battle, the skiffs deploy the same harpoon-guns they use to attack the more enormous denizens of the Void.

Please note this is a pre-order, dispatching on Wednesday the 18th October 2023.


  • 3x Hard Plastic Void Skiffs & Crew
  • 1x MDF 150x100mm Base

MG Mantic Twilight Kin One Click Ultimate Bundle 6

Impalers – 35,00

The malignant Impalers are a product of twisted experiments: elven warriors locked inside baroque suits of armour. Like the spikes of an iron maiden, the interior of the armour is festooned with obsidian needles, infusing the warrior with the essence of the Void while the design of the armour itself draws entities to infest it.

Please note this is a pre-order, dispatching on Wednesday the 18th October 2023.


  • 6x Hard Plastic Impalers
  • 2x 150x50mm Bases

MG Mantic Twilight Kin One Click Ultimate Bundle 7

Corsair Voidwalkers / Fleetwardens – 35,00

The most common military forces of the Twilight Kin that are likely to be encountered are the Corsairs who crew the Nightships. Voidwalkers are skilled with many kinds of weapon and excel at close combat. Often their objective is to subdue rather than kill an enemy, for each captive they take brings them one step closer to achieving the Great Return.

Please note this is a pre-order, dispatching on Wednesday the 18th October 2023.


16x Hard Plastic Corsair Voidwalkers/Fleetwardens

2x MDF 100x40mm Bases

MG Mantic Twilight Kin One Click Ultimate Bundle 8

Voidwranglers – 32,50

Corsair Wranglers are the boldest of the Twilight Kin who crew the Nightships. While the rest of their crews seek to keep the terrifying inhabitants of the Void away from their ships, the Wranglers will deliberately entice these monsters to attack. Using instruments first designed by the Wyrmbreakers to capture the creatures of the underworld, Wranglers strive to subdue the horrors they confront.

Please note this is a pre-order, dispatching on Wednesday the 18th October 2023.


  • 8x Hard Plastic Corsair Voidwranglers
  • 5x Hard Plastic Reapers
  • 2x MDF 125x50mm Bases

MG Mantic Twilight Kin One Click Ultimate Bundle 9

Voidtouched Mutants / Weavers – 35,00

The Voidtouched are those mortals who have been corrupted and mutated by the dimensional radiations that flow between realities. Those designated as simply Mutants are deformed and crazed creatures, both elf and non-elf, who are simply set loose against opponents by their uncaring masters.

Please note this is a pre-order, dispatching on Wednesday the 18th October 2023.


  • 20x Hard Plastic Voidtouched Mutants/Weavers
  • 2x MDF125x50mm Bases

Kings of War ist unter anderem bei unserem Partner Minyarts erhältlich.

Quelle: Mantic Games


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Primaris Space Marines, Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Warpath (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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  • Bin positiv überrascht, dass so viel Hartplastik dabei ist. Macht die Boote und die monströse Infanterie schon interessant. Bemalung ist aber mal wieder Murks.

  • Ich glaube, die hole ich mir. Gefällt mir wirklich gut und trotz der heute höheren Preise, sind 300 für mich völlig ok.

  • Irgendwie wollen sie mir ja gefallen
    Aber auch irgendwie wieder nicht

    Sind genau dazwischen.

    Ich finde es ja schade das der Mantic eigene Styl halt so schrecklich „naja“ ist. Und das seit Jahren konstant.

    Aber es werden sich genug finden die sie Minis mögen oder die eh nur über den Preis gehen.

    • Das geht mir ähnlich. Eigentlich sollten die Mantic sachen genau mein Ding sein. Chaos und so. Aber wie bei vielen anderen Mantic Sculpts auch will da der Funke nicht so richtig überspringen. Irgendwie hat man immer das Gefühl, die Minis sind „fast da“, aber dann fehlt doch noch irgendwas oder irgendeine komisch Pose oder etwas seltsame Proportionen stören dann das Gesamtbild.
      Schade eigentlich. Aber die Mantic Sachen haben mich bisher alle nicht so recht abgeholt.

      • Jupp mir geht’s auch ähnlich. Das Konzept fand ich super. Die Umsetzung ist eher so mäh. Eventuell liegts an der Bemalung, aber mir wollen die Minis im Gegensatz zu den Konzeptzeichnungen nicht gefallen.

  • ich denke da ist viel von der bei mantic ja traditionell nicht so professionell durchgeführten bemalung geschuldet. sehen interessant aus – mindestens ein ambush set wird sicherlich seinen weg zu mir finden.

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