von BK-Christian | 22.04.2023 | eingestellt unter: Kings of War

Kings of War: Neue Nachtjäger

Mantic Games haben neue Releases für die Nachtjäger angekündigt.

MG KoW Nightstalker Ambush Starter Set 1 MG KoW Nightstalker Ambush Starter Set 2 MG KoW Nightstalker Ambush Starter Set 3 MG KoW Nightstalker Ambush Starter Set 4 MG KoW Nightstalker Ambush Starter Set 5 MG KoW Nightstalker Ambush Starter Set 6

Nightstalker Ambush Starter Set – 45.00

The Nightstalker Ambush Starter Set is the perfect, best value way to start your Nightstalker army with 10 Reapers and 6 Butchers / Ravagers.

They lurk in the cold shadows of the world, and of the mind. The nightstalkers are the fears of mortals come to life. This Ambush starter set is a fantastic place to start building your creepy army of these horrors.



10 x Hard Plastic Reapers
6 x Hard Plastic Butchers
1 x MDF 100x40mm Base
2 x MDF 120x40mm Base
1 x Paper Quick Start Rules
1 x Paper Nightstalkers Guide

MG KoW Nightstalker Army (2023) 0 MG KoW Nightstalker Army (2023) 1 MG KoW Nightstalker Army (2023) 2

Nightstalker Army (2023) – 90.00

The nightstalkers are the dreams, nightmares, fears, and horrors of mortals made manifest. Although their incursions into our realm are thankfully rare, the devastation caused by such events is absolute on both a physical and emotional level.


20 x Hard Plastic Reapers/Leapers
20 x Hard Plastic Scarecrows/Doppelgangers
6 x Hard Plastic Butchers
1 x Resin Banshee
1 x Resin Mind-Screech
2 x MDF 120x40mm Bases
2 x MDF 100x40mm Bases
1 x MDF 100x80mm Base
1 x MDF 50x50mm Base
1 x Hard Plastic Flying Base
1 x Hard Plastic 20x20mm Base

MG KoW Nightstalker Mega Army (2023) 1 MG KoW Nightstalker Mega Army (2023) 2 MG KoW Nightstalker Mega Army (2023) 3

Nightstalker Mega Army (2023) – 145.00

When the power of the Abyss waxes strong, large forces of Nightstalkers tear their way into reality. Mewling, skittering hordes advance, led by ancient cyclopean beings from the darkest depths of existence. Survivors of such attacks are rare and all who do escape lose their minds and souls forever.


40 x Hard Plastic Reapers/Leapers
20 x Hard Plastic Scarecrows/Doppelgangers
12 x Hard Plastic Butchers
1 x Resin & PVC Plastic Terror
1 x Resin Horror
4 x MDF 120x40mm Bases
4 x MDF 100x40mm Bases
1 x MDF 100x80mm Base
1 x MDF 75x75mm Base
1 x Hard Plastic 20x20mm Base

MG KoW Nightstalker Heroes 1 MG KoW Nightstalker Heroes 2

Nightstalker Heroes – 45.00

Nightstalkers don’t have leaders in a way that a mortal could understand. Some souls are more intact or more malevolent than others and lead their brethren to the slaughter, but loyalty and leadership are truly alien concepts to these beings. Most simply follow the actions of others like some animalistic herd.


1 x Resin Horror
1 x Resin Banshee
1 x Resin Shade
1 x Resin Mind Screech
3 x Hard Plastic 20x20mm Base
1 x Hard Plastic Flying Base
1 x MDF 50x50mm Base

MG KoW Phantom Troop 1 MG KoW Phantom Troop 2 MG KoW Phantom Troop 3

Phantom Troop – 37.50

Phantoms are phantasms that appear as cloaked, floating bodies. Their partially hooded heads reveal glimpses of the screaming and bloody skulls of people trapped between worlds. These foul creatures are often seen dragging their victims into their shadow forms, consigning them to a fate best left unknown.


6 x Resin Phantoms
1 x MDF 125x50mm Base

MG KoW Reaper Tormenter Regiment 1 MG KoW Reaper Tormenter Regiment 2 MG KoW Reaper Tormenter Regiment 3 MG KoW Reaper Tormenter Regiment 4

Reaper / Tormenter Regiment – 32.50

Reapers are vicious, violent creatures, armed with a wicked array of blades, claws, and teeth. They stalk those who fear violence and bloodshed, bringing their worst nightmares to life with lethal and visceral precision.


20 x Hard Plastic Reapers
2 x MDF 100x40mm Bases

MG KoW Scarecrow Doppelganger Regiment 1 MG KoW Scarecrow Doppelganger Regiment 2 MG KoW Scarecrow Doppelganger Regiment 3 MG KoW Scarecrow Doppelganger Regiment 4

Scarecrow / Doppelganger Regiment – 32.50

Doppelgangers are faceless, silent, yet spine-chillingly creepy. No matter how desperately the enemy fights, they match them blow for blow, slowly changing to mimic them until the enemy is staring at their own grinning faces.

The zombie-like Scarecrows are always right behind you, shuffling relentlessly and endlessly no matter how far you run.


20 x Hard Plastic Scarecrows/Doppelgangers
1 x MDF 100x80mm Base

MG KoW Butcher Ravager Horde 1 MG KoW Butcher Ravager Horde 2

Butcher / Ravager Horde – 32.50

Butchers are uncompromising, unsubtle and brutally efficient killers. To many they appear as a horrific hybrid of ogre, golem and squid, with massive cleavers in their many hands, covered in dripping gore.


6 x Hard Plastic Butchers
2 x MDF 120x40mm Bases

MG KoW Shadowhound Troop 1 MG KoW Shadowhound Troop 2 MG KoW Shadowhound Troop 3

Shadowhound Troop – 37.50

Shadowhounds are huge, black, twin-headed canines, with gnashing jaws and fur matted with vile ectoplasm. Hunting in packs, those lucky enough to escape these beasts can still hear the howling in their heads long after they have awoken. The unfortunate victims who weren’t fast enough are devoured, their screaming skulls forever leering from the shadow hounds’ foul hides.


5 x Resin Shadowhounds
1 x MDF 125x50mm Base

MG KoW Void Lurker 1 MG KoW Void Lurker 2 MG KoW Void Lurker 3

Void Lurker – 50.00

Unspeakable and unimaginable things have lived in the dimensions between worlds for eternity. Some have an intelligence of sorts and understand enough to sense the rents in the fabric of the universe and know how to locate them. These Void Lurkers attach themselves to the nightstalkers as they stream into the fascinating and bizarre reality where the mortals reside. There, they coalesce into whatever mismatched and petrifying shape will best sate their voracious appetites.


1 x Resin Void Lurker
1 x MDF 75x75mm Base

Kings of War ist unter anderem bei unserem Partner Minyarts erhältlich.

Quelle: Mantic Games


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Primaris Space Marines, Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Warpath (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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  • Die finde ich schon sehr cool. Bis jetzt spiele ich nur Armada, aber irgendwie ziehen mich meine Gedanken auf kurz oder lang auch zu Kings of War. Müsste nur Leute in der Gruppe überzeugen.

  • Die Designs brauchen sich nicht zu verstecken. Vor allem diese generic-Marvel-CGI-Army-Reaper gefallen mir.

  • Hervorragend! Auf die Trupe habe ich schon lange Lust und bisher habe ich nur gezögert, weil die Nachtjäger vergleichsweise wenig Hartplastik-Einheiten zu bieten hatten. Sehr schön, die sind für den Mai gesetzt.

  • Die sehen wirklich großartig aus.
    Örider Bon ich mit conquest als Rank &file System absolut zufrieden und fang deshalb nicht kow.
    Freue mich dennoch darüber das es für mantic so gut läuft.

  • Die sehen richtig gut aus. Dieses Jahr habe ich mit Conquest angefangen, mal sehen wie es nächstes Jahr wird, den Preis finde ich ebenfalls in Ordnung.

  • Hab ne gemischte Meinung zum Release:

    Einige finde ich nicht so toll, wie die Phantom. Einige okay (Scarecrow und die Hunde) Die Reaper wiederum finde ich sehr Klasse und individuell einsetzbar(z.b. als Strice für Stargrave)!

    Letztere werde ich mir in größerer Stückzahl besorgen!

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