von BK-Bob | 18.10.2023 | eingestellt unter: 3D-Druck, Crowdfunding

Kickstarter: Medieval Fantasy House 1

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Medieval Fantasy House 1 – 3D Printable STL Files

RP Medieval Fantasy House 1 1

Medieval fantasy house for RPG Tabletop scenery. STL Files for 3d Printing.

Welcome to my 1st Kickstarter campaign about 3D printing Medieval Scenery. For this 1st project, I present you the Medieval Fantasy House 1 ; a medieval scenery between realism and fantasy that you will get in STL Files for 3D Print. This house will be divided into 4 parts :
– the 1st Floor
– the front door
– the 2nd Floor
– the roof

This house can be used for games of 28mm – 32mm scale. You can always adjust the size according to your desire.
You can open it and play freely floor by floor. The roof can be removed to allow access to the floor below.
All files has been print tested and are completely free support. However, I recommend using a brim for the roof and door for better adhesion to the bed.

On a scale of 100%, this house measures approximately :
15cm length x 13cm width x 15cm height

All files are designed to fit inside a 20x20cm printing bed

All the Houses and Scenery elements are 3d files to print, not physical items.

RP Medieval Fantasy House 1 2

Color Face

RP Medieval Fantasy House 1 3


RP Medieval Fantasy House 1 4


RP Medieval Fantasy House 1 5


RP Medieval Fantasy House 1 6

1st Floor

RP Medieval Fantasy House 1 7

1st Floor Inside

RP Medieval Fantasy House 1 8

2nd Floor

RP Medieval Fantasy House 1 9

2nd Floor Inside

RP Medieval Fantasy House 1 10



RP Medieval Fantasy House 1 11

The door on the ground floor can be opened and closed at will.

RP Medieval Fantasy House 1 12

A system of male and female notches allows the 2 stages to be fitted together so that they don’t move too much, but can be separated very easily if you wish.

I’ve made the roof removable so that you can easily play with the 2nd floor while preserving the walls. This avoids having a separation between the top floor and the roof.

3D Printed Pictures

Images below comes from 3d printed of the model. The model is printed at 0.2mm layer height with a nozzle 0.4 and sliced in Cura. I personaly recommend you to use a brim or a skirt for a better adhesion to your printing bed.

RP Medieval Fantasy House 1 13 RP Medieval Fantasy House 1 14 RP Medieval Fantasy House 1 15 RP Medieval Fantasy House 1 16 RP Medieval Fantasy House 1 17 RP Medieval Fantasy House 1 18 RP Medieval Fantasy House 1 19

I used a clever idea to replace the gongs using a 1.75mm simple printing filament. Simply slide the filament into place after positioning the door; 1 hole is provided on the edge of the ground floor to insert the filament and make the connection with the door.

Die Kampagne ist noch nicht finanziert und läuft noch 12 Tage.

Quelle: Medieval Fantasy House 1 – 3D Printable STL Files


Seit 2010 im Hobby. Aktuelle Projekte: Warhammer Fantasy/Old World (Imperium, Bretonen, Tiermenschen, Skaven, Gnome), Blood Bowl (Gnome, Echsenmenschen), Warcry, Summoners (Erde, Tod), Bolt Action (Briten), Herr der Ringe (Harad)

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  • Was halt richtig ins Geld geht: Der Resin-Verbrauch! Das kostet doch mindestens 1Liter Resin, vermutlich mehr. Warum müssen die Wände denn so fett sein? Sieht nicht aus, als ob das irgendwas „hohl/hollow“ gemacht wurde – oder man noch toll nachträglich machen könnte. Mensch Leute/Designer: 2mm Wanddicke reichen vollkommen aus. Alles andere erhöht bloß unnötig das Gewicht und die Resin-Kosten… 🙁

    Zur Optik: Ja, ganz nett aber halt etwas klobig. Nix, was man nicht schon hübscher gesehen hat..

      • aber ich kann doch hohl drucken oder beim filamemt mit 10% oder weniger zwischen den wänden, das sind ein paar wenige klicks (ich benutze gratis slicer)

      • Resin kann man auch hohl drucken, mach ich immer so. Gibt genau so ein Infill. Man darf halt die Löcher nicht vergessen, sonst gibts später eine Sauerei.

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