von BK-Johannes | 28.02.2023 | eingestellt unter: Science-Fiction

Khurasan Miniatures: Neues Preview

Khurasan Miniatures präsentieren ein neues Preview auf Facebook.

KM Feeks Khurasam Miniatures

“The Feeks. They creep me out! Only about as tall as space dwarves, but they’ve got those big fly heads. Very unnerving. And all that buzzing talk! And that buzzy way they talk to us in imperial standard.
“The thing I hate the most about these guys is how they get paid. Not a single credit do they ask for. Ever. They just want the dead bodies. I don’t even want to get INTO why. The trouble is, if we don’t see any action for a while, they start thinking about generating dead bodies … all on their own.
“Gotta give them one thing though: they’re good — tough for their size, scrappy in a fight, and even a small group of them will lug a lot of serious firepower around with them. They smell though.”
— Zelnius G. Pipe, captain of the corvette “Cataclysm”
The “28mm” (bit smaller actually) Feeks are coming soon from Khurasan Miniatures. Here are the riflefeeks.
Quelle: Khurasan Miniatures auf Facebook

Redakteur von Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2001 im Hobby, mit Unterbrechung^^ Aktuelle Systeme, vor allem Freebooters, Frostgrave, Stargrave, Star Wars Legion, Star Wars X-Wing und 30k.

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