von BK-Thorsten | 02.02.2023 | eingestellt unter: Science-Fiction

Judge Dredd: Block War

Warlord Games hat die Vorbestellungen zur neuesten Erweiterung von Judge Dredd eröffnet.

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Judge Dredd: Block War Expansion – 30,00 €

This expansion for the Judge Dredd Miniatures Game introduces a whole new level of play to your tabletop – the (in)famous block wars of Mega-City One!

Each player builds their own block with unique characteristics, gathers their residents together, and then unleashes them on the self-satisfied citizens of a neighbouring block – who have had everything their own way for far too long! Included are new rules for use in the Judge Dredd Miniatures Game; new characters and units, new Armoury cards to add to your deck, and a brand-new Block War deck that brings the sheer violence and chaos of a block war to the tabletop – along with a lot of Judges!

The block war campaign allows players to marshal their forces, from common citizenry to the (self-proclaimed) elite forces of the Citi-Def, and then play through a number of battles that show the key moments of the block war. As the war escalates, new scenarios are unlocked, damage can be done to the enemy block, and with enough of a rival effort, you may just be able to destroy the physical foundations of a block and send it crashing into City Bottom in a fiery cloud of dust, rubble, and falling citizens.

The streets of Mega-City One have just become a lot more violent… Judge Dredd: Block War Expansion contains:

  • 80-page Block Wars book
  • Pad of 100 City Block datasheets
  • 15-card Block War deck
  • Three new Armoury cards
  • Two rampaging resident figures (in Warlord ResinTM) – exclusive to this set!

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Judge Dredd: Justice Department Riot Control – 15,50 €

When a block war erupts the men, women and robot auxiliaries of the Justice Department bear the brunt of quelling the fighting and preventing it spilling into a multi-block war – or worse.

Assault Judges are all handpicked veterans, pulled from the ranks of Street Judges and trained to bring an end to criminal activity in the speediest (and most brutal) manner possible. Equipped with riot shields and either Day Sticks or Disruptor Guns, they are deployed during the very worst of block wars to target leaders and combatants who have managed to get hold of heavy weapons.

Stern, unyielding and covered in heavyweight armour, the Riot Judges are trained to handle large mobs. Riot Judges operate in small teams and are trained and equipped to contain, pacify, and arrest unruly citizens, only sweeping in to break heads when there are few other options.

Box contains three Warlord ResinTM figures and three game cards.

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Judge Dredd: Mega-City Resident Mob – 31,00 €

The average citizen of Mega-City One is usually docile and, while not respectful of the Law, at least fearful of it. When the madness of a block war takes over, however, citizens gather into large, sometimes huge, mobs. At this point, they become exceptionally dangerous, easily able to overwhelm a Street Judge caught on their own.

Box contains ten Warlord ResinTM figures and three game cards.

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Judge Dredd: Fatties at War – 31,00 €

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Judge Dredd: Block War – The Uprising Collection – 102,00 €

The Block War expansion for the Judge Dredd Miniatures Game introduces a whole new level of play to your tabletop – the (in)famous block wars of Mega-City One. This collection nets you the new expansion, plus all the new models – perfect for veterans of the mean streets of Mega-City One looking to expand their collections and cement their block as the best in the megalopolis!

Block War: Each player builds their own block with unique characteristics, gathers their residents together, and then unleashes them on the self-satisfied citizens of a neighbouring block – who have had everything their own way for far too long! Included are new rules for use in the Judge Dredd Miniatures Game; new characters and units, new Armoury cards to add to your deck, and a brand-new Block War deck that brings the sheer violence and chaos of a block war to the tabletop – along with a lot of Judges!

The block war campaign allows players to marshal their forces, from common citizenry to the (self-proclaimed) elite forces of the Citi-Def, and then play through a number of battles that show the key moments of the block war. As the war escalates, new scenarios are unlocked, damage can be done to the enemy block, and with enough of a rival effort, you may just be able to destroy the physical foundations of a block and send it crashing into City Bottom in a fiery cloud of dust, rubble, and falling citizens.

New Models: Beyond the expansion itself, there a flurry of characterful new miniatures with which to wage your Block Wars! The Mega-City Resident Mob, usually docile, can be exceptionally dangerous as a Block War ramps up to boiling point. Justice Department Riot Control are handpicked veterans with the unenviable task of quelling unruly citizens before the fighting spills over into a multi-block war – or worse… And Fatties at War brings all new tools to urban warfare – a militant Fats Hambo and a living Fattie Battering Ram can do considerable damage!

Full Contents:

  • Judge Dredd – Block War Expansion
  • Judge Dredd – Mega-City Resident Mob
  • Judge Dredd – Justice Department Riot Control
  • Judge Dredd – Fatties At War

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Judge Dredd: Block War – I Predict a Riot! Block War Brawl Collection – 330,00 €

The Block War expansion for the Judge Dredd Miniatures Game introduces a whole new level of play to your tabletop – the (in)famous block wars of Mega-City One. This collection nets you the I Am The Law! Starter set, the new expansion, plus a wide variety of models with which to begin waging Block Wars, including all the new ones – perfect for those looking to jump in feet first into the fast and exciting world of 2000 AD’s Judge Dredd on the tabletop – at a tremendous value against purchasing separately plus free League of Fatties boxed set.

Block War: Each player builds their own block with unique characteristics, gathers their residents together, and then unleashes them on the self-satisfied citizens of a neighbouring block – who have had everything their own way for far too long! Included are new rules for use in the Judge Dredd Miniatures Game; new characters and units, new Armoury cards to add to your deck, and a brand-new Block War deck that brings the sheer violence and chaos of a block war to the tabletop – along with a lot of Judges!

The block war campaign allows players to marshal their forces, from common citizenry to the (self-proclaimed) elite forces of the Citi-Def, and then play through a number of battles that show the key moments of the block war. As the war escalates, new scenarios are unlocked, damage can be done to the enemy block, and with enough of a rival effort, you may just be able to destroy the physical foundations of a block and send it crashing into City Bottom in a fiery cloud of dust, rubble, and falling citizens.

New Models: Beyond the expansion itself, there a flurry of characterful new miniatures with which to wage your Block Wars! The Mega-City Resident Mob, usually docile, can be exceptionally dangerous as a Block War ramps up to boiling point. Justice Department Riot Control are handpicked veterans with the unenviable task of quelling unruly citizens before the fighting spills over into a multi-block war – or worse… And Fatties at War brings all new tools to urban warfare – a militant Fats Hambo and a living Fattie Battering Ram can do considerable damage!

Other Miniatures: We’ve made sure to include a variety of characters and models to set you well on your way to Block War supremacy – whether through the machinations of a Block Gang, Fatties or a Blocks military-armed Citi-Def units. Also included are some (in)famous denizens of the Mega-City and the Law himself, Judge Joseph Dredd, who will be doing his utmost to quell any disturbances in the mega-city. We’ve also included a Mega-City Hab Zone scenery set, idea to dress a battlefield in the manner of a Block plaza.

Full Contents:

  • Judge Dredd Starter Game I Am The Law!
  • Judge Dredd – Block War Expansion
  • Judge Dredd – Mega-City Resident Mob
  • Judge Dredd – Justice Department Riot Control
  • Judge Dredd – Fatties at War
  • Judge Dredd – Block Gang
  • Judge Dredd – Denizens of Mega City One
  • Judge Dredd – Citi-Def
  • Judge Dredd – Judge Dredd
  • Judge Dredd – Judge Anderson
  • Judge Dredd – Mega-City Hab Zone
  • FREE Judge Dredd – The League of Fatties

Quelle: Warlord Games


Brückenkopf-Online Redakteur und Tabletop Insider stv. Chefredakteur. Spielt Infinity, SAGA, Freebooter's Fate, Kings of War, Warhammer 40k, Warzone Resurrection, Dropzone Commander, Deadzone, Dreadball, X-Wing, Konflikt '47, Bolt Action, Dead Man's Hand, Dracula's America, Beyond the Gates of Antares, Dropfleet Commander, Frostgrave, Collision, Bushido, Shadespire, Aristeia! und Warpath.

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  • Ich hab ja eigentlich gedacht Judge Dredd verschwindet wieder in der Versenkung.
    Schön, dass es da weitergeht, das System finde ich als recht spaßig. Schönes „Bier&Brezel“ Niveau.

    Ich hoffe Warlord hat das auf der Tactica schon dabei.

    PS: Schade das es das Gelände nicht einzeln gibt.

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