von BK-Sebastian | 06.06.2023 | eingestellt unter: Infinity, Zubehör

Joytoy: Neue Infinity-Actionfiguren

Corvus Belli haben die Vorbestellungsphase für ihre neuen in Kooperation mit Joytoy entstandenen Actionfiguren gestartet.

Den Anfang macht die Ariadna Equipe Mirage-5 für 130€

Ariadna Equipe Mirage 5 1

Ariadna Equipe Mirage 5 2 Ariadna Equipe Mirage 5 3 Ariadna Equipe Mirage 5 4 Ariadna Equipe Mirage 5 5 Ariadna Equipe Mirage 5 6 Ariadna Equipe Mirage 5 7 Ariadna Equipe Mirage 5 8 Ariadna Equipe Mirage 5 9 Ariadna Equipe Mirage 5 10 Ariadna Equipe Mirage 5 11 Ariadna Equipe Mirage 5 12 Ariadna Equipe Mirage 5 13 Ariadna Equipe Mirage 5 14 Ariadna Equipe Mirage 5 15 Ariadna Equipe Mirage 5 16

The ferocious Sergeant Duroc stands approximately 7-inches tall while Lieutenant Margot Berthier measures approximately 4-inches tall.

Each action figure is fully articulated and comes with various weapon accessories along with alternate hands.

Margot includes:

  • 1x AP Rifle
  • 1x Grenade Launcher
  • 1x Light Shotgun
  • 1x Pistol
  • 1x CCW
  • 2x aditional hands

Duroc includes:

  • 2x Chain Rifles
  • Grenades
  • Smoke Grenades
  • 1x AP CCW
  • 4x aditional hands

Die anderen Figuren kosten jeweils 45€:

Das Ariadna Tankhunter Regiment 1

Ariadna Tankhunter Regiment 1 1 Ariadna Tankhunter Regiment 1 2 Ariadna Tankhunter Regiment 1 3 Ariadna Tankhunter Regiment 1 4 Ariadna Tankhunter Regiment 1 5 Ariadna Tankhunter Regiment 1 6 Ariadna Tankhunter Regiment 1 7 Ariadna Tankhunter Regiment 1 8

The Joy Toy Infinity Ariadna Tankhunter Regiment Version 1 1:18 Scale Action Figure stands just over 4-inches tall and comes equipped with an arsenal of interchangeable parts and weapons.

This ant-tank soldier is outfitted with a pistol, rifle, bazooka, and 3x alternate hands.

This figure includes:

  • 1x Missile Launcher
  • 1x AP Sniper Rifle
  • 1x Pistol
  • 3x aditional hands

Das Ariadna Tankhunter Regiment 2

Ariadna Tankhunter Regiment 2 1 Ariadna Tankhunter Regiment 2 2 Ariadna Tankhunter Regiment 2 3 Ariadna Tankhunter Regiment 2 4 Ariadna Tankhunter Regiment 2 5 Ariadna Tankhunter Regiment 2 6 Ariadna Tankhunter Regiment 2 7 Ariadna Tankhunter Regiment 2 8

The Joy Toy Infinity Ariadna Tankhunter Regiment Version 2 1:18 Scale Action Figure stands just over 4-inches tall and comes equipped with an arsenal of interchangeable parts and weapons.

This figure includes:

  • 1x Portable Autocannon
  • 1x AP Rifle
  • 1x Pistol
  • 1x CCW
  • 2x aditional hands

Das Ariadna Frontviks Separate Assault Battalion

Ariadna Frontviks Separate Assault Batallion 1 Ariadna Frontviks Separate Assault Batallion 2 Ariadna Frontviks Separate Assault Batallion 3 Ariadna Frontviks Separate Assault Batallion 4 Ariadna Frontviks Separate Assault Batallion 5 Ariadna Frontviks Separate Assault Batallion 6 Ariadna Frontviks Separate Assault Batallion 7 Ariadna Frontviks Separate Assault Batallion 8

The Joy Toy Infinity Ariadna Frontviks Separate Assault Battalion 1:18 Scale Action Figure stands just over 4-inches tall and comes equipped with an arsenal of interchangeable parts and weapons.

This figure includes:

  • 1x Molotok/AP Spitfire
  • 1x T2 Rifle
  • 1x CCW
  • 3x aditional hands

Sowie die Ariadna Veteran Kazaks

Ariadna Veteran Kazaks 1 Ariadna Veteran Kazaks 2 Ariadna Veteran Kazaks 3 Ariadna Veteran Kazaks 4 Ariadna Veteran Kazaks 5 Ariadna Veteran Kazaks 6 Ariadna Veteran Kazaks 7 Ariadna Veteran Kazaks 8

The Joy Toy Infinity Ariadna Veteran Kazaks 1:18 Scale Action Figure stands just over 4-inches tall and comes equipped with an arsenal of interchangeable parts and weapons.

This soldier is outfitted with 2x rifles, 2x pistols, and 3x alternate hands.

This figure includes:

  • 1x Heavy Pistol
  • 1x AP Rifle
  • 1x T2 Rifle
  • 1x Pistol
  • 3x aditional hands

Quelle: Corvus Belli


Redakteur von Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2001 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Armalion. Aktuelle Systeme: Freebooter's Fate(Alle Fraktionen), Bushido(Ito, Ryu, Ro-Kan),Moonstone, Summoners (Feuer, Luft), Deadzone, ASoIaF(Nachtwache, Targaryen), Dropfleet Commander(UCM, Scourge), Warmaster(Zwerge, Echsen), Eden(ISC, Resistance), KoW: Armada(Basilean, Ork) u.v.m

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