von BK-Bob | 27.06.2023 | eingestellt unter: Infinity

Infinity: Weitere Actionfiguren

Neben einer weiteren Ariadna Figur wurden nun auch JoyToy Figuren für PanOceania veröffentlicht.

Infinity Ariadna Armata 2 Proyekt Heavy Shotgun RATNIK 1 Infinity Ariadna Armata 2 Proyekt Heavy Shotgun RATNIK 2 Infinity Ariadna Armata 2 Proyekt Heavy Shotgun RATNIK 3 Infinity Ariadna Armata 2 Proyekt Heavy Shotgun RATNIK 4 Infinity Ariadna Armata 2 Proyekt Heavy Shotgun RATNIK 5 Infinity Ariadna Armata 2 Proyekt Heavy Shotgun RATNIK 6

Ariadna Armata-2 Proyekt Heavy Shotgun RATNIK – 75,00€

We introduce JoyToy Action Figure Infinity Corvus Belli Armata-2 Proyekt Heavy Shotgun RATNIK which is extremely detailed on 1:18 scale.

The figures are extraordinarily articulated and consist of weapon tools along with interchangeable hands.

This figure is outfitted with:

  • 1x rifle
  • 1x pistols
  • 1x hammer
  • 5x alternate hands.

Enjoy Infinity figures in a different way thanks to Joy Toy!

Infinity PanOceania Knight Of The Holy Sepulchre 1 Infinity PanOceania Knight Of The Holy Sepulchre 2 Infinity PanOceania Knight Of The Holy Sepulchre 3 Infinity PanOceania Knight Of The Holy Sepulchre 4 Infinity PanOceania Knight Of The Holy Sepulchre 5 Infinity PanOceania Knight Of The Holy Sepulchre 6 Infinity PanOceania Knight Of The Holy Sepulchre 7 Infinity PanOceania Knight Of The Holy Sepulchre 8

PanOceania Knight of the Holy Sepulchre – 97,99€

The Sepulchrist Knights, all of them close-combat experts, comprise special security and heavy assault units, serving as a challenging example to all other PanOceanian officers.

The Knights of the Holy Sepulchre guard the Cradle of Humanity and the Sacred Sites because they are considered to be the best among the best, and their history confirms it.

The 1:18 Scale Action Figure stands just over 5.9-inches tall and comes equipped with an arsenal of interchangeable parts and weapons.

Enjoy Infinity figures in a different way thanks to Joy Toy!

This figure includes:

  • 1x AP HMG
  • 1x Multi Marksman Rifle
  • 1x Pistol
  • 1x Shock CCW (Sword)
  • 3x pairs of additional hands

Infinity PanOceania Knights Hospitallers 1 Infinity PanOceania Knights Hospitallers 2 Infinity PanOceania Knights Hospitallers 3 Infinity PanOceania Knights Hospitallers 4 Infinity PanOceania Knights Hospitallers 5 Infinity PanOceania Knights Hospitallers 6 Infinity PanOceania Knights Hospitallers 7 Infinity PanOceania Knights Hospitallers 8 Infinity PanOceania Knights Hospitallers 9 Infinity PanOceania Knights Hospitallers 10 Infinity PanOceania Knights Hospitallers 11 Infinity PanOceania Knights Hospitallers 12 Infinity PanOceania Knights Hospitallers 13

PanOceania Knights Hospitallers – 134,99€

Hospitallers are warrior monks with a double rank, both religious and military (Brother-Sub officer, Father-Officer, Grand Master-Brigadier).   Secluded in their monastery, they devote their time to prayer and to honing their martial skills. In battle, their religious fervor makes them fearsomely unrelenting.   In keeping with their origins as advocates of ailing pilgrims, they have specialized in high-risk rescue missions.

The 1:18 Scale Action Figures stands just over 4-inches tall and comes equipped with an arsenal of interchangeable parts and weapons.

Enjoy Infinity figures in a different way thanks to Joy Toy!

Figure 1 includes:

  • 1x Boarding Shotgun
  • 1x Pistol
  • 3x pairs of additional hands

Figure 2 includes:

  • 1x HMG
  • 1x Pistol
  • 3x pairs of additional hands

Figure 3 includes:

  • 1x DA CCW (Sword)
  • 1x Pistol
  • 1x Medikit
  • 3x pairs of additional hands

Figure 4 includes:

  • 1x DA CCW (Sword)
  • 1x Pistol
  • 1x Medikit
  • 3x pairs of additional hands

Infinity PanOceania Nokken, Special Intervention And Recon Team #1 1 Infinity PanOceania Nokken, Special Intervention And Recon Team #1 2 Infinity PanOceania Nokken, Special Intervention And Recon Team #1 3 Infinity PanOceania Nokken, Special Intervention And Recon Team #1 4 Infinity PanOceania Nokken, Special Intervention And Recon Team #1 5 Infinity PanOceania Nokken, Special Intervention And Recon Team #1 6 Infinity PanOceania Nokken, Special Intervention And Recon Team #1 7 Infinity PanOceania Nokken, Special Intervention And Recon Team #1 8

PanOceania Nokken, Special Intervention and Recon Team #1 – 52,99€

The Nøkken are the hit-and-run unit of the Svalarheima WinterFor, with a modus operandi based on surprise, striking where they are not expected and quickly vanishing into the snow.

The 1:18 Scale Action Figure stands just over 4-inches tall and comes equipped with an arsenal of interchangeable parts and weapons.

Enjoy Infinity figures in a different way thanks to Joy Toy!

This figure includes:

  • 1x Spitfire
  • 1x Boarding Shotgun
  • 1x Pistol
  • 1x Knife
  • 1x Helmet
  • A pair of additional hands

Infinity PanOceania Nokken, Special Intervention And Recon Team #2 1 Infinity PanOceania Nokken, Special Intervention And Recon Team #2 2 Infinity PanOceania Nokken, Special Intervention And Recon Team #2 3 Infinity PanOceania Nokken, Special Intervention And Recon Team #2 4 Infinity PanOceania Nokken, Special Intervention And Recon Team #2 5 Infinity PanOceania Nokken, Special Intervention And Recon Team #2 6 Infinity PanOceania Nokken, Special Intervention And Recon Team #2 7 Infinity PanOceania Nokken, Special Intervention And Recon Team #2 8 Infinity PanOceania Nokken, Special Intervention And Recon Team #2 9 Infinity PanOceania Nokken, Special Intervention And Recon Team #2 10

PanOceania Nokken, Special Intervention and Recon Team #2 – 52,99€

The Nøkken are the hit-and-run unit of the Svalarheima WinterFor, with a modus operandi based on surprise, striking where they are not expected and quickly vanishing into the snow.

The 1:18 Scale Action Figure stands just over 4-inches tall and comes equipped with an arsenal of interchangeable parts and weapons.

Enjoy Infinity figures in a different way thanks to Joy Toy!

This figure includes:

  • 1x Spitfire
  • 1x Boarding Shotgun
  • 1x Pistol
  • 1x Knife
  • 1x Helmet
  • A pair of additional hands

Infinity PanOceania Padre Inquisidor Mendoza 1 Infinity PanOceania Padre Inquisidor Mendoza 2 Infinity PanOceania Padre Inquisidor Mendoza 3 Infinity PanOceania Padre Inquisidor Mendoza 4 Infinity PanOceania Padre Inquisidor Mendoza 5 Infinity PanOceania Padre Inquisidor Mendoza 6 Infinity PanOceania Padre Inquisidor Mendoza 7 Infinity PanOceania Padre Inquisidor Mendoza 8

PanOceania Padre-Inquisidor Mendoza – 52,99€

Father-Inquisitor Mendoza, the crusader of the Faith, the flame of the Lord punishing with His fire the wicked and the damned; the terror of those who harbor evil in their hearts; the nightmare of betrayers and impious souls; the soldier of God who is always righteous, for he bears Jesus Christ in his heart and his task is just and necessary; the champion of the HexaDome and of the Paradiso front; the grand defender of the Cross and of the Holy Church who has put his life on the line hundreds of times for all our sakes and has delivered the Sphere from the worst evils it has ever had to face—this is Mendoza, the Flame of Truth.

The 1:18 Scale Action Figure stands just over 4-inches tall and comes equipped with an arsenal of interchangeable parts and weapons.

Enjoy Infinity figures in a different way thanks to Joy Toy!

This figure includes:

  • 1x Shoulder robe
  • 1x Vulkan Shotgun
  • 1x Multi Rifle
  • 1x DA CCW (Sword)
  • 1x Pistol
  • 3x pairs of additional hands

Quelle: Corvus Belli


Seit 2010 im Hobby. Aktuelle Projekte: Warhammer Fantasy/Old World (Imperium, Bretonen, Tiermenschen, Skaven, Gnome), Blood Bowl (Gnome, Echsenmenschen), Warcry, Summoners (Erde, Tod), Bolt Action (Briten), Herr der Ringe (Harad)

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  • Endlich kommen für die Joytoy Infinity Actionfiguren auch die PanO Ritter. Auf die habe ich gewartet – und ich denke, dass ich da mal ein oder zwei Hospitaller bestellen will.

    Unter den Tisch fallen hier leider mal wieder die Neuankündigungen für die 40k Range von Joytoy.
    Da hätten wir unter anderem mehr Black Templars, Ultramarines Honor Guard, Blood Angels Terminatoren und ein paar neue Black Legion Chaos Space Marines…

    • Es mag hieran liegen:
      „Quelle: Corvus Belli“
      Ist also eine Infinity-Info, nicht allgemein zu JoyToys TT-Engagement. 😉

  • Finde ich persönlich uninteressant und deztlich zu teuer. Ein Hunni für den dicken Ritter… aber wer es mag …

    Sind ja schon so viele, dass man 150 pts locker in XXL spielen, mit Schuhkartons als Gelände 😉

  • Die sehn schon ganz schnieke aus, aber was es wieder ruiniert sind die Holster und Schwertscheiden.
    Klar ist das dem Material geschuldet, aber dann lieber weglassen (was nur bei letzteren geht).

  • Aber für den 1/18 Maßstab – also nur 10 cm groß – sind die aber mal kein Schnäppchen.

  • Bei Fantasywelt kommen die irgendwie nie an. Bekomm ich die in dt. irgendwo, oder muss 7ch aus Übersee bestellen?
    Fals zweiteres; ab welcher Summe kommen da Gebühren zu bzw. ab wann muss ich mich irgendwie mit dem Zoll rumschlagen?

    • Offiziell gibt’s Zoll ab 150€ „Warenwert“ aus Nicht-EU. Wobei das mitunter wohl auch etwas Ermessenssache ist – allein schon wg Wechselkurs, aber es gilt wohl der ausgewiesene Rechnungsbetrag und bei Bezahlung in Fremdwährung fallen ggf Gebühren an (z.B. bei Pay Pal) – kP wie/ob das mit einfließt. Der Zoll schreiben auch, dass man keine Klein(st)-Beträge einfordern wolle. Allerdings werden Beförderungskosten auch in den „Wert“ eingerechnet…
      Zu beachten ist auch, ob der Händler Mehrwert-/Umsatzsteuer schon final berechnet und an den Zoll abführt oder ob das dem Kunden obliegt.
      Die Informationsfindung auf der Zoll-Seite ist optimierungsfähig, doch man kann schon was finden und es gibt einen recht brauchbaren Übersichts“Flyer“.

  • Bin Infinity Fanboy, aber verstehe nicht, was man mit diesen Figuren machen soll? Stop Motion?

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