von BK-Thorsten | 14.08.2023 | eingestellt unter: Infinity

Infinity: September Neuheiten

Die Neuheiten im September für Infinity von Corvus Belli.

Kosmoflot Support Pack 1 Kosmoflot Support Pack 2 Kosmoflot Support Pack 3 Kosmoflot Support Pack 4 Kosmoflot Support Pack 5 Kosmoflot Support Pack 6

Kosmoflot Support Pack – 45,95 €

Sometimes the task of the Mekhaniks will be to prevent their ship from blowing up, and other times they’ll have to detonate things and open breaches so as to keep the momentum of a boarding operation, with the help of their Elektronik remotes. While the Strannik Outer Patrol must patrol and enforce the law where there is no other light than that of the most distant stars.

This box includes 4 miniatures: 1 Mekhanik with Submachine Gun, 1 Strannik (Doctor) with Submachine, and 2 Elektronik Remotes. This box is a great complement to provide specialized troops to the Kosmoflot force you started with the Operation: Crimson Stone Battle Pack

Combined Army Expansion Pack Alpha 1 Combined Army Expansion Pack Alpha 2 Combined Army Expansion Pack Alpha 3 Combined Army Expansion Pack Alpha 4 Combined Army Expansion Pack Alpha 5 Combined Army Expansion Pack Alpha 6

Combined Army Expansion Pack Alpha – 45,95 €

The Evolved Intelligence, an alien artificial intellect, has created the Combined Army, an instrument of conquest within which the most dangerous races of its dominions are united.

This box includes 4 miniatures: 2 Imetrons plus 2 Batroid Ikadrones with Baggage, Repeater and Heavy Flamethrower. The Imetrons will afford greater versatility to your Combined Army and Onyx Contact Force lists, while the Ikadrons will provide the valuable equipment they carry to reinforce any list of the Combined Army and any of its Sectorial Armies.

Bakunin Uberfallkommando 1 Bakunin Uberfallkommando 2 Bakunin Uberfallkommando 3 Bakunin Uberfallkommando 4 Bakunin Uberfallkommando 5 Bakunin Uberfallkommando 6

Bakunin Überfallkommando – 39,95 €

Composed of a Chimera, a human modified in a bizarre way for combat, and a group of Pupniks, illegal human-animal hybrids, genetically created for fighting and sex, the Überfallkommando riot control unit is the scourge of the clandestine fight circuits.

This box includes 4 miniatures: 1 Chimera and 3 Pupniks. The strength and speed of these troops make them perfect for use as an assault element, a favorite of Bakunin players, and a good choice to complete the Bakunin Observance Action Pack.

Its Season 15 Tournament Pack 1 Its Season 15 Tournament Pack 2 Its Season 15 Tournament Pack 3 Its Season 15 Tournament Pack 4 Its Season 15 Tournament Pack 5 Its Season 15 Tournament Pack 6 Its Season 15 Tournament Pack 7 Its Season 15 Tournament Pack 8

ITS Season 15 Tournament Pack New Order – 39,95 €

New pack to organize Infinity tournaments or leagues, with a great selection of prizes for the participants.

Contains the exclusive Freelance Operator Samsa miniature, 1 Winner’s Medallion, 1 Samsa logo pin, 3 random limited edition patches, 2 metal Order Tokens, 2 S6 Silhouette Templates, 2 exclusive d20 dice, 2 metal DropPod Tokens, 1 pack of 50 card sleeves and 1 ITS code (valid for either Tournament or League).

Father Lucien Sforza 1 Father Lucien Sforza 2 Father Lucien Sforza 3 Father Lucien Sforza 4

Father Lucien Sforza, Authorized Bounty Hunter – 16,95 €

Father Sforza is a unique bounty hunter and adventurer, a former man of the cloth who still wears his collar.

Throughout his career, Sforza has built a fearsome reputation, collecting an extraordinary amount of bounties and hunting down mercilessly both humans and rogue AIs.

This box includes 1 miniature of Father Lucien Sforza. An effective mercenary trooper that will help you to eliminate annoying threats from the game table.

Operations Deck 1 Operations Deck 2 Operations Deck 3 Operations Deck 4 Operations Deck 5

Operations Deck – 14,95 €

New Operations Deck adapted for the ITS Season 15. The Operations Deck replaces the previous Classified Objectives Deck in this new season of the ITS.

The Operations Deck is composed of the Classified Deck, 20 cards necessary for the ITS mission Classified Objectives, plus the Tactical Objectives Deck and the Battle Conditions Deck, 28 cards which determine the objectives and combat circumstances in the new game format: Resilience Operations.

Bixie Jade Champion 1 Bixie Jade Champion 2 Bixie Jade Champion 3 Bixie Jade Champion 4

Bixie, the Jade Champion – 13,50 €

Bìxié, Yu Jing’s champion in the HexaDome, heroine of the StateEmpire, and icon of the technological achievements of the Dágang Corporation.

She was a young soldier who lost both legs fighting for her country on Svalarheima, and who still takes part in tournaments, as well as in recruiting campaigns and, especially, in touring different battlefronts representing Yu Jing and O-12, turned into a real symbol for all the StateEmpire’s citizens.

This box includes 1 miniature of Bìxié. A highly capable trooper to reinforce the Fireteams of the Invincible Army, the White Banner, and even Starmada, but which can also stand alone in your Yu Jing lists.

Infinity ist unter anderem bei unseren Partnern Fantasy-InFantasywelt und Taschengelddieb erhältlich.
Community-Link: O-12 bei Discord

Quelle: Corvus Belli


Brückenkopf-Online Redakteur und Tabletop Insider stv. Chefredakteur. Spielt Infinity, SAGA, Freebooter's Fate, Kings of War, Warhammer 40k, Warzone Resurrection, Dropzone Commander, Deadzone, Dreadball, X-Wing, Konflikt '47, Bolt Action, Dead Man's Hand, Dracula's America, Beyond the Gates of Antares, Dropfleet Commander, Frostgrave, Collision, Bushido, Shadespire, Aristeia! und Warpath.

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  • Wie immer gute Minis. Mir persönlich gefällt das alte überfallkommando besser. War beim neuen caskuda ähnlich.

      • Beim alten Uberfallkommando gefällt mir die Chimera besser, aber die Pupniks gefallen mir vom neuen Set besser. Die Katze sieht auch einfach aus wie Beerus von Dragon Ball Super 😀

  • Das ist mal wieder ein starker Monat aus meiner Sicht.gerade die Kosmoflot Box finde ich wieder mal super passend in ihrer Lowtech Optik

  • Ich weiß echt nicht woran es liegt aber irgendwie triggern die Infinity-Releases schon seit längerem nicht mehr meinen Kaufreflex.
    Das ist technisch alles top aber die Begeisterung will nicht so richtig aufkommen. Und dann halt 45€ für die Kosmoflotbox.

  • Die Batroids und Pubniks kommen mir sehr starr vor. Selbst die Katze- sie mag zwar auf einem Bein stehen aber alle geben mir das Gefühl von alten Action Figuren wie die alten He Man Figuren. Bei denen man die Arme nur auf einem einfachen Gelenk bewegen konnte.

    Auch die im neuen Video angekündigten Haqqislam finde ich wesentlich liebloser als die alten :/

    • Gab’s da nicht mal ne Moderator, die einen Lolli in der Hand hielt? Sowas macht CB schon seit Ewigkeiten nicht mehr. Warum?

    • Ich finde für Katzenlady auch zu statisch, vor allem bei dem coolen Artwork.. Aber das stört mich auch bei Yara Haddad bin diesem Monat.. Eigentlich feier ich die coolen Modelle von Corvus Belli aber die Ariadna Modelle grade die Strannik ist mir zu Mangamäßig und passt meiner Meinung nach gar nicht zu den bisherigen eher realistischen Kosmoflott Modellen.. Aber zum Glück hab ich genug TAK Modelle zum Proxen😁

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