von BK-Thorsten | 13.10.2023 | eingestellt unter: Infinity

Infinity: November Neuheiten

Corvus Belli geben einen Ausblick auf ihre Neuheiten im November.

Infinity Aftermath Characters Pack 1 Infinity Aftermath Characters Pack 2 Infinity Aftermath Characters Pack 3 Infinity Aftermath Characters Pack 4 Infinity Aftermath Characters Pack 5 Infinity Aftermath Characters Pack 6 Infinity Aftermath Characters Pack 7

Infinity Aftermath Characters Pack – 59,95€

The Human Sphere is always unpredictable, and when greed and vengeance drove young hacker Uhahu and Caledonian fighter Denma Connolly to rig a game of Aristeia! and run away with the proceeds, little did they know that they both and their Zellenkrieger comrades would end up embroiled in an international conspiracy.

This box includes 5 miniatures: Denma Connolly, Caledonian Zellenkrieger; Ishinomori, Exreme Zellenkrieger (Injected Thermoplastic); K1llj0y, Zellenkrieger; Raiza the Whispering Death, Zellenkrieger and Uhahu, Hacker for Hire. The protagonists of Infinity’s graphic novel, Aftermath ready to boost the punch of your army lists.

Reinf Squalos Mk Ii 1 Reinf Squalos Mk Ii 2 Reinf Squalos Mk Ii 3 Reinf Squalos Mk Ii 4

Reinf. Squalos Mk-II, PanOceanian Armored Cavalry – 36,95€

Heavy Lancers regiments are hyper-sophisticated units, the epitome of PanOceania’s technological superiority. As they are used to working as a team and supporting each other in perfect synchronicity, these troops have proven to be both formidable and terrifying in combat. All Squalos bear an inscription with the motto of the armored corps: Ultima Ratio PanOceaniae, “The final argument of PanOceania,” for the Armored Cavalry is PanOceania’s finest instrument of persuasion.

This box includes one injected thermoplastic miniature: a Squalo Mk-II with Spitfire. An amazing TAG to expand your PanOceania collection and your Reinforcements: PanOceania Pack Alpha.

Steel Phalanx Expansion Pack Alpha 1 Steel Phalanx Expansion Pack Alpha 2 Steel Phalanx Expansion Pack Alpha 3 Steel Phalanx Expansion Pack Alpha 4 Steel Phalanx Expansion Pack Alpha 5

Steel Phalanx Expansion Pack Alpha – 34,95€

It’s hard to say who is most dangerous, the lethal Tactical Hacker Scylla, who is usually accompanied by her loyal DevaBot, or the fearsome Nesaie Alkê, leading her unstoppable Thorakitai.

This box includes 3 miniatures: one Scylla Hacker, one DevaBot with Heavy Flamethrower, and one Nesaie Alkê with Spitfire. The perfect support for your Steel Phalanx Fireteams, adding extra firepower to your ALEPH force from Operation: Blackwind.

Bakunin Expansion Pack Beta 2 Bakunin Expansion Pack Beta 3 Bakunin Expansion Pack Beta 4 Bakunin Expansion Pack Beta 5 Bakunin Expansion Pack Beta 6

Bakunin Expansion Pack Beta – 34,95€

Moderators are Bakunin’s tactical law enforcement unit, and their task is to present a credible response to critical situations of all kinds. The MetaChemistry of the Morlocks liberates and enhances their aggressiveness in battle. Devotees of ultraviolence, the Morlocks are programmed to cause chaos and trouble.

This box includes 4 miniatures: two Moderators with Combi Rifle, one Morlock with DA CCW, and Morlock with AP CCW. The essential basic troops of the Nomads force of your Bakunin Observance Army Pack

Reinf Haetae Unit Hmg 1 Reinf Haetae Unit Hmg 2 Reinf Haetae Unit Hmg 3 Reinf Haetae Unit Hmg 4

Reinf. Haetae Unit (HMG) – 29,95€

When in combat, the Haetae truly resemble the mythologic unicorn lion that has been the symbolic defender of the Korean capital since the Joseon period, in both strength and ferocity. Echoing the original members of the extinct 14th UDKR, whose spirit will be with them forever, the armed symbol of the Korean troops’ unbreakable resolve.

This box includes 1 miniature of a Haetae with HMG. The perfect box to provide heavy support to your Reinforcements: Yu Jing Pack Alpha forces when things go wrong.

25mm Scenery Bases Delta Series 1 25mm Scenery Bases Delta Series 2

25mm Scenery Bases, Delta Series – 13,50€

Blister of ten unpainted injected thermoplastic 25mm bases. Designed exclusively for Infinity miniatures, these scenic bases all have Line of Fire markings to improve the playability of your models. Supplied unpainted.

55mm Scenery Bases Delta Series 1 55mm Scenery Bases Delta Series 2

55mm Scenery Bases, Delta Series – 11,95€

Blister of two unpainted injected thermoplastic 55mm bases. Designed exclusively for Infinity miniatures, these scenic bases all have Line of Fire markings to improve the playability of your models. Supplied unpainted.

Infinity ist unter anderem bei unseren Partnern Fantasy-InFantasywelt und Taschengelddieb erhältlich.
Community-Link: O-12 bei Discord

Quelle: Corvus Belli


Brückenkopf-Online Redakteur und Tabletop Insider stv. Chefredakteur. Spielt Infinity, SAGA, Freebooter's Fate, Kings of War, Warhammer 40k, Warzone Resurrection, Dropzone Commander, Deadzone, Dreadball, X-Wing, Konflikt '47, Bolt Action, Dead Man's Hand, Dracula's America, Beyond the Gates of Antares, Dropfleet Commander, Frostgrave, Collision, Bushido, Shadespire, Aristeia! und Warpath.

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  • Ist ja mal wieder alles weitergehend schick (bis auf Aleph da scheinen mir due char resculpts generell etwas Charakter zu verlieren) aber mit dem Hätätä haben sue mal wieder den Vogel abgeschossen. Guter Skulpt – keine Frage- aber genau das Profil, das keiner spielen möchte und ne CC pose, wo kein CC ist – hallo Swiss Guard.

    So gibts kein Geld von mir. Zumal man jetzt zwei Jahre bis ewig auf den HRL warten darf.

    • Du meinst weil er so ein tolles Betäubung katana hat?

      Ich persönlich finde ja das Bakunin Pack recht lame

  • Die beiden Heavy Metal Stücke (naja, leider ja nicht mehr) finde ich super. Besonders den Hätätötööää

  • Ich habe mit dem Spiel ja nichts am Hut, aber die Minis finde ich jedes Mal wieder großartig, Posen, Sculpts und natürlich die Bemalung… Echt totschick…

  • Bin der Meinung, dass der Erfolg von Infinity zu 50% von der Studiobemalung getrieben wurde. Jedes Ma wieder ein optisches Fest.

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