von BK-Thorsten | 05.01.2023 | eingestellt unter: Infinity

Infinity: Februar Neuheiten

Corvus Belli zeigen einige Neuheiten sowie einen Resculpt für Infinity im Februar.

The Hungries Gakis Pretas 1 The Hungries Gakis Pretas 2 The Hungries Gakis Pretas 3 The Hungries Gakis Pretas 4 The Hungries Gakis Pretas 5 The Hungries Gakis Pretas 6

The Hungries: Gakis and Pretas – 39,95 €

The Hungries are light combat operatives. Both Gakis and Pretas are likely trained using a reward-mediated trial-and-error system, expedited by the EI artificially stimulating their appetite centers. This might explain the Combined Army military designation for these creatures: ‘The Hungries’. Humans met them for the first time on Paradiso, where they codenamed them Gakis and Pretas, the Japanese and Hindi names for hungry ghosts, after their fierce attacks and their inclination to move in ravening packs.

This box includes 4 miniatures: 2 Gakis and 2 Pretas. There is nothing more terrifying for the enemy than knowing that the field of operation will be infested with these lethal creatures. An ideal complement to your Morat Aggression Forces Action Pack.

Shakush Light Armored Unit 1 Shakush Light Armored Unit 2 Shakush Light Armored Unit 3 Shakush Light Armored Unit 4

Shakush Light Armored Unit – 36,95 €

Some may think it sounds excessive saying that a lightweight TAG can crush the bones of any enemy, but only those who have never seen a Shakush in action will say that. Used wisely, taking full advantage of its potential without risking it in suicide operations, or even when doing so, the Shakush is a tactical element that can turn the tide of the battle.

This box includes an injected thermoplastic miniature of a Shakush with AP Spitfire and Heavy Flamethrower. This lightweight TAG will provide the firepower and endurance needed to make a difference in your Haqqislam army from your Operation: Blackwind box.

Kosmoflot Expansion Pack Alpha 1 Kosmoflot Expansion Pack Alpha 2 Kosmoflot Expansion Pack Alpha 3 Kosmoflot Expansion Pack Alpha 4 Kosmoflot Expansion Pack Alpha 5

Kosmoflot Expansion Pack Alpha – 34,95 €

Although Kosmoflot was conceived as a naval space force focusing on near-space naval operations and deep-space patrols with a tactical staff specializing in boarding tactics and security, its return to the moon of Tanit proved this approach to be insufficient. Yuan Yuan pirate attacks on helpless construction and mining crews scattered across Tanit’s surface made it clear that this force’s presence on the satellite must extend outside their docking facilities.

This box includes 3 miniatures: One Paracommando with Spitfire, one Volkolak Missile Launcher and one Armata Proyekt-4 Kosmosoldat with Autocannon. With this box you can expand your options when creating an Army List and continue the Ariadna or Kosmoflot collection you started with the Operation: Crimson Stone.

Agamemnon Atreides 1 Agamemnon Atreides 2 Agamemnon Atreides 3 Agamemnon Atreides 4

Agamemnon the Atreides – 32,95 €

The Atreides is the asset that the Steel Phalanx deploys when things go awry. Agamemnon is the game changer, the one who can turn the tables, either swinging his mace or unleashing all his firepower on the enemy while he laughs at whatever his opponents throw at him.

This box includes an injected thermoplastic miniature of Agamemnon with AP Spitfire and Heavy Flamethrower. This lightweight TAG is the new addition to the Steel Phalanx army of your Operation: Blackwind box, providing the innate offensive power of the TAGs.

Tomcats 1 Tomcats 2 Tomcats 3 Tomcats 4 Tomcats 5 Tomcats 6

Tomcats – 32,95 €

Tomcat operatives must exhibit a great degree of versatility, and teams are composed of members with different domains of expertise to facilitate the success of their mission. The demanding conditions of their work, along with the specifics of Nomad administrative structure, dictate that the Tomcat teams work as a military unit. The Nomad Military Force has been known to put their exceptional skills to good use in combat as a rapid response support unit. Their role is to execute extraordinary rescue operations, immediate response missions, and in extremis hostage liberation actions. The bottom line is: they save lives.

This box includes 4 miniatures: One Tomcat Doctor with Combi Rifle, two Zondcats, and the brave Tomcats Sergeant, Carlota Kowalsky. The perfect tactical support for your Nomad force from your Operation: Crimson Stone box.

Darpan Xeno Station Scenery Pack 1 Darpan Xeno Station Scenery Pack 2 Darpan Xeno Station Scenery Pack 3

Darpan Xeno-Station Scenery Pack – 29,95 €

Darpan (दर्पण, “mirror”) Xeno-station is one of the many secret research facilities hidden deep in the jungles of the Durgama region, on Concilium Prime. It’s a joint-initiative put forward by O-12 and the Darpan Corporation, a PanOceanian company dedicated to food-related and genetic research. Although these kind of joint-initiatives are commonplace for O-12’s research programs, the work conducted in Darpan is distinctive in that they are being carried out under the patronage and supervision of ALEPH.

This Scenery Pack includes a ready-to-play, double-sided printed cardboard scenery (4 Buildings, 4 Holoads, 2 Public Consoles, and 9 Blast Barriers), a Game Mat, and also cardboard Markers, Templates and a measuring tool. Everything you need to start playing!

The ideal complement to increase the cover of your gaming table.

Darpan Xeno Station Scenery Expansion Pack 1 Darpan Xeno Station Scenery Expansion Pack 2 Darpan Xeno Station Scenery Expansion Pack 3

Darpan Xeno-Station Scenery Expansion Pack – 29,95 €

The purpose of the research done at Darpan is to make use of the knowledge on alien biology gathered from the many Paradiso Offensives in order to develop innovative technologies that could prove beneficial for the human race. Its main goal is improve agricultural yield through the introduction of species hailing from systems outside the Human Sphere, both the ones brought here by Combined Army troops and those provided by allied Tohaa forces.

With this expansion pack you can complement and expand the scenery from your Operation: Blackwind or your Darpan Xeno-Station Scenery Pack.

This 3mm cardboard scenery pack, two-sided printed, includes an Objective room, two small buildings, a sniper tower, a console, two bridges, two staircases, an inner ladder, an inner walkway and a 24×32 inch paper gaming mat.

Infinity ist unter anderem bei unseren Partnern Fantasy-InFantasyweltMinyarts und Taschengelddieb erhältlich.

Quelle: Infinity Website


Brückenkopf-Online Redakteur und Tabletop Insider stv. Chefredakteur. Spielt Infinity, SAGA, Freebooter's Fate, Kings of War, Warhammer 40k, Warzone Resurrection, Dropzone Commander, Deadzone, Dreadball, X-Wing, Konflikt '47, Bolt Action, Dead Man's Hand, Dracula's America, Beyond the Gates of Antares, Dropfleet Commander, Frostgrave, Collision, Bushido, Shadespire, Aristeia! und Warpath.

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  • Mhm, der Hammer beim Agamemnon sieht tatsächlich ein wenig deplaziert oder wie auf FB beschrieben reingeshopped aus. Auf dem ersten Bild is es schlimm auf dem zweiten geht es dann gerade so.
    Alles schöne Minis, vor allem der Haqqislam TAG gefällt mir.

  • Frage…
    Sind die The Hungries: Gakis and Pretas aus Metall oder Kunststoff?
    Sehen sehr gut aus 😃

  • Hätte mir von Shakush und Agamemnon irgendwie mehr erwartet. Das wird dann wohl die Umbauprobe für Siocast für mich. Mal sehen was sich mit dem Zeug machen lässt.

  • Laesst sich ziemlich gut bearbeiten. Man kann sehr einfach Sachen wegschneiden. Man muss halt sehr vorsichtig sein. Hab bei meinem Bultrack versehentlich erst die Mopedgriffe weggeschnitten. Konnte ich aber wieder gut ankleben.

  • Kosmoflot ist toll geworden. Leider nicht meine Fraktion. Die alten hungries finde ich persönlich viel besser. Schade…

  • Ich werd mir den Shakush sogar zweimal holen, einmal für meine Haqqislam Truppe und einmal für meine Military Orders als Tikbalang Proxy, kriegt halt einen anderen Kopf..

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