von BK-Pascal | 07.04.2023 | eingestellt unter: Science-Fiction

Heavy Gear Blitz: Neuheiten

Es gibt einige Neuheiten für Heavy Gear Blitz.

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We added the F-27 Sarru Squad (4x Sarru, 4x 40mm round bases, and extra parts and the F-112 Rabbu Squad (4x Rabbu, 4x 50mm round bases, and extra parts to the Dream Pod 9 Online Store today. The squads come packed in a plastic clam shell blister with color product card in front of a ziplock bag will all the 3d printed resin parts. Here is a link to the DP9 Online Store New Releases section for all interested in picking some up. Plus our DP9 Spring Sale is on now with a 10% savings on the new releases.

The Sarru and Rabbu Squad Packs are Dream Pod 9’s second releases of fully 3d printed resin miniatures, produced in a partnership with Tieflings Workshop, in the USA. They were 3d modelled by Joe Whitlock for Dream Pod 9 and he did another amazing job.

We’ve included photos of the blister product cards with minis painted up by Phillip F. LeClerc. Plus resin parts photos, larger photos of the painted minis front and back, and images of the squad sheets we prepared with their HGB game stats and parts used to make the various model poses. Plus we have a size comparison photo with all 4 new Caprice faction minis: Sarru (on 40mm base), Rabbu (on 50mm base), Zikru (on 25mm hex base) and Maru (on 25mm hex base).

Quelle: Dream Pod 9


Brückenkopf-Redakteur und Miniature-Painting-Streamer. Wiedereinstieg ins Hobby 2015 nach sehr langer Pause. Spielt Warhammer 40k, SAGA, Star Wars Legion, Summoners uvm.

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