von BK-Nils | 27.02.2023 | eingestellt unter: Allgemeines

GW: Wochenvorschau mit den Kharadron Overlord

Kommenden Samstag erreichen die Luftflotten der Kharadron Overlord erneut die Reiche der Sterblichen auf der Suche nach Profit, außerdem gibt es thematische Söldnerregimenter und eine neue Warhammer Underworlds Bande.

Sunday Preview – The Kharadron Overlords and Regiments of Renown Offer Their Services

Hold on to your valuables – the Kharadron Overlords are preparing to plunder the Mortal Realms, mercenary Regiments of Renown are on the lookout for opportunities to ply their trade, and the Daughters of Khaine are fighting their way into the Gnarlwood.

Battletome: Kharadron Overlords

Games Workshop Sunday Preview – The Kharadron Overlords And Regiments Of Renown Offer Their Services 1

The sky-fleets of the Kharadron Overlords have weighed anchor, and are jetting across the skies of the Mortal Realms in pursuit of profit. No source of aether-gold will be safe from these enterprising duardin thanks to updated warscrolls, pitched battle profiles, and new Path to Glory rules.

For the mightiest of mercantile magnates, Battletome: Kharadron Overlords will also be available in a Limited Edition featuring gilt page edges, gold foil blocking, a red ribbon page marker, and soft-touch cover. It’s limited to just 500 numbered copies.


Games Workshop Sunday Preview – The Kharadron Overlords And Regiments Of Renown Offer Their Services 2

All Kharadron operate within the constraints of a baffling and labyrinthine living document known only as the Kharadron Code. Fleets frequently head to battle with a Codewright aboard, as this brainy duardin can navigate the ocean of precedents and footnotes, twisting sacred legislation to give his Admiral an advantage.

Vanguard: Kharadron Overlords

Games Workshop Sunday Preview – The Kharadron Overlords And Regiments Of Renown Offer Their Services 3

Muster your own fleet with this Vanguard box, packed with airborne duardin. You get a formidable Arkanaut Admiral, a 10-man Arkanaut Company, three Endrinriggers that can alternatively be built as spear-toting Skywardens, and an Arkanaut Frigate to ferry your footsloggers into battle, guns blazing and engines steaming.

Warscroll Cards: Kharadron Overlords

Games Workshop Sunday Preview – The Kharadron Overlords And Regiments Of Renown Offer Their Services 4

Ensure you have all of your warscrolls at hand when you need them in battle with this pack of 17 reference cards for the Kharadron Overlords, alongside two token boards which will help you keep your abilities in check.

Kharadron Overlords Dice Set

Games Workshop Sunday Preview – The Kharadron Overlords And Regiments Of Renown Offer Their Services 5

The Kharadron Overlords make their own luck on the battlefield – but a fine set of brassy orange dice with black ink may help tip the scales ever so slightly in your favour, and the Kharadron Overlords symbol on each 6 face can’t hurt…

Norgrimm’s Rune Throng

Games Workshop Sunday Preview – The Kharadron Overlords And Regiments Of Renown Offer Their Services 6

Regiments of Renown are bringing mercenaries back to the Age of Sigmar, giving you a new way of adding powerful and thematic new units to your armies. Norgrimm’s Rune Throng are an exiled band of Dispossessed duardin, on the hunt for valuable rune lore. These stout dogs of war will happily lend an objective-capturing hand to any ORDER general willing to help them in their quest.

The Coven of Thryx

Games Workshop Sunday Preview – The Kharadron Overlords And Regiments Of Renown Offer Their Services 7

Magister Thyrx learned how to harness the essence of daemons into his Endless Spells – and ever since, the agents of Tzeentch have been seeking to snuff out his peculiar talent. Why? Only the Changer of the Ways can say… CHAOS generals who can offer shelter from arcanite assassins will be able to recruit this expert spellcaster, exploiting his unique knowledge of Endless Spells in battle.

Veremord’s Shamblers

Games Workshop Sunday Preview – The Kharadron Overlords And Regiments Of Renown Offer Their Services 8

Corrosive smoke billowing on the wind heralds the arrival of Veremord’s Corpse Cart. This talented necromancer is an expert in breaking through the magic seals that guard the Mortal Realms’ crypts, resurrecting Deadwalker Zombies who he protects with his own thaumaturgical wards. He’s eager to accept the patronage of any DEATH warlord who’ll take him.

Hargax’s Pit-beasts

Games Workshop Sunday Preview – The Kharadron Overlords And Regiments Of Renown Offer Their Services 9

Pro-tip for aspiring pitmasters – never leave your former master alive. A young upstart overthrew Hargax, and now he travels the realms in search of vicious monsters he can beat into submission. Any CHAOS general willing to help him add to his monstrous menagerie – and take back his position overseeing the Pit of Shattered Spines – will find Hargax and his two mutant pets to be a terrifying trio of fighters.

Elthwin’s Thorns

Games Workshop Sunday Preview – The Kharadron Overlords And Regiments Of Renown Offer Their Services 10

Elthwin’s soulpod grove was tainted by the maddening energies of flesh-eating ghouls, and as a result, this band of Sylvaneth now struggle to hear the soothing tones of the spirit-song. The Arch-revenant fights back against this curse daily, darting around the battlefield on behalf of her ORDER employers with Gossamid Archer allies by her side.

Big Grikk’s Kruleshots

Games Workshop Sunday Preview – The Kharadron Overlords And Regiments Of Renown Offer Their Services 11

Orruks love to prove their might over the many monsters that inhabit the Mortal Realms, though very few do it with quite as much panache as Grikk and his vagabond Kruleshots. With vile venom-encrusted bolts, these kunnin’ killers will happily skewer any problem they’re pointed at – as long as they get paid by a DESTRUCTION warlord.

Warhammer Community will host free rules for all five of these Regiments of Renown next week, or you can get a physical copy in the next issue of White Dwarf.

Gryselle’s Arenai

Games Workshop Sunday Preview – The Kharadron Overlords And Regiments Of Renown Offer Their Services 12

The gladiators of Har Kuron have descended on the Gnarlwood to shed blood in the name of their murderous god and hone their deadly skills. Led by Gryselle the Slaughterer, this lightning-fast warband is made up of exceptional acrobats who favour speed over defence, slashing and dashing their way through their foes as they Inspire each other to more extraordinary acts of carnage.

Beastbound Assault Rivals Deck

Games Workshop Sunday Preview – The Kharadron Overlords And Regiments Of Renown Offer Their Services 13

The forests of Ghur are packed with critters large and small, and warbands who can harness these deadly denizens find themselves at an advantage when fighting in the Gnarlwood. Simply pop open the Beastbound Assault Rivals deck to find out what a little bit of animal magic can do for your favourite warband, or mix the cards with your existing decks to unlock new combos in the Nemesis and Relic formats.

Warhammer: Age of Sigmar ist unter anderem bei unseren Partnern Fantasy-In und Minyarts erhältlich.

Quelle: Games Workshop


Nils, Redakteur bei Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2001 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop: DSA Armalion. Aktueller Fokus liegt auf Skirmish-Systemen und Warhammer 40.000. mehr auf https://www.instagram.com/nerdydutchman/

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  • Also der Codewright mit seinem Bücherregal und seinen Lautsprechern erinnert mich etwas an diese (über-)schwer bewaffneten Desolatoren. Keine überschweren Riesenwummen, aber mal eben die Bibliothek mit aufs Schlachtfeld nehmen. Sehr praktisch. Dann kann man im Zweifel auch mal nachschlagen, wenn es gerade mal so richtig zur Sache geht.

  • Codewright erinnert mich an die Selbstdarstellung einiger 40k Spieler wenn sie erzählen was sie alles an Büchern mit zum Spiel schleppen müssen.

  • Schade, dass die „Regiments of Reknown“ jetzt nur als Sammlungen alter Minis gemacht sind 🤨
    Weiß jemand schon wo die preislich liegen werden?

    • Ich lehne mich mal aus dem Fenster und schätze: Sicherlich wieder bei rund 1/3 Ersparnis, was 70-75 für die 3 Teureren wäre. Die Zwerge, 3 Warcry Monster und Orks. Die übrigen so grob um 50.

      • Bei den Preisen die im Netzt kursieren sind es leider eher 20% bis 23% für die Regiments of Renown. Aber mal abwarten.

      • Das war ja hochgradig albern, wenn man bedenkt, dass die teuersten Start Collecting-Boxen nach dem großen Preissprung so viel gekostet haben.

  • @Umstrittener User: ganz ehrlich, ich glaube da hat GW auch einfach ein wenig Selbstironie einfließen lassen. Da gab es ja schon zig Memes aber mich hat natürlich das mit den Kill Team Quellenbuch-Bezeichnung zu allen Büchern am meisten persönlich angesprochen 😅

    • 40k Memes verfolge ich nicht so.
      Aber es hätte mich auch sehr überrascht wenn da nicht schon der eine oder andere drauf gekommen wäre.

      • ich würde eher sagen, nicht ich verfolge 40K Memes, 40K Memes verfolgen mich 😅. Bekomme immer wieder welche geschickt und da sind schon auch gute dabei. Von daher ist das keine Beschwerde.

  • Der Codewright wäre für mich eine nette Bitzbox: Das Bücherregal für einen Servitor der Inquisition, die offenen Bücher kann man immer gebrauchen und der Zwerg als ein mehr archaischer Squat geht immer.

  • Die kleine Ork Box ist ganz nett. Die Würde irgendwann mal in den Einkaufswagen wandern, wenn sie nicht wohl sofort ausverkauft ist. Dann ist sie mir aber auch egal, sooo genial ist sie auch nicht.

    Die Box der Zwerge ist auch cool, die wär was für ein Diorama. Dafür wär es mir das Geld sogar wert.

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