von BK-Nils | 14.08.2023 | eingestellt unter: Warhammer 40.000

GW: Space Marines und Kill Teams Preview

Kommenden Samstag betritt die Space Marines Vanguard Task Force die Schlachtfelder der fernen Zukunft, während mit dem Kill Team Annual 2023 – Season of the Gallowdark Buch und vier Kill Teams als Einzelveröffentlichung die aktuelle Saison abgeschlossen wird.

Sunday Preview – Sneaky Space Marines and a Whole Season of Kill Team

Next week brings back some classic Space Marines, while four complete Kill Teams – including the sought-after Inquisitorial Agents – get their standalone releases alongside a new Annual packed with expanded game content. That’s only the tip of the week’s iceberg, so let’s have a quick look at what’s coming next in the worlds of Warhammer.

Warhammer 40.000

Space Marines Vanguard Task Force

Games Workshop Sunday Preview – Sneaky Space Marines And A Whole Season Of Kill Team 1

Space Marines in Phobos armour are expert scouts, infiltrating enemy lines in lighter gear. The Vanguard Task Force sees a well-rounded group of these stealth specialists return to the field, with 10 Infiltrators, three Suppressors, and three Eliminators led by a capable Lieutenant in Phobos Armour – all amply equipped to cause havoc in the backfield.

Captain with Relic Shield and Lieutenant with Storm Shield

Games Workshop Sunday Preview – Sneaky Space Marines And A Whole Season Of Kill Team 2

Two heroes from the legendary Indomitus box set are flying solo for the first time. The Captain with Relic Shield is an excellent leader for your Bladeguard Veterans, while the Lieutenant with Storm Shield adds a hero with a nifty Invulnerable Save.

Master of Possession

Games Workshop Sunday Preview – Sneaky Space Marines And A Whole Season Of Kill Team 3

On the Chaos side, the Master of Possession returns for his own standalone release, bringing his mastery of daemonic spirits, and a backpack that’ll make Salamanders jealous, to the table.

Warhammer 40.000 Kill Team

Kill Team Annual 2023 – Season of the Gallowdark

The most recent season of Kill Team has come to a close, challenging your operatives to survive in the bowels of the nightmare space hulk Gallowdark. These expansions introduced a wide variety of missions taking advantage of the close confines and unique scenery pieces, and now all of this content is being collected together into a massive 296-page tome.

Games Workshop Sunday Preview – Sneaky Space Marines And A Whole Season Of Kill Team 4

Kill Team Annual 2023 – Season of the Gallowdark includes all of the rules from the Into the Dark, Shadowvaults, Soulshackle, and Gallowfall expansions, with 10 full kill teams, 45 missions, five Killzone terrain expansions, and a gripping Spec Ops campaign to play through. It’s the ultimate companion for games of Kill Team in close confines.

Fellgor Ravagers

Games Workshop Sunday Preview – Sneaky Space Marines And A Whole Season Of Kill Team 5

Space hulks are often infested with mutated beastmen braying dark prayers to the Chaos Gods, and these hordes are known as Fellgor Ravagers. Using scavenged equipment and sheer bestial fury, they revel in the close-ranged scrum of the Gallowdark, and will take on any mission to earn glory in the eyes of their patrons.

Hand of the Archon

Games Workshop Sunday Preview – Sneaky Space Marines And A Whole Season Of Kill Team 6

Elite Kabalite agents known as the Hand of the Archon are an invaluable asset for any lord seeking dominion over Commorragh, as they’re among the few Drukhari who can be trusted to carry out independent missions without immediately betraying their superiors. Their combat skills make them a threat both at range and up close, while they speed around the killzone setting up deadly ambushes and pouncing on unsuspecting operatives.

Hearthkyn Salvagers

Games Workshop Sunday Preview – Sneaky Space Marines And A Whole Season Of Kill Team 7

Well equipped teams of Hearthkyn rummage through the drifting hulks of voidships for lost technology, valuables, and other prizes. These Kin possess a diverse array of skills to combat any trouble they might find aboard, from explosives experts to information analysts – and their powerful weapons make sure any would-be interruptions are swiftly dealt with.

Inquisitorial Agents

Games Workshop Sunday Preview – Sneaky Space Marines And A Whole Season Of Kill Team 8

Despite the power afforded by their station, Inquisitors can rarely get much done without a dedicated team of acolytes and assistants to act as their eyes and ears in the field. These Inquisitorial Agents come from all walks of life and differ wildly from each other – represented by this kit having two very different build options for each of the four main operatives.

Killzone Upgrade: Gallowfall

Games Workshop Sunday Preview – Sneaky Space Marines And A Whole Season Of Kill Team 9

Stage your missions in the chaotic escape pod bays and medical theatres of a dying space hulk in Killzone Upgrade: Gallowfall, containing 18 pieces of terrain for your Gallowdark-themed Kill Team boards. These upgrades bring your killzone to life with all kinds of pods, beds, and gurneys, and are essential for running the Gallowfall series of missions in the new Kill Team Annual 2023 – Season of the Gallowdark.

Warhammer 40.000 ist unter anderem bei unseren Partnern Fantasywelt und Taschengelddieb erhältlich.

Quelle: Games Workshop


Nils, Redakteur bei Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2001 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop: DSA Armalion. Aktueller Fokus liegt auf Skirmish-Systemen und Warhammer 40.000. mehr auf https://www.instagram.com/nerdydutchman/

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  • Und wieder mal der Phobos Marine Anteil aus der alten Shadowspear box. Das jetzt glaube ich schon die dritte neue Box mit diesen Gussrahmen. GW scheint die offenbar immer noch auf Halde rumliegen zu haben. Und wie auch bei der Soro Box würde ich eher die vollwertigen Boxen empfehlen, denn hiermit kann man keine Incusrs und keine Scharfschützen mit Laserkanonen bauen. Allerdings gibt es eben nur hier wieder den exklusiven Phobos Lt…

    Ansonsten haben wir diverse Kill Team stand alone. Die Votann Truppe sieht mit dem Zusatzgussrahmen ja richtig gut aus. Leider wartet die Truppe in 40k dringend auf ein Update, denn momentan ist sie fast nicht spielbar.

    Die Inquisitionsschergen werde ich mir mal genauer ansehen. Ich mochte die bei der ersten Ankündigung eigentlich gar nicht, aber nachdem ich die mal in echt gesehen habe, gefallen die mir mittlerweile schon. Es kommt halt wie immer darauf an, was man aus den Bausätzen macht… 😉

  • Genau meine Meinung 😃👍
    Gebe dir absolut Recht.

    Ich werde mir wahrscheinlich die Inquisitor Box kaufen.
    Zum umbauen

  • Die LoV muss ich haben. Der Minigunner wird grün, der mit Jumppack blau, der mit dem Werkzeug rot. Jetzt fehlt nur noch einer mit Drillbits oder Flammenwerfer in gelb, dann is es perfekt.

  • Lustig dass diese ganzen Fehlplanungen jetzt in einem einzelnen Release-Slot kommen. Aber immerhin sind die Minis jetzt (wieder) verfügbar. Freue mich vor allem über den Preis der Vanguard-Box schmunzeln zu können.

    • Ja genau 😁👍
      Das freut mich auch.
      Die Verkäufer in der Bucht lassen seit heute morgen ihre Preise fallen 😁😁

  • Tja, die Dark Eldar.. ähm „Kabalite Krieger“ könnte ich noch mit aufnehmen.. warum nicht, schade nur, das es für Khorne kein extra Killteam gibt.. schade.. 😞

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