von BK-Nils | 26.06.2023 | eingestellt unter: Blood Bowl / Fantasy Football, Warhammer / Age of Sigmar

GW: AoS Dawnbringers und Blood Bowl Preview

Kommenden Samstag geht mit dem ersten Band der neuen Kampagnenreihe für Warhammer Age of Sigmar, Dawnbringers Book I – Harbingers, sowie begleitenden Boxen mit besonderen Regimentern los und für Blood Bowl kommt eine neue Erweiterung für Straßenspiele.

Sunday Preview – Four Harbingers Herald a New Season of Warhammer Age of Sigmar and a Fresh Flavour for Blood Bowl

Change is nigh in the Mortal Realms, as the Dawbringer Crusades ride out to take back what Sigmar lost during the Age of Chaos.

Warhammer Age of Sigmar

Dawnbringers Book I Harbingers

Games Workshop Sunday Preview – Four Harbingers Herald A New Season Of Warhammer Age Of Sigmar And A Fresh Flavour For Blood Bowl 1

Harbingers is the first chapter of the new Dawnbringers series, the prologue of an epic tale that tells of the Twin-Tailed Crusade as it marches out from Hammerhal. Beyond the walls of this great city, champions touched by destiny rally forces to bring down the intruders – or aid Sigmar’s expedition.

Book I commences the narrative with sections detailing the genesis of the Twin-Tailed Crusade, and the four Harbingers who herald just some of the challenges it will face. It contains a new Path to Glory battlepack centred around recruiting Harbingers and establishing communication outposts, as well as rules for the four new Harbinger heroes and each of the Regiments of Renown that fight alongside them.

Dawnbringers Book I Harbingers (Limited Edition)

Games Workshop Sunday Preview – Four Harbingers Herald A New Season Of Warhammer Age Of Sigmar And A Fresh Flavour For Blood Bowl 2

Celebrate the Twin-Tailed Crusade with a limited edition that features a soft-touch cover, gold foil blocking for the text, and gilt page edges. Each limited edition is numbered internally, and they are limited to just 500 copies, so you’ll want to act fast if you want to get yours.

General’s Handbook – Pitched Battles 2023-24

Games Workshop Sunday Preview – Four Harbingers Herald A New Season Of Warhammer Age Of Sigmar And A Fresh Flavour For Blood Bowl 3

Matched play in Warhammer Age of Sigmar is getting an update with the latest instalment of the General’s Handbook. This book, which is designed to last for a full year of matched play, contains a new battlepack focusing on the primal magic infusing the wild tundras of Andtor. Those with a suitable grasp of magic can take advantage of this wellspring of power, but they must beware wizard-hunters wielding powerful nullstone enhancements. The battlepack is filled with thematic new rules, including bespoke core battalions, grand strategies, battle tactics, and 12 new battleplans.

Dawnbringers: Fyreslayers – Fjori’s Flamebearers

Games Workshop Sunday Preview – Four Harbingers Herald A New Season Of Warhammer Age Of Sigmar And A Fresh Flavour For Blood Bowl 4

Fjori’s Flamebearers are a cohort of Fyreslayers led by the eponymous Fjori, a Grimhold Exile who fights for the honour of his lost kin. These mighty individuals are as inspiring as they are tragic, survivors from fallen magmaholds. He is accompanied by 10 Vulkite Berzerkers, as well as five Auric Hearthguard and five Hearthguard Berzerkers – who can be built as 10 of either, if you don’t want to run the Regiment of Renown in your Order armies.

Dawnbringers: Gloomspite Gitz – Braggit’s Bottle-snatchaz

Games Workshop Sunday Preview – Four Harbingers Herald A New Season Of Warhammer Age Of Sigmar And A Fresh Flavour For Blood Bowl 5

Grots may be weak on their own, but together they form a mighty horde who will stop at nothing to fulfil their deranged desires. The Rabble-Rowza Braggit summons squigs and grots alike to his cause with the help of his booming voice and enchanted squig skull. He leads the collective of crazed greenskins called the Gobbapalooza, a Squig Herd of 10 famished Cave Squigs and the two unfortunate Squig Herders who prod them into battle, plus 10 Squig Hoppers – who can be built as Boingrot Bounderz, if you don’t want to run the Regiment of Renown in your Destruction armies.

Dawnbringers: Flesh-eater Courts – Jerrion’s Delegation

Games Workshop Sunday Preview – Four Harbingers Herald A New Season Of Warhammer Age Of Sigmar And A Fresh Flavour For Blood Bowl 6

The Marrowscroll Herald Jerrion acts as an envoy for the vampiric powers that rule the Flesh-eater Courts, a horrifying carrion creature of wizened flesh and bloodied bone who appears as a noble envoy to those intoxicated by his cannibal madness. He leads 20 frenzied Crypt Ghouls, plus three Crypt Flayers and three Crypt Horrors – which can be built as six of either if you don’t want to run the Regiment of Renown in your Death armies.

Dawnbringers: Maggotkin of Nurgle – Phlugoth’s Shudderhood

Games Workshop Sunday Preview – Four Harbingers Herald A New Season Of Warhammer Age Of Sigmar And A Fresh Flavour For Blood Bowl 7

Unlike the rest of Nurgle’s devotees, Harbingers of Decay have no sense of humour whatsoever, and share their mirthless misery with foes and followers alike. Unfortunately for their foes, the grim demeanour of these sickening soothsayers is only matched by their rotten efficacy in battle. Phlugoth leads five Putrid Blightkings and two Pusgoyle Blightlords – one of which can instead be built as a Lord of Afflictions, if you don’t want to run the Regiment of Renown in your Chaos armies.

Blood Bowl

Gutter Bowl: The Game of Street-Level Fantasy Football Mayhem

Games Workshop Sunday Preview – Four Harbingers Herald A New Season Of Warhammer Age Of Sigmar And A Fresh Flavour For Blood Bowl 8

Leave the glitz of the stadium and take your game to the streets and sewers of the Old World in Gutter Bowl, the anarchic game of amateur Blood Bowl action. This is not the realm of professional sportsmen and Cabalvision glamour – it’s played in the gutters, where players smash through market stalls, balls bounce off sewage pipes, and aspiring legends vie for the attention of the leagues. Rules? What rules?

Gutter Bowl is compatible with any Blood Bowl team you have handy, making it a great way to get extra mileage out of your old stalwarts or start a brand new squad. The expansion contains the Gutter Bowl rulebook, a double-sided game board with streets on one side and sewers on the other, and two matching dugouts.

Old World Alliance Blood Bowl Team: The Middenheim Maulers

Games Workshop Sunday Preview – Four Harbingers Herald A New Season Of Warhammer Age Of Sigmar And A Fresh Flavour For Blood Bowl 9

Combine the best of the Human, Dwarf, and Halfling worlds in the Old World Alliance Blood Bowl Team. This pack of 15 multi-option plastic players builds a diverse and capable team with hardy Blockers, dependable Throwers, and whatever the Halflings are good at, giving coaches a flexible new approach to team building that can cover many of its own weaknesses.

Old World Alliance Team Card Pack

Games Workshop Sunday Preview – Four Harbingers Herald A New Season Of Warhammer Age Of Sigmar And A Fresh Flavour For Blood Bowl 10

Keep track of your players with this pack of Team Cards, containing 44 reference cards specifically for the Old World Alliance team. Alongside rules reminders and positional cards to fill in for your own players, this deck also includes 16 unique Special Play cards designed specifically for the Old World Alliance.

​​Underworld Denizens Blood Bowl Team: The Underworld Creepers 

Games Workshop Sunday Preview – Four Harbingers Herald A New Season Of Warhammer Age Of Sigmar And A Fresh Flavour For Blood Bowl 11

Sneak your way up the pitch and engage in some downright dirty trickery with the Underworld Denizens Blood Bowl team, combining the best of the Goblin and Skaven teams into one all-star package. This pack of 12 downright dastardly plastic miniatures contains some of the stealthiest players ever seen on the gridiron, such as the lightning-quick Gutter Runner – perfect for scoring a sudden touchdown while your Goblin Linemen keep your opponent busy.

Underworld Denizens Team Card Pack

Games Workshop Sunday Preview – Four Harbingers Herald A New Season Of Warhammer Age Of Sigmar And A Fresh Flavour For Blood Bowl 12

The Underworld Denizens also get their own pack of Team Cards, with rules references and Special Play cards designed to keep your head out of the rulebook and mind on the game.

Warhammer: Age of Sigmar ist unter anderem bei unseren Partnern Fantasy-In und Minyarts erhältlich.

Quelle: Games Workshop


Nils, Redakteur bei Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2001 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop: DSA Armalion. Aktueller Fokus liegt auf Skirmish-Systemen und Warhammer 40.000. mehr auf https://www.instagram.com/nerdydutchman/

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      • Das ist das Wechselspiel aus höherem Preis und weniger Inhalt.
        Von Start Collecting auf Vanguard wurde der Preis erhöht. Mit diesen neuen Boxen bleibt der Preis in etwa gleich, aber der Inhalt reduziert sich.
        GW beherrscht das Spiel schon länger – aber solange die einzelnen Komponenten immer absurd teuerer werden, kann man es sich noch schönreden, dass man ja was spart bei den Boxen 🤷‍♂️

      • Für 80 hät ich sie geholt, so lass ich mir was schönes drucken. Mit den GW Regeln zock ich sowieso nicht, da is es grad wurscht.

      • Ghoule und Zwerge find ich hier sogar besser als die Vanguard/SC Boxen. Das liegt aber auch an deren beschränkter Range.

      • OK 😃 danke für die Info
        Dann warte ich bis der nurgle General einzeln kommt oder in der Bucht.🤔

        Weiß jemand was das Buch kostet?
        Bevor ich nächste Woche gleich wieder schnapp atmung bekomme

  • Auf die Blood Bowl Erweiterung freue ich mich ja potentiell. Die beiden Teams sind aber mMn eher bescheiden … hier wurden auch nur bestehende Sprues zusammengeworfen. Leichte Varianten von den Modellen wären ja eine Abwechslung für die Standardteams gewesen und somit für mehr Leute interessant. Schlimmer aber die Zusammenstellung bei Underworld, denn hier hat man ja die Snotslings komplett vergessen und bei Old World braucht man potentiell auch noch einmal eine Human Team Sprue. Das sollte besser gehen

  • Ich finde die nurgle Box sehr interessant.
    Der General hat es mir angetan.
    Den habe ich noch als Metalfigur.
    Aber ich warte auch erst einmal auf den Preis. Den Rest der Box habe ich schon zig Mal 🤔

  • Ich frag mich ob das im Produktionsmeeting so abgeht:

    Hobbysist mit Herz: wenn wir die neuen Minis zusammen mit den alten herausbringen, dann haben mehr Leute gleich die chance eine neue Arme anzufangen, denn sie sehen gleich wie die Modelle untereinander wirken.

    BWLer: wir machen ne Fomo box draus, packen den alten Scheiss rein, um das Lager aufzuräumen und machen das gleich noch 20eur teurer.

    • Darum Leute, lasst doch einfach mal den Laptop daheim und nemmt stattdessen doch einfach mal Fackel und Mistgabel mit in die BWL Vorlesung.

  • Fangen die mit den Dawnbringer – Boxen jetzt auch so an, wie mit den neuen Boxen in der 10. Edt. WH40k, d.h. sind die für ein Spielmodus gegeneinander gebalanced? Das fände ich dann sogar spannend.

    Die Gobos sind schon schick.

    • Ich glaube ein Combat Patrol Equivalent für AOS ist bisher nicht angedacht. Diese neuen Regiments of Renown-Boxen sind je eher Söldnertruppen die man für andere Armeen anheuern kann. Da hatten sie ja im letzten Jahr schon mal welche raus gebracht, allerdings alle mit älteren Figuren (und nem ganz passablen Preis-Leistungsverhältnis). Punktetechnisch waren die allerdings völlig unterschiedlich.

      Aber ja, so ein Einsteigerformat wie Combat Patrol wäre sicher auch für AoS interessant.

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