von BK-Nils | 26.03.2023 | eingestellt unter: Necromunda

FW: Lady Haera, 13th Daughter of Lord Helmawr

Forge World bringt mit Lady Haera, 13th Daughter of Lord Helmawr ein neues besonderes Charaktermodell für Necromunda heraus.

Forge World Lady Helmwar 1 Forge World Lady Helmwar 2

Lady Haera, 13th Daughter of Lord Helmawr – 29,00 Euro

Even by the grim standards of Necromunda’s nobility, Lady Haera is a backstabbing murderer – this Trueborn heir of House Helmawr was torturing and manipulating servants before she left her nursery chambers, and has grown into a dangerous young woman, as deadly as any underhive ganger and just as mean. Trained by the finest blademasters of the spire, armed with the finest weaponry her fabulous wealth can buy, Haera is the equal of any noble duellist. Her most fearsome attribute, however, is her mind. She exploits her many rivals, turning them against each other to advance her ambitions– or simply for her own amusement.

This multipart resin kit builds Lady Haera, 13th Daughter of Lord Helmawr – a superlative and cunning fighter who may respond to the petitions of gangs allied to the Imperial House. She’s clad in all the finery you’d expect from a noble of her stature, accompanied by floating watch-skulls and protected by the refractor field built into her bespoke and beautiful carapace armour. In one hand she carries an exceedingly rare phase sword, capable of bypassing enemy defenses, and in the other she wields an exquisite power spear which can be hurled at nearby foes and then teleport back into her hand. Combined with lifelong training in the killing arts, she’s a force to be reckoned with in games of Necromunda.

This highly detailed kit comprises 18 resin components, 1x Citadel 40mm Necromunda Base, and Lady Haera’s fighter card.

This pack includes a Fighter reference card for Lady Haera, detailing her profile and abilities. Full rules for using Lady Haera in your games can be found in the Necromunda: The Aranthian Succession – Cinderak Burning supplement.

Quelle: Forge World


Nils, Redakteur bei Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2001 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop: DSA Armalion. Aktueller Fokus liegt auf Skirmish-Systemen und Warhammer 40.000. mehr auf https://www.instagram.com/nerdydutchman/

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  • hm.
    ne relativ coole mini. aus resin, 18teilen, plus base und karte.
    von forgeworld, für 29€.

    jetzt schiele ich gedanklich nochmal rüber zum mutterkonzern,
    und da gibts aus plastik nen cadianer mit mantel und ohne beinchen für 30€.

    ..findet das noch wer seltsam? 😉

    • Nö nicht wirklich. Die Preisgestaltung ist schon lange total random. Warum immer wieder aufs neue wundern.

    • Ich bringe nochmal den Plasma Stahllegionär aus den 2000ern im altbacken Design für 24€ auf den Plan, den es gerade bei GW gibt.

      Geil – Forgeworld ist im Vergleich ne saugünstige Truppe 😂

  • Das Modell ist schick. Ich mag diesen barocken SciFi Stil. Er passt zum imperialen Hochadel aus dem 40k Universum.

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