von BK-Bob | 24.12.2023 | eingestellt unter: Fantasy, Patreon

Forest Dragon: Dezember Patreon

Bei Forest Dragon gibt es diesen Monat Chaoszwerge.

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December 2023 Releases

The penultimate release for the Dwarf Demonsmith army brings a regiment of centaurs backed up by hobgoblin bolt throwers, and a couple of new malign characters.

The beefy demonsmith centaurs are a formidable cavalry unit, and as with many of the previous releases, you can choose whether to have them with big hats or helmets. As usual, you have a choice of unit champions and musicians, and there is also the option of a standard or a banner (that  can be blank or have sculpted detail). Fully supported individuals will of course be provided in addition to the strips.

The hobgoblin bolt throwers are somewhat more ramshackle affairs than the rest of the demonsmith artillery, but no less dangerous despite that. The 2 war engines are accompanied by 4 crew, and a pair of 40 x 20 mm bases with suitable recesses for the complete outfit will also be included.

Leading this month’s reinforcements into battle are a demonsmith sorcerer on foot (you can choose to print with or without the magical element), and a fearsome centaur lord that can be printed with a big hat or slightly more modest helmet to match his followers.

For glade nobles, merchants and glade deities ($10 tier and up), December brings dragons!

This terrifying duo have an almost overwhelming number of options. Firstly, you can choose whether to pair them with mighty noble elf champions riding them into battle or without riders. Both options can be mounted on flying stands or swooping over ancient elven ruins, and should you elect to have riders you can also choose whether or not to have blank shields or sculpted detail. Finally, you can also choose to print the dragons as single pieces or with the wings removed!

The scenic items will be included separately in case you just wish to use them as terrain. I’ve also made sure that if you stagger the dragons carefully it is possible to rank them up side by side on 40 x 20 mm bases, should you wish to create some kind of ludicrous dragon cavalry regiment!

Quelle: Forest Dragon bei Patreon


Seit 2010 im Hobby. Aktuelle Projekte: Warhammer Fantasy/Old World (Imperium, Bretonen, Tiermenschen, Skaven, Gnome), Blood Bowl (Gnome, Echsenmenschen), Warcry, Summoners (Erde, Tod), Bolt Action (Briten), Herr der Ringe (Harad)

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