von BK-Bob | 15.04.2023 | eingestellt unter: Science-Fiction

Fallout Wasteland Warfare: Capital Rules Neuheiten

Es gibt eine neue Erweiterung für Fallout Wasteland Warfare und passende Miniaturen dazu.

Fallout Wasteland Warfare Brotherhood Of Steel Combat Patrol 1 Fallout Wasteland Warfare Brotherhood Of Steel Combat Patrol 2 Fallout Wasteland Warfare Brotherhood Of Steel Combat Patrol 3 Fallout Wasteland Warfare Brotherhood Of Steel Combat Patrol 4 Fallout Wasteland Warfare Brotherhood Of Steel Combat Patrol 5 Fallout Wasteland Warfare Brotherhood Of Steel Combat Patrol 6 Fallout Wasteland Warfare Brotherhood Of Steel Combat Patrol 7 Fallout Wasteland Warfare Brotherhood Of Steel Combat Patrol 8 Fallout Wasteland Warfare Brotherhood Of Steel Combat Patrol 9

Fallout: Wasteland Warfare – Brotherhood of Steel: Combat Patrol – 49,57€

This set is part of the CAPITAL wave for Fallout: Wasteland Warfare!

Although iconic, the power armored Knight or Paladin is far from the only tool in the Brotherhood’s belt. Combat patrols support their heavier armored brethren, and Recon teams bring unparalleled training to undertake missions that no other arm of the Brotherhood could dream of completing. When deployed together, these teams are swift to remind their foes why it’s the Brotherhood that are known and feared across the Wasteland, not just their Power Armor.

Look out for other miniature sets in the Capital wave!


  • 3x BoS Medium Combat Armor Troops
  • 3x BoS Recon Armor Troops

This Fallout: Wasteland Warfare set contains six 32mm scale high-quality multi-part resin miniatures with optional parts and scenic bases. Requires some assembly. Supplied unpainted.

These models can be used with either the rules from the Capital Rules Expansion or the free digital cards available from modiphius.net/pages/fallout-downloads

Fallout Wasteland Warfare Brotherhood Of Steel Heavy Armor (T45) 1 Fallout Wasteland Warfare Brotherhood Of Steel Heavy Armor (T45) 2 Fallout Wasteland Warfare Brotherhood Of Steel Heavy Armor (T45) 3 Fallout Wasteland Warfare Brotherhood Of Steel Heavy Armor (T45) 4 Fallout Wasteland Warfare Brotherhood Of Steel Heavy Armor (T45) 5 Fallout Wasteland Warfare Brotherhood Of Steel Heavy Armor (T45) 6

Fallout: Wasteland Warfare – Brotherhood of Steel: Heavy Armor (T45) – 36,89€

This set is part of the CAPITAL wave for Fallout: Wasteland Warfare!

When the Brotherhood arrive in force, they do so clad in shining T-45 Power Armor, pitted with the scars of previous victories.

In the first Hard Plastic kit for Fallout: Wasteland Warfare you can assemble your own team of Brotherhood elite, picking from a wide variety of weapons and poses to bring your own unique twist to these iconic models.

Look out for other miniature sets in the Capital wave!


  • 3x BoS T-45 Heavy Armor

This Fallout: Wasteland Warfare set contains three 32mm scale high-quality multi-part hard plastic miniatures with optional parts and 40mm bases. Requires assembly. Supplied unpainted.

These models can be used with either the rules from the Capital Rules Expansion or the free digital cards available from modiphius.net/pages/fallout-downloads

Fallout Wasteland Warfare Rosa Meitner (Promo) 1 Fallout Wasteland Warfare Rosa Meitner (Promo) 2 Fallout Wasteland Warfare Rosa Meitner (Promo) 3

Fallout: Wasteland Warfare – Rosa Meitner (Promo) – 17,29€

This miniature is part of the CAPITAL wave for Fallout: Wasteland Warfare!

Another wanderer in the Capital Wasteland, Rosa Meitner carries ‘Holy Water’ from the Apostles of the Eternal Light, eager to share its miraculous properties with the world. Unbeknownst to her, the Holy Water’s only real purpose is to spread ‘Atom’s Glow’ and irradiate as many people as possible, to help elevate them to Ghoul-hood. Making Rosa an unwitting accomplice in the Apostles‘ greater aims.

Look out for other miniature sets in the Capital wave!


  • 1x Rosa Meitner

This Fallout: Wasteland Warfare set contains one 32mm scale high-quality multi-part resin miniature. Requires some assembly. Supplied unpainted.

This models can be used with either the rules from the Capital Rules Expansion or the free digital cards available from modiphius.net/pages/fallout-downloads

Fallout Wasteland Warfare Capital Rules Expansion 1 Fallout Wasteland Warfare Capital Rules Expansion 2 Fallout Wasteland Warfare Capital Rules Expansion 3 Fallout Wasteland Warfare Capital Rules Expansion 4 Fallout Wasteland Warfare Capital Rules Expansion 5 Fallout Wasteland Warfare Capital Rules Expansion 6 Fallout Wasteland Warfare Capital Rules Expansion 7

Fallout: Wasteland Warfare – Capital Rules Expansion – 40,35€

Capitol Hill, once the beating heart of these United States of America, now nothing more than a bleached ruin, a testament to the days lost to nuclear armageddon. Great monuments of the American dream have been torn down and replaced with an ever shifting war zone between Scavenger and Survivor, Raider and Super Mutant. Where once level heads and diplomacy won the day, we now see nothing more civilized than a rapid exchange of gunfire to settle an argument.

Welcome to the Capital Wasteland! The newest Region Ruleset for Fallout: Wasteland Warfare that brings you another dose of hectic skirmish warfare hosted on Capitol Hill. Here we dive deep into the world of Fallout 3, focusing on the never-ending conflict between the shadowy Enclave and the heroic Brotherhood of Steel, as well as the numerous characters that make the Capital Wasteland such a fascinating, if dangerous place to visit.

Firstly, stepping out to reclaim the Wastes from the mutants, raiders, and monsters, we see a new selection of Enclave Troops on the move, bedecked in never-before-seen armor, perfect for working out of sight. Countering them at every turn though, the Brotherhood of Steel, led by the Lyons Pride fight to protect the Capital from the efforts of their enigmatic foes.

All the while, the survivors who call Capitol Hill home do what they can. Domesticated Deathclaws, power armored soldiers, men and women clash to decide the final fate of the Capital, but which side are you on?

In addition to a swath of marvellous miniatures, the Capital Wasteland rules bring with them new cards, painting guides and scenarios! As well as two brand new additions to the game, Vault-Tec approved lists and Regional Rules cards, both designed to give you the quickest to-the-table play experience so far, these additions simplify set-up and allow you to get more games in!

This expansion includes:

  • A booklet containing rules for expanding your options on the battlefield.
  • 135 new cards, including 40 Unit and 38 AI cards, and 51 Equipment and Perk Cards.
  • 5 New Region Rules Sheets, Spanning 10 Regions across the Capital Wasteland.
  • 5 New Scenarios.
  • Faction rules and strategy guides for the Enclave, and revised faction rules for the Brotherhood of Steel.
  • Pre-made Vault Tec approved unit profiles and force lists allow you to get models on the table quicker than ever.
  • Everything you need to play the Enclave and Elder Lyons’ Brotherhood of Steel.
  • Painting guides for the new miniatures.

Access to the rules, dice, and material found in the Fallout: Wasteland Warfare Two-Player Starter Set is necessary to make full use of this expansion.

Quelle: Modiphius


Seit 2010 im Hobby. Aktuelle Projekte: Warhammer Fantasy/Old World (Imperium, Bretonen, Tiermenschen, Skaven, Gnome), Blood Bowl (Gnome, Echsenmenschen), Warcry, Summoners (Erde, Tod), Bolt Action (Briten), Herr der Ringe (Harad)

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  • Naja.. unrealistisch.. schwere Waffen ohne Halteriehmen ist schon krass ein MG ohne abzufeuern im stehen und das wiegt nur ca. 15 Kilo ohne Zusatzmudition!

    • der eine hat eine rampe mit der eine kleine atombombe abgefeuert wird, ich befürchtet so ganz ernst und realistisch soll das Fallout uiversum nicht sein 🙂

      (obwohl es gab mindestens Theorien zu infantrie trupoen die atommunition abfeuern und noch im wirkungsradius sind)

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