von BK-Bob | 08.02.2023 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Fantasy

DeepWars: Sunken Citadel Kickstarter

AntiMatter Games tauchen in ihrem aktuellen Kickstarter wieder tief ins Meer.

DeepWars – Sunken Citadel

Tabletop miniatures adventure game set in a lost underwater station. Boxed sets & 3D printable STL miniatures and map tiles.

AntiMatter Games and Lv427-Designs.com are teaming up to produce DeepWars – Sunken Citadel, a 3D printable tabletop game for two or more players, offering both the full version and print & play options. It has some cool and unique miniature stl’s and 3D map room overlays that can go right on top of the maps.  Join us for a fully immersive experience – print the designs, play the scenarios and advance your team in a fun campaign experience.

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This game is set in our Uncharted Realms world, an alternate version of Earth of the late 17th century where pirates and adventurers have discovered and reverse-engineered lost underwater technology.

The Sunken Citadel is an underwater research station that lost contact with the surface kingdoms after a mysterious experiment went out of control. One of the players controls a warband of mercenary divers and pirates, the Breach Team, sent in to regain command of the station. Another player plays as the Invaders, corrupted remnants of the station crew and terrifying beings of the ethereal void that have taken over the station. Wild creatures also lurk in and around the station, hunting down any members of the Breach Team or Invaders that comes into view using Artificial Intelligence (AI) routines.

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Backers of the digital version of the game will get everything needed to print the Breach Team and Invader Miniatures, bases, maps, game cards, markers, and rules to make an immersive 3D tabletop game environment. The game comes with 30 3D printable STL miniatures with optional 3D map tiles.

For those that do not have 3D printers, we also offer pre-printed resin miniatures in the add-on section down the page. The full set of miniatures for the Sunken Citadel game, including the two add-on Warbands (Scaly Horde and Ancients of Atalan) is shown below. Click on the picture to get a higher-res version.

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Sunken Citadel Boxed Set

The boxed set comes with everything needed to play, with pre-printed resin warbands, maps, markers, rulebook and dice.


  • 4 RESIN FORTUNE HUNTERS (Captain Ironbelly Klegg, Isabella Johannes – Scientist, Heavy Assault Trooper, Iron Tempest Mech Construct)
  • 12 RESIN MONSTERS AND WILD CREATURES (3 Corrupted Scientists, 1 Corrupted Diver, 2 Mind Driller, 1 Phantasmal Slayer, 1 Nautiloid Thaumaturge, 1 Warp Construct, 1 Revenant Squid, 1 Phantom Shark, 1 Isopod Swarm)

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There are four 24″x36″ maps in the game, each with two scenarios during the adventure campaign. The Breach Team and Invaders can improve their forces between scenarios, increasing their abilities or their team synergies. The Breach Team must repair damaged parts of the base in order to shut down the runaway experiment while the Invaders try to keep the chain reaction going, hoping to draw horrific entities through an ethereal breach in the main laboratory hub. Players draw cards during the scenarios for events, such as radiation leaks, structural collapses, creature attacks and more.

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Additional players may also join in, bringing in competing warbands from the different factions from DeepWars to battle over the station and the valuable technology and artifacts that it holds. The game may even be played Solo, with all of the Invaders and wild creatures following AI routines to battle the Breach Team.

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To give you an introduction to the DeepWars game world, we have a short story by the talented author, Cathalson, called „Death’s Wake“. In the story, Isabella Johannes must search for hidden ruins in the depths of the Shadow Sea, risking her life and that of the stalwart Captain Klegg to uncover a deadly secret. This is their first team-up before they join together as part of the Breach Team in the Sunken Citadel.

The story can be downloaded FREE here, in the AntiMatter Games store as a PDF file.

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Game Details

The game uses our DeepWars rule set with additional new rules for the base and Invader deployment.  Even with the new rules, the Sunken Citadel will still be 100% compatible with other Deepwars and ShadowSea material. The rules are easy to learn and use three six-sided dice.

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One of the new additions for Sunken Citadel are streamlined game cards for the Breach Team, Invaders and Wild Creatures. These cards have all relevant statistics, weapons, armor, tech items and wound markers on the front of the cards in large font. We will also be making tarot-sized cards with special abilities and weapon, item and armor effects as separate „hint cards“ so players can keep them off to the side and not have to open the rulebook each time.

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Eine kleinen Blick in das Regelbuch gibt es Hier

3D printable STL Map Tile Scenery

To make the map even more immersive, backers can choose to add 3D STL files for map tiles made by the talented team at Lv427-Designs.com. The tile set includes 30 rooms and corridors. Map tiles are made for FDM printers with a build plate of 130mm by 130mm by 54mm. Large rooms are made up from 130mm squares or smaller sections so they are printable in parts. The map tiles may also be printed with a resin printer if the build plate is this size or larger.

Below is a corridor and expansion example, without domed the canopy roof.  The tiles have connection points for magnets so they are easy to attach and detach. Players can build the 3D maps and lay them directly on top of the printed maps as they are 1:1 scale with the printed corridors and rooms.

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130 mm by 130 mm corridor with removable canopy

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130 mm by 75 mm expansion (Torpedo Room)

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Medical Room

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There are a total of 30 STL map tiles and parts that come with the Breach Commander pledge, with Lv427-Designs.com giving a 40% discount on their usual price. The list of rooms is shown below (click for larger image). The base can be quickly built and torn down for the next scenario with magnet attachments and the 3d structures can overlay the map boards if you wish.

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3D printable STL Miniatures

Breach Team:  The 3D printable STL Breach Team of Fortune Hunters includes four models, led by Ironbelly Klegg. It includes the scientist Isabella Johannes, a Heavy Assault Dive Trooper and a deadly Iron Tempest mech construct. All miniatures come with separate bases (30,40,50mm diameter) but players may use any base of their choice as long as it is the same size.

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The Invaders: The STL Invaders include three types of corrupted scientists and a corrupted diver, mutated by ethereal radiation from an energy vortex after their experiments went afoul.

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Ethereal Monsters: Even more deadly are the creatures that have been drawn to the vortex from different dimensions, such as the Nautiloid Thaumaturge, Phantasmal Slayer and Mind Driller Crab, or the Warp Construct, a rouge AI killer traveling through the ethereal realm.

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Wild Creatures: Hungry predators such as the Revenant Squid, Phantom Shark and Isopod Swarms, hunt down the Breach Team and the Invaders using AI rules to stalk and ambush their prey.

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Wild creatures have multiple poses for the STL rewards. Below are examples of the Phantom Sharks and Revenant Squid with bases.

Bonus Free Model

The Engineer Mech Construct is a smaller mech that can be used in place of the Iron Tempest. It is meant for more sophisticated tasks, like repairing machinery in the station, fixing weapons and upgrading tech items.

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Full list of STL miniatures included with the pledge

Breach Team 

  • 4 Fortune Hunters
  • 1 Repair mech construct


  • 3 Corrupted Scientists
  • 3 Corrupted Divers
  • 3 Mind Driller Crabs
  • 3 Phantasmal Slayers
  • 1 Nautiloid Thaumaturge
  • 1 Warp Construct

Wild Creatures

  • 5 Revenant Squid
  • 3 Isopod Swarms
  • 3 Phantom Sharks

3D File Design

The digital rewards for this project come as 3D STL files. The STL files are used by a 3D printer to print the actual model, so backers will need access to a 3D printer, either their own printer at home or through a printing service. Miniatures are single-part or sliced into parts, where it helps in printing or when there are different part options, such as different weapons. Each miniature also comes with its own separate sculpted base.

For best results printing miniatures, we recommend resin printers as they will capture all of the fine detail of the models. Our 3D map tile designs are made for FDM printers with a build plate of 130mm by 130mm by 54mm. If you own a resin printer with this size build plate or larger, the map tiles can be printed as well.

Pre-Supported Files

We are providing the models with a pre-supported STL for those that want them. Pre-supported models are created with Chitubox.

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There are five main pledge levels to choose from. Shipping for physical boxed sets is not included in the pledge amount and will be calculated based on weight and country when the shipment is ready. See the Shipping section below for more information. All boxed sets are made in the USA.

  • Basic– $1: This pledge level is for moral support but it can be increased with add-ons by replacing the pledge value with the value of the add-ons. Shipping cost for any printed items will be calculated after the project is completed. Does not get stretch goals unless pledge value is $40 or more with add-ons.
  • Adventurer – $40: This pledge includes the digital print&play version of the Sunken Citadel tabletop game. It has STL files for the Breach Team, Invaders and Wild Creatures, 4 printable maps of the station as well as printable PDF rules, game cards, rulers and markers. There are 30 STL models to start, with stretch goals adding to the haul. Includes PDF versions of full DeepWars and Blood Reef rulebooks.
  • Vanguard – $85: Backers get a physical boxed set of the Sunken Citadel tabletop game. This includes pre-printed resin miniatures: 4 Breach Team Fortune Hunters and 12 Invaders and wild creatures. The Breach Team can be replaced by any other unlocked stretch goal or add-on warband. You may choose the warband in the pledge survey sent at the end of the project. This pledge also includes a printed rulebook, game cards, markers, maps and a set of dice and a bonus resin Engineer Mech Construct.  All unlocked stretch goals add to this pledge level.  *Note* Shipping is not included and will be calculated based on weight and country when the shipment is ready. Includes PDF versions of full DeepWars and Blood Reef rulebooks.
  • BreachCommander – $100: This pledge is for a digital print&play version of the Sunken Citadel tabletop game along with 3D STL files for the map. It includes all of the 30 STL miniature files from the Breach Commander and also includes 30 STL scenic map tiles by Lv427-Designs.com. All unlocked stretch goals add to this pledge level. Includes PDF versions of full DeepWars and Blood Reef rulebooks.
  • Admiral – $175: This pledge everything from the Vanguard level and the Breach Commander level. Backers get the physical boxed set of Sunken Citadel and all STL miniatures and scenery from Lv427-Designs.com. All unlocked stretch goals add to this pledge level. *Note* Shipping is not included and will be calculated based on weight and country when the shipment is ready. Includes PDF versions of full DeepWars and Blood Reef rulebooks and free STL warbands for the Scaly Horde and Ancients of Atalan.

Each pledge level can be modified with the addition of add-ons, shown at the bottom of the page. Simply increase your pledge amount for the add-on you want. At the end of the project there will be a Pledge Survey where you can include our add-ons. If we are able to reach the funding level of various stretch goals, new items will be unlocked and be added to the rewards.

Stretch Goals:

———– All stretch goals rewards are free for those pledging $40 or more ———-

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Digital Add-Ons

Backers may choose to include items from previous projects to their pledge. To do so, add the costs of the extra items to your existing pledge. After the project is completed, we will send a survey where backers can list the add-ons they have chosen. Some add-ons are free with certain pledges.

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  • DeepWars Full Rulebook and Blood Reef Supplement (PDF)  $5 (Free for Backers at Adventurer Level and up)

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  • Scaly Horde Warband  $5 (Free for Backers at Admiral Level)

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  • Ancients of Atalan Warband  $5 (Free for Backers at Admiral Level)

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  • Dark Mariners Warband  $5

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  • Nereid Warband  $5

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  • Wild Creature Pack  $30

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Underwater Scenery Pack $30

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Full Darkstar Rift Deluxe Digital Print and Play Version $70. Includes Fortune Hunter and Nereid warbands miniatures and all creatures and scenery above. To see full contents click on this link.

Pre-Printed Miniature Add-ons

Backers can choose to add miniatures pre-printed in resin. These are treated as Add-Ons to a pledge simply by adding the $ amount for the model you want. For those that just want Pre-printed models, you can pledge the $1 level and then put in the amount of the models instead of $1.

Pre-printed rewards will be printed and shipped by July, 2023.  Shipping of pre-printed items is handled outside the kickstarter project and calculated based on weight per country. Due to new changes in the UK for international shipping, we may require an extra 20% to cover VAT charges.

Miniatures will come with protective packaging and a game card with statistics. Click the image below for a larger picture.

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Shipping is handled outside the kickstarter through USPS (USA and international) or UPS (USA only) and is calculated by weight. Payment is due at time of shipping, and we will communicate with backers about payment through paypal. Expected shipping cost in the USA is $15-$20 for boxed sets. International shipping is expected to be $40-$45. If additional physical rewards (printed models, books, etc.) are added to the shipment, the price will likely increase. We will try to use flat-rate shipping where possible to reduce costs of additional items.

Die Kampagne ist noch nicht finanziert und läuft noch 11 Tage.

Quelle: DeepWars – Sunken Citadel


Seit 2010 im Hobby. Aktuelle Projekte: Warhammer Fantasy/Old World (Imperium, Bretonen, Tiermenschen, Skaven, Gnome), Blood Bowl (Gnome, Echsenmenschen), Warcry, Summoners (Erde, Tod), Bolt Action (Briten), Herr der Ringe (Harad)

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  • Also es ist ja nett, dass in dem KS zumindest noch fertige Minis angeboten werden (wenn auch nur als Add on) aber dann sollten sie den konsequenten Weg gehen und ein Pledge mit einem 3D Drucker anbieten.
    Das wäre Kundenservice 😜

    • Vor allem bei den Versandkosten sicherlich eine gute Idee.

      Antimatter hangelt sich leider solala von KS zu KS. Die klassischen Figureon only KS gingen damals mehr als schleppend und haben gerade so mal ihr Ziel erreicht. Erst mit dem Eisstieg ins digitale Geschäft läufts etwas besser.

    • Wobei ich gerade für dieses Setting die STL Dateien super finde. Unterwasser Steampunk ist schon spezieller, eine große Käuferschicht, die regelmäßig einkauft und regelmäßigen Formenbau rechtfertigt, wird da schwierig zu finden sein. Mit dem digitalen Ansatz können die Fans das Spiel weiterentwickeln, ohne dass es zu große finanzielle Fragen aufwirft. Und für alle anderen ist es auch interessant das eine oder andere Monster aus der Reihe herunterzuladen.

      • Zieht nur nicht richtig wie man sieht. Ich habe damals so gut wie alles aus Metall und Resin gekauft, als die Händler es reihenweise für -70-80% abgestossen haben. Gibt ja zwei Systeme: Deepwars für Unterwasser und Shadowsea für Überwasser.

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