Davale Games: Patreon Neuheiten
Davale Games hat eine Liste der September Patreon Neuheiten gepostet.
Here we leave you the September release!!!!Link Patreon: https://acortar.link/rtNted
Link Tribes: https://acortar.link/xOYpyE
FANTASY• 10x Blood-handed with Long spears• 1x Balista with 3 blood-handed orcs• 2× West Human: Hammer-sons cavalry• 6x Dragon Army: Long Spear warriors• 3× Blood-handed bersekersHISTORICAL• 6× Ostrogoths foot• 1x Theodoric foot and mountedRemember!!
If you join the new free Patreon level you will get 2 exclusive STL’s every month. Also for those who are already part of the community, at no additional cost!
Quelle: Davale Games auf Facebook