Davale Games: Patreon Neuheiten
Davale Games präsentieren weitere neue Patreon Neuheiten für den Oktober.
Now available on Patreon and Tribes!!!Blood-Handed Assistant foot and mtdLink Patreon; https://acortar.link/WG1UIALink Tribes; https://acortar.link/SKRnztOCTOBER RELEASE1x Blood-Handed Mage ft and mtd1x Blood-Handed Assistant ft and mtd2x Blood-Handed Captains with Armour6x Blood-Handed Crossbow with Armour1x Erwin The Son ft and mtd2x Extra poses of Hammer Sons Cavalry1x War Ítem (Bonfires with Pikes and Bloodhand Orcs heads)Remember! You will now receive the new loyalty gift for 6 months of subscription, in addition to the other loyalty gifts (3 months loyalty and 1 year loyalty)
Quelle: Davale Games auf Facebook