von BK-Bob | 21.02.2023 | eingestellt unter: Patreon, Science-Fiction

Cyber Forge: February Patreon

Mit Sunfall Tales gibt es unter anderem diesem Monat einen Mix aus SciFi und Fantasy beim Cyber Forge Patreon.

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February 2023 Full Preview!

Hello everyone!

The full preview of the newest Cyber Forge collection is now in. Enjoy the Sunfall Tales and a beautifully sculpted mix of science fiction and fantasy with a giant Space Galleon model, and futuristic jet bikes powered by mysterious technology.

In addition to a new line of RPG sci-fi characters inspired by knights and sea dogs, you can expand your wargaming army with new fearsome demons. If you have not had a chance to dive deep into Hyperfront space combat yet, we encourage you to try out the new Confederation faction.

Hidden Crystal and her crew set out on the last-resort mission to investigate the prematurely dying star. Its demise would mean the end of life in the entire system. The sun was a massive, orange orb that loomed large in the ship’s viewpoint. The crew was on high alert, knowing that they were venturing into unknown territory.

Hours were passing by when the radar began beeping urgently. Two ships were approaching at high speed, coming directly from the sun’s direction. The crew sprang into action, with Captain Maggie barking out orders from the bridge. 

Her first mate, Johan Darkwood manned the ship’s turret and started firing blasts of energy at enemy ships. When one of the spacecrafts was directly above them, he spotted a thinner layer of shield at its bottom. He turned the turret to the maximum power, locked in on it, and launched a deafening shock wave in its direction. For a second, it seemed like the blast did nothing, but then the ship exploded into million pieces. 

As the debris was falling and dematerializing in the Hidden Crystal’s shield, he turned the barrel to the second ship. But the turret was unresponsive, its entire energy was depleted. He jumped off the station and pointed in the direction of the second ship. It was now stationary, with dozens of manned jet bikes emerging from an open hangar. 

Alexius Stargazer has launched onto his own jet bike, with his squire Butters already waiting in the side saddle. Alexius was an expert pilot, as was expected from the prince of the Sun Empire, the most influential organization on the biggest planet in the system. He maneuvered his bike weaving in and out of the enemy fire. With Butters at his side, operating the secondary weapons, they took down one mysterious robot after another. Once they left a trail of sparks and rubble behind they began to cheer the victorious dogfight. But not for long, as they spotted a couple of bikes approaching the Hidden Crystal from the side.

A small swarm of Sisterhood robots has managed to board. The crew was taken aback by the sudden intrusion, but they quickly sprang into action. Kharak and Voxar suppressed the robots with fire from their ranged weapons. The Worggrulls typically stay away from human affairs but in the face of existential cataclysm, they decided to put their two best hunters on the crew. The bullets and arrows jumped off the robots‘ surprisingly hi-tech power shields but a couple managed to tear their metallic bodies.

Ludvig Suncrusader, who had been praying for the safety of the crew, quickly drew his giant sword and began to slay entire groups of robots with mighty blows. His sword was a blur as he moved through the crowd. But his presence on the ship was not only to offer combat support but, as a member of the Sun Cult, he could offer expertise on the reasons for the sun’s death – both metaphysical and engineered.

Johan Darkwood moved with precision and grace, his rapiers flashing as he parried the robots‘ attack and delivered quick and deadly strikes. His weapons moved so fast that they seemed to be everywhere at once. 

Just as it seemed that the attack will be repelled intact, the last robot managed to sneak through and reached the bridge carrying an explosive device. Captain Maggie managed to jump off the upper deck at the last moment but the detonation has blown the crucial parts of the machinery.

The crew was shaken by the sudden exhaustive battle. Upon examining the robots and parts of the destroyed ship, Ludvig has concluded that the Sisterhood must be experimenting with a new type of energy weapon, which may have been the cause of the sun’s deterioration. 

Unfortunately, the ship’s navigation and communication systems were torn to shreds. The Hidden Crystal was drifting towards the sun. Surely, if they drift far enough, they will encounter the Sisterhood’s main base. But will they be able to defeat them and take down the technology that seems to be powering down the sun?

We have poured a lot of heart into designing this February collection and we hope that this space adventure will take you to new places. We also have a big surprise coming in March as The Great Old Ones are on the rise.

So Stay Cyber!

Quelle: Cyber Forge bei Patreon


Seit 2010 im Hobby. Aktuelle Projekte: Warhammer Fantasy/Old World (Imperium, Bretonen, Tiermenschen, Skaven, Gnome), Blood Bowl (Gnome, Echsenmenschen), Warcry, Summoners (Erde, Tod), Bolt Action (Briten), Herr der Ringe (Harad)

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  • Streckenweise sind bei solchen stl-Patreons ja echt coole Sachen dabei. Manchmal hat man aber auch das Gefühl, dass da bisweilen schnell auf Masse designt wird. Und drucken wird man davon eh kaum etwas. Daher hole ich mir mittlerweile nur noch die Sachen, die richtig gut sind.

    Allerdings finde ich hier die Nicht-Föderations-Mini-Raumschiffe schon ziemlich nett, genauso wie ein paar der Helden-Designs. Ist aber nicht genug als das ich da einsteigen würde.

    • Titanforge ist bei den Masse statt Klasse Patreon auch ganz vorn mit dabei und der Finanzielle Erfolg gibt ihnen ja recht.

      Das sie extern einkaufen hilft natürlich nicht für eine Konstante Qualitätsverbesserung (im Moment hab ich her das Gefühl das Gegenteil ist der Fall) aber es wirkt dem Burn Out vor.

      Comet Lord hat jetzt genau aus dem Grund dicht gemacht, 48 Monate jeden Monat Top Qualität, das hat ihn Platt gemacht.
      Hero Spawn ja vor ihm auch schon.

      Titanforge haben sogar zwei Patreon einen für Fantasy und einen für „Scifi“ und bei beiden ist die Qualität sehr schwankend

      • Oh Comet Lord ist weg? Schade. Der stand auf meiner monatlichen „mal schauen ob was dabei ist was mir zusagt“-Liste.

      • Er nimmt sich eine Pause von „at least 6 months“ wir alles wissen was das in der Regel bedeutet.

        Und ja ab und an hab ich was von ihm genommen gerade für die anlaufende Strange Aoens Kampange ist da viel schönes bei. Oder einfach weils wirklich cool war

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