von BK-Nils | 19.02.2023 | eingestellt unter: Warhammer 40.000

Cubicle 7: Wrath & Glory Erweiterungsbuch

Für das Warhammer 40.000 Rollenspiel, Wrath &  Glory, kommt mit dem Buch, Threat Assessment: Xeno, ein Bestiarium für den Kampf um die ferne Zukunft.

Cubicle 7 Entertainment Warhammer 40,000 Wrath & Glory Threat Assessment Xenos 1

Warhammer 40,000: Wrath & Glory – Threat Assessment: Xenos is now available to pre-order!
Pre-order the physical book and receive the PDF copy immediately. http://bit.ly/40P73zb
Pick up the PDF-only version now from our webstore http://bit.ly/3I079eG Via DriveThruRPG http://bit.ly/3xhekdo
Threat Assessment: Xenos contains a mass of new alien threats to challenge Agents of any Tier, and is the perfect companion to any Warhammer 40,000 Wrath & Glory campaign. As well as massively expanding the Xenos factions found in the Wrath & Glory Core Rulebook, this book explores newcomers to the Gilead system, including the enigmatic T’au, the voracious Kroot, and the slowly stirring Necrons whose claim to the system may be older than the Imperium itself.
Threat Assessment: Xenos is the first in a collection of bestiaries for Wrath & and Glory, containing a wealth of new and exciting GM information and deadly enemies. The book includes:
-New rules for lethal battlezone hazards to surprise your Agents
-Profiles for the ancient Aeldari, including Asuryani, Harlequins, Corsairs, and Drukhari.
-Enough rampaging Orks to start a WAAAGH!
-The waking Necrons, including powerful units such as Crypteks and Flayed Ones
-A stranded T’au Strike Force of Fire Warriors, Drones, Crisis Suits, and more.
-A full Kroot mercenary company, and their attendant beasts
-Insidious hybrids of the Genestealer Cults, paving the way for their true masters to descend from the stars.
Threat Assessment: Xenos is an essential purchase for the Wrath and Glory line, massively expanding a GM’s arsenal of Threats with carefully crafted stat blocks for a host of factions.
Threat Assessment: Xenos – What to Expect
Explore the first Bestiary book released for Wrath & Glory! Threat Assessment: Xenos introduces background information and history of each of the six main Xenos factions active in the Gilead System in a comprehensive and detailed 192 page book.
Featuring new rules and advice on creating and introducing battlefields, these combat hotzones are the ideal environment to introduce the many new Xenos threats featured in Threat Assessment: Xenos. With additional accompanying hazard tables to bring these to areas to life in your games alongside a comprehensive Bestiary with hundreds of new threats, wargear and abilities, Threat Assessment: Xenos is the essential companion piece for bringing the most dangerous and deadly Xenos threats to your Wrath & Glory games.
Threat Assessment: Xenos- Key Features
-The first Wrath & Glory Bestiary!
-New rules and GM advice for introducing Battlefields.
-Creative and expansive tables for introducing Battlefield threats and hazards.
-Comprehensive explorations of the various Xenos threats in the Gilead System.
-Accessible reference and GM advice for introducing these new threats to games.
-An overview of each Xenos faction and their history within the Gilead System.
-Expansive listings of each of these new Xenos enemies;
-From Drukhari Archons to Kroot Mercenaries.
Quelle: Cubicle 7 auf Facebook

Nils, Redakteur bei Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2001 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop: DSA Armalion. Aktueller Fokus liegt auf Skirmish-Systemen und Warhammer 40.000. mehr auf https://www.instagram.com/nerdydutchman/

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