von BK-Sebastian | 03.02.2023 | eingestellt unter: Historisch

Crooked Dice: Robin Hood Figuren

Crooked Dice haben neue Figuren im Robin Hood Setting im Sortiment.

Striking from the depths of Sherwood Forest comes Robin Hood and his band of heroes – the loyal Much and brave Marion.

Robin Hood 1

This set contains three figures: Robin Hood, Marion and Much.

Striking from the depths of Sherwood Forest comes Robin Hood’s brave band of heroes – the towering Little John, wise Tuck, the bloodthirsty Will Scarlet and the mysterious Moor.

Robin Hood 2

This set contains four figures: Little John, Tuck, Will Scarlet and the Moor.

Quelle: Crooked Dice


Redakteur von Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2001 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Armalion. Aktuelle Systeme: Freebooter's Fate(Alle Fraktionen), Bushido(Ito, Ryu, Ro-Kan),Moonstone, Summoners (Feuer, Luft), Deadzone, ASoIaF(Nachtwache, Targaryen), Dropfleet Commander(UCM, Scourge), Warmaster(Zwerge, Echsen), Eden(ISC, Resistance), KoW: Armada(Basilean, Ork) u.v.m

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