von BK-Pascal | 17.09.2023 | eingestellt unter: Conquest

Conquest: Neue Preorders

Para Bellum Wargames haben einige neue Modelle in der Vorbestellung.

Eidolon – City States – Preis: 29,99 EUR

Paracitinew1 Paracitinew2 Paracitinew3 Paracitinew4 Paracitinew5

Box Contents

●   1 Resin Miniature
●   1 Cavalry Base
●   1 Cavalry Stand
●   1 Command Card

Product Information

●   Assembly: Required.
●   Box size: 3.7×7.4×10.4cm; 114grs
●   Material: Resin
●   Scale: 38mm

In Game Role

  • Battlefield Role: Character
  • Class: Medium
  • Type:Brute


The Eidolon are everything that the Inquisitors are not. Unlike those twisted crude vessels, an Eidolon represents the pinnacle of the Scholae’s techne. With its body enhanced in every way imaginable; its flesh reinforced to handle the phlogiston bonded blood that has been decanted into it, its limbs annealed with the strongest and lightest alloys the city states can manufacture and its lungs enhanced to power the blistering furnace that is its metabolism. Even so, all of these changes pale to the masterpiece that is its mind: a blank slate, with not an ounce of will or thought of its own whose autonomic functions are perfectly preserved. The perfect host for the Scholae to download itself into and execute its will.

How they Play:

Forged and perfected for combat, the Eidolon can be configured so that its very body and combat directives are tailored to any combat role. Whether as a potent duelist or a formidable frontline brawler, the Eidolon serves as the perfect instrument, deployed precisely where and when it’s needed.

WARNING: Not suitable for children under 36 months. Small parts. Essential pointed components.

Inquisitors – City States – Preis: 49,99 EUR

Paracitinew13 Paracitinew7 Paracitinew8 Paracitinew9 Paracitinew10 Paracitinew11 Paracitinew12

Box Contents

●    3 Plastic Miniatures
●    3 Brute Plastic Stands
●    3 Brute Bases
●    1 Command Card

Product Information

●    Assembly: Required.
●    Box size: 18x18x9cm; 410gr
●    Material: Plastic
●    Scale: 38mm

In Game Role

●    Battlefield Role: Brute Regiment
●    Class: Medium
●    Type: Brute


LOOMING almost twice the height of man, these lumbering monstrosities bear little resemblance to the men they once were. Now little more than empty vessels that the Scholae can unleash at will, Inquisitors are the red right hand of this shadowy consult. Now a twisted amalgam of flesh and steel, the sole purpose is to embody the wrath and will of that shadow consult on the battlefield and beyond. Piston driven limbs cleave through flesh and steel with alarming ease, their limbs powered by the traces of phlogiston that courses through their veins, even as it burns their stunted lives short.

How they play:

Inquisitors offer essential fast-moving, offensive, flanking capabilities to any City States Army. While formidable lines of Hoplites and Phalangites anchor the center of the battlefield, the Inquisitors unleash a barrage of attacks on the enemy’s vulnerable flanks!

WARNING: Not suitable for children under 36 months. Small parts. Essential pointed components.

Satyroi (dual kit) – City States – Preis: 39,99 EUR

Paracitinew19 Paracitinew15 Paracitinew16 Paracitinew17 Paracitinew18 Paracitinew14

Box Contents

●    Dual Kit. Contains 12 Plastic Miniatures (Satyroi/Selinoi, with the option of making their respective command models)
●    3 Infantry Plastic Stands
●    12 Bases
●    2 Command Cards

Product Information

●    Assembly: Required.
●    Box size: 30x15x6cm; 300gr
●    Material: Plastic
●    Scale: 38mm

In Game Role

●    Battlefield Role: Restricted Infantry
●    Class: Medium
●    Type: Infantry


Nowhere in the society of the City States is their ambivalent relationship with the Bred more evident than with the Selinoi and Satyroi. A nigh seamless blend of man and goat, these Bred ultimately proved to be the hardiest and most adaptable of the Bred who survived. Intelligent, fast and tough, they quickly excelled at their tasks, putting them at odds with humans and painting a mark on their back when the purges started during the Fall. Today, those who survive have done so by learning to coexist with humanity or avoiding it as much as possible. Unlike the more peaceful Selinoi, Satyroi have turned to anger, hate and violence. Kidnappers, extortionists, consummate thugs and dangerous gangers the most dangerous of Satyroi are often press ganged into the army where their combat skills and unbridled ferocity make them skirmishers without peer.

How they play:

Deadly in close-quarters combat, these combat-hardened guerrilla troops lie in ambush, waiting for the perfect moment to strike the flanks and rear of any Enemy Regiment audacious enough to try outflanking the main City States‘ phalanx lines.

WARNING: Not suitable for children under 36 months. Small parts. Essential pointed components.

Selinoi(dual kit) – City States – Preis: 39,99 EUR

Paracitinew25 Paracitinew21 Paracitinew20 Paracitinew22 Paracitinew23 Paracitinew24

Selinoi(dual kit) – City States

Box Contents

●    Dual Kit. Contains 12 Plastic Miniatures (Satyroi/Selinoi, with the option of making their respective command models)
●    3 Infantry Plastic Stands
●    12 Bases
●    2 Command Cards

Product Information

●    Assembly: Required.
●    Box size: 30x15x6cm; 300gr
●    Material: Plastic
●    Scale: 38mm

In Game Role

●    Battlefield Role: Restricted Infantry
●    Class: Light
●    Type: Infantry


Nowhere in the society of the City States is their ambivalent relationship with the Bred more evident than with the Selinoi. A nigh seamless blend of man and goat, the Selinoi ultimately proved to be the hardiest and most adaptable of the Bred who survived. Intelligent, fast and tough, they quickly excelled at their tasks, putting them at odds with humans and painting a mark on their back when the purgest started during the Fall. Today, those Selinoi who survive have done so by learning to coexist with humanity or avoiding it as much as possible. Selinoi Hunters shun the crowded streets of the City States, choosing instead to roam the deep forests and wildlands that the invariably form around the City States. Their woodcraft and hunting skills making them invaluable scouts for the City States and their presence is tolerated and sometimes even encouraged if only to secure these capable scouts in a cities force.

How they play:

Experienced trackers and hunters, the Selinoi pressure enemy ranged regiments not only with their dependable ranged output but also because of their natural resistance to enemy ranged fire.

WARNING: Not suitable for children under 36 months. Small parts. Essential pointed components.

Quelle: Para Bellum Wargames


Brückenkopf-Redakteur und Miniature-Painting-Streamer. Wiedereinstieg ins Hobby 2015 nach sehr langer Pause. Spielt Warhammer 40k, SAGA, Star Wars Legion, Summoners uvm.

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  • Ich kann mir nicht helfen, aber die Inquisitoren sehen aus, als wenn Dr. Doom einen sehr bösen Schlaganfall erlitten hat und nun erneut das Gehen lernt. Selbst Zombies sehen in der Regel bedrohlicher aus.
    Und Inquisitoren sind doch normalerweise hochrangige Spührnasen und Richter, keine hirnlosen Puppen. ka. was die sich dabei gedacht haben…

  • Die Satyroi gefallen mir gut, genauso wie ihre Gegenstücke. Schöne Miniaturen und tolle Abwechslung in der Armee der Stadtstaaten.
    Die Inquisitoren und ihre Gegenstücke wirken eher so als wenn sie von der Untoten Fraktion.

  • Die Saytroi gefallen mir auch, beim Eidolon hatte ich mehr auf was Clockwork mäßiges gehofft, aber vom Fluff der Armee passt das Aussehen tatsächlich und es wird seinen Weg in meine Armee finden.

  • Zum Eidolon: Ist in der Regel kein gutes Zeichen für eine Tabletop Miniatur, wenn man sie anschaut und das Gehirn mehrere Sekunden braucht um zu parsen, wo da oben und unten ist und wo es den Blick hinziehen soll. Ist vielleicht durch den FLuff begründet, aber wenn der Fluff dafür sorgt, dass dann solche Minis auf dem Tisch landen sollte man den vielleicht nochmal überdenken.

    • Es passt aber auch zur griechischen Mythologie, da Menschen am Anfang mit 4 Armen erschaffen wurden, bis Zeus sie trennte.. Klugscheißer Modus aus 😉

      • Den Kugelmenschen Mythos gibt es genau bei einem Author genau an einer Stelle. Und wie Platon einen Kugelmenschen beschrieb sieht das jetzt nicht wirklich aus, fehlen ein paar Gliedmaßen und der Körper ist keine Kugel.

        Jetzt ist der Klugscheißer Modus erst aus.

  • Hm, ich bin vor einem guten Monat in Conquest eingestiegen und habe als erst Fraktion zwischen den City States und den 100 Kingdoms geschwankt. Und gerade bin ich froh, mich für die Kingdoms entschieden zu haben. Die Satyrn finde ich ja noch sehr passend für die Fraktion, aber die bionechanischen Monster sehen so gar nicht nach griechischer Fantasy Antike aus. Die sind für mich ein ziemlicher Fail, zumindest für diese Truppe.

    Meine zweite Fraktion für Conquest wird damit ziemlich sicher das Old Dominion…

  • Ui, Satyre! Wie geil. Passt ja super zu den Minotauren. Holt mich ziemlich ab.
    *Darfst kein neues Spiel anfangen, darfst kein neues Spiel anfangen, darfst kein neues Spiel anfangen, darfst kein neues Spiel anfangen, darfst kein neues Spiel anfangen*

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