von BK-Pascal | 07.12.2023 | eingestellt unter: Fantasy, Patreon

Cobramode: Dezember Patreon

Cobramode haben im Dezember wieder ein STL-Paket für Patreons zusammengestellt.

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Yosuzume (Sparrowfolk)

The Yosuzume are spread throughout the Qian Sheng Shan, carving out their homes in the sheer cliffsides and gorges of the mountain range. Though they often occupy land in or near the territories of the other various cultures in the region, they are tolerated because their hidden villages are in areas that are unusable by anyone else. The Yosuzume range quite far from their villages, hiring themselves out as mercenaries, assassins, spies, and messengers. They tend to be swift and agile, and their small size makes them difficult to pin down.

Hiina, Ishi, & Tome – Yosuzume Mercenaries
Hiina, Ishi, and Tome are a trio of childhood friends who have always dreamed of making it big as mercenaries. Hiina is the calm and calculating type, and prefers to fight strategically and strike from an advantageous position. Ishi is a proud and hot-headed hand-to-hand fighter who tends to go for the simplest solution (fists). Tome is a bit of a potato, but can be quite fierce in a battle! Unfortunately, their collective lack of experience has gotten in the way of their goals. These three little sparrowfolk were hired by the Tengu to capture the Yugiri Outlaws who have been terrorizing the road through the Yugiri Forest. But they haven’t had much luck so far – no matter how hard they try, the outlaws always manage to slip through their fingers!

Bright Expanse – YuanYang Mage
Bright Expanse is an eccentric mage who spends most of his time doing research into the taming of various Divine Beasts. Lately he has been collecting abandoned eggs and hatching them, sometimes with little knowledge of what will emerge. He uses his magic to carefully regulate the temperature and humidity conditions for each egg, and has so far been quite successful at hatching them – though he has been less successful at taming the resulting animals. The Haotu (Brave Rabbit), is one that stayed, although it’s unclear whether it has really been tamed. The stubborn little Haotu is a stalwart companion, but either doesn’t understand his commands or doesn’t care to listen to them. Nonetheless, it hasn’t run away like most of the other hatched beasts, and may someday manifest surprising powers…

Evergreen – YuanYang Knight
A noble knight in the YuanYang territories, Evergreen is known for his composure, loyalty, and quiet strength. A renowned swordsman, he serves as one of the personal knights of the Phoenix, one half of the ruling duo of the YuanYang. The Silent Grove sword style of his family has served him well in the protection of his liege – it is an observant, patient style that emphasizes awareness and a light touch. Despite his prowess and stoic character, even he has quailed in the face of an attack. The name “Evergreen” is actually a nickname bestowed upon him by the Phoenix, who commanded him to be unflinching as a pine under an axe.

YuanYang Artillery Unit
The ranged capabilities of the YuanYang military are quite formidable, as evidenced by their mobile Artillery Units. Operated by teams of two, the wheeled Artillery can be moved to most locations and aimed for maximum effect against enemy armies and fortifications. Two engineers are required for smooth and efficient operation, but they’re often in short supply. Artillery engineers suffer more serious injuries, and more often than even the knights who charge the frontlines. Mistakes during the loading and lighting process often have… explosive results.

Peng, Sacred Beast
In the desolate expanse north of the YuanYang Territories lies the Lake of Heaven, a deep and dark body of water. Within its depths resides a species of fish which is several thousand li across; it is unknown how long it grows. Its name is K’un, and has a fascinating life cycle. When it reaches a certain age, it will shed its scales and transform into a bird, which we call the Peng. Boasting a back akin to Mount T’ai, its wingspan resembles clouds stretching across the sky. With the power of a whirlwind, the Peng leaps into the air and ascends ninety thousand li, piercing through cloud and mist. The sky upon its shoulders, it then turns its gaze southward for a journey towards its ancient nesting grounds. Some say that the Peng can only fly using the Qi it has gathered, as its body is too large for physical flight. Nonetheless, it is known that they fly great distances, their scintillating plumage reflected in the sun and stars.

Quelle: Cobramode auf Patreon


Brückenkopf-Redakteur und Miniature-Painting-Streamer. Wiedereinstieg ins Hobby 2015 nach sehr langer Pause. Spielt Warhammer 40k, SAGA, Star Wars Legion, Summoners uvm.

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