Click-Lock City: STL-Gelände-Kickstarter
Es gibt wieder Gelände bei Kickstarter.
Und darum geht es:
Feedback from the first Click-Lock City set showed that people wanted double wide buildings. So we engineered a solution that will allow double wide buildings and new roof options that give bigger buildings and still allow them to fit on a standard sized print bed.
Click-Lock City files are designed for printing on FDM 3D printers, such as the Ender 3. They will fit on a 220mm x 220mm bed (like those on the Creality Ender 3). Printing flat makes the tiles extra strong because of the orientation of the layer lines.
Free test file here:
What you get
We have ensured each tile set contains reliable printable detail and enough variety to keep play interesting. The wall sets all have doors (some print in place opening doors), windows and a variety of other cracks or opening. We want to provide you with the ability to create as much partial-cover or sniper position as possible. What’s more fun than a lengthy debate about exactly which models have a line of sight?
Is there anything you think we have missed?
If so please drop a comment at the bottom and maybe we can make it.
Exponential Growth
With modularity comes mods and options. Every time we create one part, the options we can add creates 10 more parts, which then turn into 100 more STL’s, we found this project soon got out of hand and any of you familiar with some of our previous work, such as Tidy Town, will know that you end up with thousands of STL files to download.
Infinitely expandable
We want to make this cyberpunk 3D Printable STL set as big as we can, so help us grow the base set by spreading the word. A comment and a share of the the project really helps to spread the project far and wide.
but we already have tons of fresh ideas that we just can’t fit into this one STL Kickstarter due to time. So keep your eyes on our website ( for future expansion packs where we will be able to add even more modular options to your designs.
Die Kampagne ist finanziert und läuft noch 27 Tage.
Quelle: Click-Lock City – Duplex – Modular Sci-fi Terrain STL Set