von BK-Bob | 09.07.2023 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Fantasy

Cernunnos Studio: The Matriarchs Kickstarter

Cernunnos Studio ist mit Miniaturen für Rackham Fans auf Kickstarter unterwegs.

Cernunnos Studio „Les Matriarches“ / „The Matriarchs“

Heroines for a fantastic universe of skirmish games

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 About me

Hello, for those who don’t know me, my name is Sylvano Harvey, huge fan of fantasy miniatures, collector and gamer since 1986. I have played several types of tabletop and skirmish games, WarHammer, HellDorado, Celtos, Chronopia, Warmachine , The Return of the Gods, etc. But none of those games touched my heart like Confrontation from Rackham , sadly we all know what happened next. Since then, I have always continued to collect everything that exists on Confrontation. I have tried to keep the community alive all these years with Facebook groups, fan pages, organized tournaments and campaigns etc. I also made several very good friends among the former artists of Rackham, and this is also the reason why I created Cernunnos Studio, it is with them that I collaborate and work on this small production company of miniatures for this magnificent Universe that Rackham had created. I have since got my hands on pieces that were never produced or finished during Rackham’s golden Era, and I have made it my mission to produce them in order to allow this beautiful community to be able to also own these models!

 Yannick Fusier and this Kickstarter 

Last year, I contacted Yannick Fusier (who sculpted so many models for Rackham), and shared with him my idea of doing some female characters for this univers. After talking a lot and throwing ideas on the table, we came to the desire of creating this Kickstarter, The Matriarchs, with 8 models, 6 exclusives to this KS, and 2 more sculpted by another very talented sculptor, Stephane Simon (also a former Rackham sculptor).  So we hope that the community will respond very well to this project, because we have many more that we wish to bring out. But first, we need to see if you guys are interested in this!

The models are all cast in a high quality resin by GRX Creations (who made their proofs with so many casts for Kickstarter’s campaign). Also, we do 30 models, then destroy the mould and make a new one, that way we never lose quality on the result, this is something very nice about the way we do things. No „messy“ models, no flash, almost nothing to clean on the resin.   All the models are hand sculpted by the best Rackham artists, so we can guarantee a top quality project!

Also, I wanted to reassure the community who got hurt so bad in the past with another company who just took all the money and left, so we produced all the models in advance, cast them to make sure the quality was perfect, and even had them painted again by ex-Rackham painters for most of them. So the risk is 0.  We will be ready to pass the order to the Casters and prepare everything. You don’t bring the money before we start sculpting, what you see there is the real thing!!!  So Yannick and I want to thank you so much for your support, and please share this project with any friends you think who can be interested in these beautiful sculpts!

 The Matriarch $149 CAD

Cernunnos Studio The Matriarchs 1

The 8 Matriarchs plus the first Stretch Goals unlocked (Cadwallon Beggar, Infant Jackal (Anaqa’s baby) and Ysis second incarnation!!!

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The Matriarchs


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Püki the Saber-Toothed Tigress (free collector base includes, the one of the left in resin)

Please add $30 CAD to your pledge if you want her with her collector base

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Auroch of the Moor (model doesn’t come with a base)

Please add $42 CAD to your pledge if you want the Auroch (no base included)

Weitere Bilder der Miniaturen:

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Mirane the Bloody (Tir-Na-Bor)

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Unlocked stretch goals, Collector base for Mirane the Bloody. Thank you!

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Anaqa the Unleashed (Bran-Ô-Kor orc jackals)

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Stretch Goal unlocked at $5900. Free „Infant Jackal“ with all pledge for „the Matriarchs“ „Long live Aarklash“ or „Early Birds“

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Mÿlene the Tricky (Cadwallon militia)

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Yzabel the Infrangible (Sessair Kelt)

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Mïsha the Cunning (Wolfen / Devourer)

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Yakasta the Destroyer (Mid-Nor)

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Yaniri the Frost Knight (Acheron alliance Akkyshan)

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Lÿkosidae the Unusual (Akkyshan)

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Stretch Goal unlocked at $4500. Free Cadwallon beggar with all „The Matriarchs“ or „Long Live Aarkalsh!“ Pledges

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Stretch Goal unlocked at $7300. Free Ysis second incarnation with all „The Matriarchs“ or „Long Live Aarkalsh!“ Pledges

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Add-Ons (add to the pledge) Püki Saber-toothed Tigress (Kelt creature).

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Add-ons (add to your pledge) Auroch of the Moor (Kelt Creature).

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Group picture of the 8 Matriarchs

Stretch Goals:

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Congrats, first Stretch Goal unlocked! $4500. You will receive this Cadwallon Beggar for free with all pledge of $149 and more

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Unlocked Stretch Goal, $5900 thank you! you have unlocked the „Infant Jackal“

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Unlocked Stretch goals at $6500. Mariane the Bloody collector base, free with all pledges of „the Matriarch“ „Early birds“ and „Long Live Aarklash

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Unlocked Stretch Goal, $7300 thank you! you have unlocked the „Ysis second incarnation“

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$7650 Locked

Die Kampagne ist bereits finanziert und läuft noch 26 Tage.

Quelle: Cernunnos Studio „Les Matriarches“ / „The Matriarchs“


Seit 2010 im Hobby. Aktuelle Projekte: Warhammer Fantasy/Old World (Imperium, Bretonen, Tiermenschen, Skaven, Gnome), Blood Bowl (Gnome, Echsenmenschen), Warcry, Summoners (Erde, Tod), Bolt Action (Briten), Herr der Ringe (Harad)

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