von BK-Nils | 12.12.2023 | eingestellt unter: Blood Bowl / Fantasy Football

Blood Bowl: Skaven Starpsieler Skitter Stab-Stab

Mit dem legendären Assasinen der Skaven, Skitter Stab-Stab, kehrt ein weiterer Starspieler in die Stadien der Alten Welt zurück.

Sneak, Stab, and Score with a Newly Returned Skaven Star Player

Jim: Do you have any idea what our latest Star Player has going for them, Bob?

Bob: The almanack is empty, Jim – all I can tell you is that they’re Skaven, they run really fast, and they stab people.

Jim: Unfortunately Bob, that doesn’t narrow it down in the slightest.

The Skaven Master Assassin known as Skitter Stab-Stab is a real enigma – outrageously popular among Blood Bowl fans for his bloody (and frequent) displays of knifemanship, but almost completely missing from all official league records. If it weren’t for his devoted following, officials would have a hard time proving he ever existed at all.

Games Workshop Blood Bowl Sneak, Stab, And Score With A Newly Returned Skaven Star Player 1

Unfortunately for other players, Skitter Stab-Stab is very real. This assassin has executed his employer’s bidding for countless years despite no proven cases of his involvement, and whenever unfortunate accidents befall officials during a game with Skaven present, there’s always a chance that Skitter is lurking around.

This new miniature is an update on the classic Star Player from the early 2000s, depicted bounding off a discarded ogre gutplate brandishing his twin knives. His cloak is stitched with tons of little blades, billowing out into the wind as he launches himself at another poor victim.

Games Workshop Blood Bowl Sneak, Stab, And Score With A Newly Returned Skaven Star Player 2

Skitter’s skills as a master assassin make him ideally suited to the high speed, high violence game of Blood Bowl, blockers bamboozled by his lighting-fast MA9 and AG2+. Unsurprisingly, he can Stab his opponents mid-game, and when it comes to stabbing, nobody stabs like Stab-Stab.

The Master Assassin skill makes sure that a roughed-up player stays down with a useful re-roll for the Injury dice, and with his speed he’ll be shanking his way through the opposing team before they know what’s hit them.

Games Workshop Blood Bowl Sneak, Stab, And Score With A Newly Returned Skaven Star Player 3

Skitter Stab-Stab can be hired by any Underworld Denizens or ‘Favoured Of…’ team for a reasonable sum of 150,000 GP, giving him plenty of room to flit between teams as the inscrutable free agent he is. Wherever his master commands he goes, it’s all-but guaranteed that players wind up with far less blood than they started with.

Games Workshop Blood Bowl Sneak, Stab, And Score With A Newly Returned Skaven Star Player 4

Quelle: Warhammer Community


Nils, Redakteur bei Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2001 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop: DSA Armalion. Aktueller Fokus liegt auf Skirmish-Systemen und Warhammer 40.000. mehr auf https://www.instagram.com/nerdydutchman/

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