von BK-Nils | 16.05.2023 | eingestellt unter: Blood Bowl / Fantasy Football

Blood Bowl: Ripper Bolgrot Preview

Ein weiterer Starspieler wird in der nahen Zukunft von Forge World auf die Stadien der Alten Welt losgelassen, Ripper Bolgrot.

The Smartest Troll Ever Makes a Dazzling Return to Blood Bowl

Bob: “No, Jim, I refuse. There’s no way I’m calling a Troll ‘intelligent’ or ‘cultured’.”

Jim: “Come on Bob, this is Ripper Bolgrot we’re talking about. Think of the sponsors.

Bob: “Fine, but I draw the line at ‘refined’, Jim.”

Blood Bowl players are many things – daring, agile, excessively violent – but few would claim they’re the smartest people around. That’s until they meet Ripper Bolgrot, a star player with a one-in-a-million fusion of brains and brawn – and that’s before you find out he’s a Troll.

Forge World The Smartest Troll Ever Makes A Dazzling Return To Blood Bowl 1

Ripper wasn’t always the stunningly brilliant specimen he is today – once upon a time, he was regarded as particularly dense even for a Troll, before a secret regimen of ‘sports therapy’ turned his brain inside out.* Soon after, the sight of a Troll hollering orders, executing complex strategies, and counting higher than three got the attention of the Blood Bowl league.

Known as much for his startling attention to the fine print on contracts as he is his tremendous right hook, Ripper Bolgrot’s meteoric rise has gone down in Blood Bowl history. He’s still 100% Troll, and can crack skulls with the best of them, but any Badlands Brawl or Underworld Challenge team lucky enough to hire him (for an eye-watering 250,000 GP) will get more than just brute force.

Forge World The Smartest Troll Ever Makes A Dazzling Return To Blood Bowl 2

On the pitch, Bolgrot performs much like you’d expect from a Troll – powerful blocks, regeneration, hurling goblins about like paper planes – but with the keen eye of a master tactician. Unlike many Star Players, who can only use their Special Rules once per game, Ripper can use his once per half, getting double the value out of his ever-useful re-rolls.

Forge World The Smartest Troll Ever Makes A Dazzling Return To Blood Bowl 3

This new resin miniature is coming to the Forge World webstore soon – spectacles and all – so stay tuned for more information on when you can pick up this singularly brilliant Star Player.

* Some say literally.

Quelle: Warhammer Community


Nils, Redakteur bei Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2001 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop: DSA Armalion. Aktueller Fokus liegt auf Skirmish-Systemen und Warhammer 40.000. mehr auf https://www.instagram.com/nerdydutchman/

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