von BK-Nils | 09.05.2023 | eingestellt unter: Blood Bowl / Fantasy Football

Blood Bowl: Grashnak Blackhoof Preview

Ein neuer Starspieler für Blood Bowl nimmt seine Gegner auf die Hörner, der Minotaurus Grashnak Blackhoof betritt in Kürze die Stadien der Alten Welt.

Gore the Gridiron in Blood Bowl With the Great Black Bull

Jim: “Have you ever seen a Star Player as frightening as Grashnak Blackhoof, Bob?”

Bob: “Not recently, Jim. If the other team aren’t intimidated by his fatality record, his horns are sure to get the point across.”

Jim: “Both points, I fear.”

Blood Bowl is a game of skill and agility, but do you know what beats fancy footwork any day of the week? Nine feet of muscle, fury, and harpoon-like horns – embodied in Grashnak Blackhoof, also known as the Great Black Bull.

Forge World Gore The Gridiron In Blood Bowl With The Great Black Bull 1

Nobody quite knows where Grashnak came from – stories about his early career flow like spilled ale through many a sporting tavern – but his trail through the Blood Bowl circuit has been one of broken bones, gored sternums, and crowd-pleasing bloodshed. His shockingly violent performance in his rookie year earned him back-to-back Best Newcomer and Most Vicious Player awards, and he’s since racked up a body count eclipsed only by the legendary Morg ‘n’ Thorg.

Forge World Gore The Gridiron In Blood Bowl With The Great Black Bull 2

His greatest claim to fame isn’t even a sporting achievement as such, but rather that Blood Bowl officials have long since stopped counting the injured players left in his wake. His hyper-aggressive style translates right into your games too – a mighty Strength 6 combined with a laundry list of offensive skills.

The Great Black Bull is in his element charging across the pitch to deliver his signature twin-horned Blitz, leaving unfortunate players Gored by the Bull. This special rule helps him steamroll most muscly opponents, and even gives him a leg up against equally massive rivals. Someone is getting flattened when Grashnak gets up to speed.

Forge World Gore The Gridiron In Blood Bowl With The Great Black Bull 3

Grashnak can be hired for a princely 240,000GP by any Favoured of… Chaos teams, and you’ll be able to get his awesome resin miniature – plus his player card – from Forge World soon.

Quelle: Warhammer Community


Nils, Redakteur bei Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2001 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop: DSA Armalion. Aktueller Fokus liegt auf Skirmish-Systemen und Warhammer 40.000. mehr auf https://www.instagram.com/nerdydutchman/

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  • Ich kann jetzt nicht erkennen, dass es sich um einen Sportspieler handelt …
    als Champion in einer AoS-Armee macht er sich bestimmt auch ganz gut.

  • Die sollten lieber mal einen plastic Mino rausbringen. Starplayer sind eh zu teuer für Liga Spiele.

  • Und der Kommentar bezieht sich auf jenes Artwork und passt nicht zur Mini.
    Aber gut, Forgeworld hat sicher noch weniger Praktikanten für all die wichtigen Aufgaben, da schleichen sich noch mehr Fehler ein als bei GW 🙈

  • Allgemein sieht das Gesicht oder der Kopf wenig nach Minotaurus aus, ansonsten echt chic

  • Ich finde den ansprechender als den normalen.
    Alle Big Guys aus Plastik wär wirklich mal nötig!

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