von BK-Nils | 21.02.2023 | eingestellt unter: Blood Bowl / Fantasy Football

Blood Bowl: Echsenmenschen Starspieler-Duo Preview

Im Doppelpack kommen die beiden Starspieler, Drull und Dribl, die in Kürze die Mannschaften der Echsenmenschen und Amazonen in den Stadien der Alten Welt unterstützen werden.

Drull and Dribl Are a Dynamic Duo of Dirty Players Coming to Foul Their Way to Victory

Usually, when Lizardmen spawn – always according to the ancient and inscrutable timetable of the Old Ones – they emerge fully-formed, crawling from the spawning pools in their hundreds. Yet when Drull and Dribl arrived in the world, it was as a pair of otherwise unaccompanied twins, in an event considered most auspicious indeed by the Slann auguries.

Games Workshop Drull And Dribl Are A Dynamic Duo Of Dirty Players Coming To Foul Their Way To Victory 1

Auspicious is certainly the word for this tricksy twosome… Unless they’re playing for your opponent, because these are two of the dirtiest players ever to participate in the ignoble sport of Blood Bowl.

Drull smuggles a ceremonial obsidian dagger onto the pitch in order to Stab the opposition, while his brother Dribl is a Dirty Player (+1) whose skill as a Sneaky Git helps him get away with kicking you when you’re down.

Games Workshop Drull And Dribl Are A Dynamic Duo Of Dirty Players Coming To Foul Their Way To Victory 2

Played together – as they inevitably are – the trouble is doubled. as they each get +1 on their Stab and Foul rolls against players marked by the other Skink. What else can you expect from such A Sneaky Pair?

Both brothers can also Sidestep, and combined with their native Skink speed and agility – and the usual Dodge and Stunty skills – they’ll be picking players off left, right, and centre.

Games Workshop Drull And Dribl Are A Dynamic Duo Of Dirty Players Coming To Foul Their Way To Victory 3

In all, Drull and Dribl cost 190,000GP to hire and can play for teams from the Lustrian Superleague – that’s Amazons as well as Lizardmen. They’ll be released in resin in the not-too-distant future by Forge World.

Quelle: Warhammer Community


Nils, Redakteur bei Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2001 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop: DSA Armalion. Aktueller Fokus liegt auf Skirmish-Systemen und Warhammer 40.000. mehr auf https://www.instagram.com/nerdydutchman/

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  • Gute Designs – ich hätte die Skink-Starspieler aber mit roten Federn bemalt – wie in dem Artwork vorgegeben.
    (Und irgendwie ist die Dynamik bei dem springenden Skink etwas merkwürdig.)

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