von BK-Bob | 16.06.2023 | eingestellt unter: Napoleonisch, Warlord Games / Bolt Action

Black Powder: Peninsular War Veterans

Bei Warlord Games marschieren Veteranen der Iberischen Halbinsel auf.

WG Bad Blood At Grijo – The Peninsular Veterans Collection 1 WG Bad Blood At Grijo – The Peninsular Veterans Collection 2 WG Bad Blood At Grijo – The Peninsular Veterans Collection 3 WG Bad Blood At Grijo – The Peninsular Veterans Collection 4

Bad Blood at Grijo – The Peninsular Veterans Collection – 67,00€

Months of campaigning on the Spanish Peninsular has taken its toll on certain regiments on both sides of the conflict, with all sense of pristine uniformity abandoned, either though desperation, greed or long since-evaporated discipline. Two such regiments would meet and do battle at Grijo in 1809. This collection nets you both Peninsular Veterans boxed sets that are guaranteed to inject any Peninsular War Black Powder army with oodles of charm.

British Peninsular Veterans: The 3rd Battalion of Detachments, struck from all official records, exemplified Brigadier General Alan Campbell’s view, “I have collected several detachments of recovered men belonging to Sir J. Moore’s army, whom I found scattered in all directions, without necessaries, and some of them committing every possible excess that could render the name of a British soldier odious to the nation.”

French Peninsular Veterans: Murdering their way out of a Spanish prison hulk, Chef de battalion François Léon de Rochebaron and his loyal band of followers began their journey into infamy. After the brutal experience at the hands of his Spanish captors, the once honourable de Rochebaron swore unwavering vengeance on the enemies of France. Thus the legend of the ‚The Butchers‘ of the 73rd Line Regiment was born.

These exceptional miniatures are oozing character and cast in finest Warlord Resin. They are a must for any self-respecting (and those not quite so self-respecting) Napoleonic wargamer, dogs and all. Both boxed sets can either be fielded as full regiments, or you can scatter the individual characters throughout your other Black Powder regiments for added variety.

You’ll also get a Soldier’s Comfort figure, with accompanying donkey, for free, as part of this Warlord Webstore-exclusive collection.


  • Vive l’Empereur! (French Peninsular veterans boxed set)
  • O’er the hills and far away (British Peninsular veterans boxed set)
  • FREE Vivandière – The Soldier’s Comfort figure

WG O'er The Hills And Far Away (British Peninsular Veterans) 1 WG O'er The Hills And Far Away (British Peninsular Veterans) 2 WG O'er The Hills And Far Away (British Peninsular Veterans) 3 WG O'er The Hills And Far Away (British Peninsular Veterans) 4 WG O'er The Hills And Far Away (British Peninsular Veterans) 5 WG O'er The Hills And Far Away (British Peninsular Veterans) 6

O’er the hills and far away (British Peninsular veterans) – 33,50€

The 3rd Battalion of Detachments, struck from all official records, exemplified Brigadier General Alan Campbell’s view, “I have collected several detachments of recovered men belonging to Sir J. Moore’s army, whom I found scattered in all directions, without necessaries, and some of them committing every possible excess that could render the name of a British soldier odious to the nation.” During the Douro campaign and capture of the city of Oporto in 1809, the 3rd Battalion had its first taste of action near the village of Grijo. There they crossed bayonets with the infamous French regiment, les Bouchers (the Butchers). The bloody encounter was also notable for the savage dog fight between Duchess, the 3rd’s bull terrier mascot, and the French poodle, Fifi, both animals leaving their mark.

These exceptional miniatures are oozing character and cast in finest Warlord Resin are a must for any self-respecting (and those not quite so self-respecting) Napoleonic British wargamer.

WG Vive L'Empereur! (French Peninsular Veterans) 1 WG Vive L'Empereur! (French Peninsular Veterans) 2 WG Vive L'Empereur! (French Peninsular Veterans) 3 WG Vive L'Empereur! (French Peninsular Veterans) 4 WG Vive L'Empereur! (French Peninsular Veterans) 5 WG Vive L'Empereur! (French Peninsular Veterans) 6

Vive l’Empereur! (French Peninsular veterans) – 33,50€

Murdering their way out of a Spanish prison hulk, Chef de battalion François Léon de Rochebaron and his loyal band of followers began their journey into infamy. After the brutal experience at the hands of his Spanish captors, the once honourable de Rochebaron swore unwavering vengeance on the enemies of France. Thus the legend of the ‚The Butchers‘ of the 73rd Line Regiment was born.

In battle, no quarter was ever given as they became the scourge of the Spanish peninsular. It was only when les Bouchers met an English battalion at Grijo in 1809 did they finally meet men who could match their ignoble method of waging war. During the battle, De Rochebaron fought a bloody and protracted duel with an English Captain, matched in its viciousness by the scrap at their feet between his beloved poodle, Fifi and the British mongrel, Duchess. While all combatants survived this encounter, they swore to meet again and settle the matter.

Cast in the finest Warlord Resin, these superb miniatures are dripping with character – from the vengeful, Rochebaron down to the regiment’s mascot, Fifi the poodle.

Quelle: Warlord Games


Seit 2010 im Hobby. Aktuelle Projekte: Warhammer Fantasy/Old World (Imperium, Bretonen, Tiermenschen, Skaven, Gnome), Blood Bowl (Gnome, Echsenmenschen), Warcry, Summoners (Erde, Tod), Bolt Action (Briten), Herr der Ringe (Harad)

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  • Oh verdammt… Keine neuen Projekte dieses Jahr, keine neuen Projekte…

    Gefällt mir super. Wären auch hübsche Truppen für Schakos und Bayonets, glaube ich. Nur paar Soldaten in schießender oder ladender Haltung wären schön gewesen.

  • Richtig schöne Idee. Der Brite mit der Frauenhaube ist der Knaller und auch der Kommandeur auf dem Esel weis zu gefallen.
    Bleibt einzig der Hinweis auf das Warlord Resin, welches mir die Anschaffung der Figuren vermießt.
    Ohne die Figuren mal in echt gesehen und in der Hand gehabt zu haben, führt bei mir kein weg mehr rein mir solche Figuren zu kaufen. 🤷‍♂️

  • Eine tolle Idee auch mal abgerissene Truppen zu zeigen. Der Kommandeur auf dem Esel ist wahrlich ein Hingucker und wäre bei den Tabletop spielen ein Gesprächsthema. Allein das Material schreckt auch mich ab, habe die preußischen Dragoner Zuhause und bin von dem Gummiartigen Zustand enttäuscht.
    Denke auch das der eine oder andere sich davon nicht abschrecken lassen wird und diese Boxen ihren Weg auf den Maltischen finden werden.

  • Ja würde auch erstmal auf Reviews warten bei deren Resin. Aber das dürfte auch für die ganzen Rüben und Schlammspieler in Turnip28 der Hit sein.

  • Wenn ich mir die Bilder so anschaue, habe ich das Gefühl, dass versucht wurde mit der Bemalung Schwächen der sculpts zu kaschieren. Die Idee hinter den Figuren ist allerdings genial.

  • Ein virtuelles High Five, für den Kneter, der die Obadiah Hakeswill Reminiszenz eingebaut hat! =)

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