von BK-Bob | 18.06.2023 | eingestellt unter: Napoleonisch, Warlord Games / Bolt Action

Black Powder: Belgier & Niederländer

Belgische bzw. niederländische Truppen für Waterloo.

WG Napoleonic Belgian Carabiniers 1815 1 WG Napoleonic Belgian Carabiniers 1815 2 WG Napoleonic Belgian Carabiniers 1815 3 WG Napoleonic Belgian Carabiniers 1815 4 WG Napoleonic Belgian Carabiniers 1815 5 WG Napoleonic Belgian Carabiniers 1815 6 WG Napoleonic Belgian Carabiniers 1815 7 WG Napoleonic Belgian Carabiniers 1815 8

Napoleonic Belgian Carabiniers 1815 – 37,00€

The allied Army of the Netherlands was commanded by the Duke of Wellington during the Hundred Days campaign of 1815. In this polyglot force there were two Netherlands cavalry brigades – one of light, and one heavy brigade of Carabiniers. This consisted of one Belgian and two Dutch regiments, the Belgians looking splendid in their highly polished steel helmets and blue tunics. However, make no mistake, these were not just show soldiers. Commanded by General Trip van Zoudtlandt, they engaged the French many times on the day, with 40% of them having served in Napoleon’s army until very recently.

Although we know that it is unlikely Dutch and Belgian troops would have carried colours at Waterloo, we have included a full-colour flag sheet as we know wargamers love to see their units literally flying the flag!

Box contains 12 mounted Warlord ResinTM figures, a flag sheet & plastic bases.

WG Napoleonic Belgian Line Infantry Firing 2 WG Napoleonic Belgian Line Infantry Firing 3 WG Napoleonic Belgian Line Infantry Firing 4 WG Napoleonic Belgian Line Infantry Firing 5 WG Napoleonic Belgian Line Infantry Firing 6 WG Napoleonic Belgian Line Infantry Firing 7 WG Napoleonic Belgian Line Infantry Firing 8 WG Napoleonic Belgian Line Infantry Firing 9

Napoleonic Belgian Line Infantry firing – 33,50€

Forming fully a third of the allied army that opposed the French Emperor, Napoleon Bonaparte, during the Hundred Days campaign were the Dutch and Belgian soldiers of the Kingdom of the Netherlands. Having been serving in the French army just a year earlier, the Dutch and Belgian troops were a vital component of the army led by the Duke of Wellington, who had reservations about their fighting abilities against their former master. Wellington’s concerns were unfounded as they held firm in the face of huge attacks from French columns. The troops in this boxed set have formed a firing line to pour shot into the oncoming columns of Les Bleus.

Although we know that it is unlikely Dutch and Belgian troops would have carried colours at Waterloo, we have included a full-colour flag sheet as we know wargamers love to see their units literally flying the flag!

Box contains 24 Warlord ResinTM figures, a flag sheet & plastic bases.

WG Napoleonic Dutch Belgian Commanders (Waterloo) 1 WG Napoleonic Dutch Belgian Commanders (Waterloo) 2 WG Napoleonic Dutch Belgian Commanders (Waterloo) 3 WG Napoleonic Dutch Belgian Commanders (Waterloo) 4 WG Napoleonic Dutch Belgian Commanders (Waterloo) 5 WG Napoleonic Dutch Belgian Commanders (Waterloo) 6

Napoleonic Dutch/Belgian Commanders (Waterloo) – 17,00€

This set contains three famous commanders of the Army of the Netherlands during the Hundred Days campaign – William, The Prince of Orange; Baron Chassé; and Baron de Constant-Rebecque.

The Prince of Orange served as a young officer in the Duke of Wellington’s headquarters during the Peninsular campaign rising through the ranks. Affectionately nicknamed ‚Slender Billy‘ by the British who appreciated his courage and affability. During the Hundred Days campaign, he commanded I Allied Corps at Quatres Bras and Waterloo, an action in which he was wounded by musket fire.

Baron Chassé was a Dutchman who fought both for France and against Napoleon Bonaparte during the wars. Chassé commanded the 3rd Netherlands Division that intervened at a crucial moment in the Battle of Waterloo, sending in a bayonet charge against the French as the battle drew to its climax. Indeed, Chassé favoured the bayonet so much that Bonaparte gave him the nickname ‚General Bayonet‘ during his French service.

A Swiss mercenary who served with distinction in Dutch service, Jean Victor de Constant Rebecque was Chief-of-Staff for the Army of the Netherlands. Baron Constant Rebecque famously countermanded the orders of the Duke of Wellington to retire Dutch troops from Quatres Bras on the eve of that battle , ultimately preventing the Marshal Ney’s French forces from occupying the strategically important crossroads.

Quelle: Warlord Games


Seit 2010 im Hobby. Aktuelle Projekte: Warhammer Fantasy/Old World (Imperium, Bretonen, Tiermenschen, Skaven, Gnome), Blood Bowl (Gnome, Echsenmenschen), Warcry, Summoners (Erde, Tod), Bolt Action (Briten), Herr der Ringe (Harad)

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