von BK-Bob | 25.05.2023 | eingestellt unter: Fantasy, Patreon

Bestiarum Miniatures: Dark Forest [NSFW]

Bei Bestiarum Miniatures geht es diesen Monat in den düsteren Wald.

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The Dark Forest – May Release

Hi Everyone,

May’s release is now LIVE!
We’re changing our File Delivery this month – You’ll be receiving a invite to add the models to your MyMiniFactory Library! More info here

Baphomet and her infernal children dwell in these woods, and their corrupting influence has turned the lands into a twisted thicket of mist and echoing bleats. The Chort, the dreaded Bies, and a nest of cruel Kikimora stalk and rampage through the tight boughs, ready to prey upon any who venture from the lights of the Village of Essenvald.

Baphomet holds the village folk under her thrall though, and her control has driven them to insanity. Aided by the dark magics of the Hag and her Domovoy assistant; the Peasant folk, Blacksmith, and even the resident Mendicant Friar have been reduced to bleating wrecks of their former selves. Though many are catatonic, they will quickly rouse to violence should any threaten their dark mother.

Alongside this cast of folk horrors, comes a set of gnarly terrain from the Dark Forest. Runestones, saturated in ancient magics, serve as a conduit for Baphomet’s dark power; their locus at the great Runestone Altar. A pair of Hangman Trees cut a grim silhouette, their branches dangling with votive corpse-offerings for the Kikimora who weave their tight Dens amongst the boughs.

Lone Hero – Brahmin

Hailing from the distant and expansive Sinoan continent, far to the East, Brahmin is a wandering Monk. He walks these lands in quiet contemplation in his endless quest for wisdom and truth. Though he may be mistaken as a hapless old man, carrying nothing but a simple walking stick, he should not be underestimated. For he is lithe and deadly, his wizened old body just as agile as it was in his prime. Yet, in his many years of searching, he has grown far more powerful still, learning to bend the powers of spirit and flame to his will, striking fast and hard with flaming astral vipers.

RPG Module – Braying Call

In this month’s RPG Module ‘Braying Call’, the party must investigate the strange happenings around Essenvald, an old village hidden away in the southern Black Forest. As the townsfolk slide into madness, the party must confront the culprit and put an end to its reign of terror before its influence spreads any further and it begins to corrupt any more surrounding villages.

Release Breakdown

Here’s a rundown of what our subscribers will be receiving in May:

Miniatures (Slayer/Warlord Tiers)

Baphomet – 75mm Base
– 30mm Base
– 60mm Base
Village Hag
– 30mm Base
Mendicant Friar
– 25mm Base
Mad Woodcutter – 25mm Base
Crazed Scyther – 25mm Base
The Old Blacksmith – 30mm Base
Domovoy – 25mm Base
Kikimora x 3 – 25mm Base

Lone Hero – Brahmin the Monk

Terrain (Slayer/Warlord Tiers)

Kikimora Den
2 Hangman Trees
– With a set of hanging corpses, in varying stages of decay.
Runestone Altar
4 Overgrown Runestones
4 Crows

RPG Module (Tactician/Warlord Tiers)

The Braying Call – A 5E Compatible Adventure and Forbidden Psalm Scenario Pack

– 3 Encounters

– 4 Maps

– Epic Bossfight Encounter with the terrible Baphomet in her twisted lair.

– 10 Monster Statcards for the Horrors of the Black Forest

As always, thank you for your support this April. We look forward to seeing you again next month for the Dark Forest. We’ll be launching the release early next week; in the meantime, remember, keep your eyes on the treeline!


Bestiarum Team

Quelle: Bestiarum Miniatures bei Patreon


Seit 2010 im Hobby. Aktuelle Projekte: Warhammer Fantasy/Old World (Imperium, Bretonen, Tiermenschen, Skaven, Gnome), Blood Bowl (Gnome, Echsenmenschen), Warcry, Summoners (Erde, Tod), Bolt Action (Briten), Herr der Ringe (Harad)

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  • Jede von deren Fraktionen ist eine Gegnerfraktion in meinen 5 Leagues from the Borderlands Kampagnen. Großartiger Macher, wenn man auf Dark Fantasy steht! Selten mal ist mir das Zeug etwas zu abgedreht (wie die Nicht-Hedonites des letzten Monats mit all der abgezogenen Haut), aber meist ist es super!

    Und nächsten Monat gibt es Pilzmonster.

  • Bin seit einer geraumen Zeit schon am überlegen mir nen Resin Printer zuzulegen. Und sei es nur für deren Miniaturen.

    Meiner Meinung nach das beste was es in Sachen Dark Fantasy auf dem Markt gibt.

  • Bis auf der alte Mann mit dem Drachen/Whatever Zauber sehr geil.
    Würde ich sofort alles 1x nehmen.

    Zum glücke habe ich keinen Drucker

  • Jedes mal aufs neue großartige Sachen… ich müsste mich eigentlich endlich mal durchringen da eine größere Bestellung von zu tätigen… aber wenn ich mir dann überlege das ich fast alles brauchen könnte UND haben will UND was das dann am Ende kostet…. o mei o mei… da bleiben das leider weiterhin nur (dunkle) Träume :/

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