von BK-Pascal | 04.11.2023 | eingestellt unter: Fantasy, Patreon

Bestiarum Miniatures: Dark Denizens & The Return of the N’Gorroth

Im November haben Bestiarum Miniatures wieder ein STL-Paket für Patreons zusammengestellt.

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Dark Denizens – Week 1

STL & All In Tiers

Slavesmith Thubacaine – A huge diorama set, containing a plethora of awesome models and terrain pieces:

  • Slavesmith Thubacaine – Est. 75mm Base
  • Thubacaine’s Attendants x 3 – Est. 25/32mm Base
  • Blade Piles x 2
  • Forge
  • Anvil

Brizst, the Caravaneer – 150mm Oval Base

Fateweaver Araneidae – 90mm Base

The Forbidden Fence – 60mm Base

The N’Gorroth Part Two – Week 2

STL & All In Tiers

Avatar of the Sunken God – 150mm Base

Zhathogga – 100mm Base

Sunken Priest – 50mm Base

Sunken Cadavers x 3 – 32mm Base

Sunken Cadaver Brute – 40mm Base

Wormhost – 60mm Base

Rising Tentacles x 3 – 25mm Base

Leechworm Swarm

Egg Cluster

Penitent Heroes – Week 1

Dawn Sister – $1 Hero | STL & All In Tiers

Wandering the realms in tattered robes, this gentle sister stands as a testament to unwavering faith amidst despair. Her radiant mask conceals her visage, making her a mysterious beacon in the darkest hours. Barefoot among the impoverished, she carries the word of Azerai to all, spreading hope like the first light after the dark.

Gourd Seer – STL & All In Tiers

Roaming the shattered lands of Doaden, the enigmatic Gourd Seer carries with him mysteries as profound as the world’s oldest tales. His staff, adorned with eye-shaped gourds, whisper tales of realms unseen. While his agility hints at a martial past, he draws a deeper, mystical connection to the lost magics of the past, perhaps seeing with the very eyes of the universe itself.

Knight Brigand – STL & All In Tiers

Once a noble defender, this tattered knight now haunts the fringes of his embattled kingdom in a patchwork of battle-worn leathers and mismatched plate, striking at old foes and friends alike. On a mission known only to himself, his objectives and alliances are murky, shifting and changing by the day. Yet any who can gain his loyalty will be well-rewarded, for he wields his pair of deadly maces with ruthless expertise.

RPG Content

All In Tier

Sunken Temple – 5E Adventure

Beneath the churning waves of the sea lies an ancient temple, unseen by human eyes. Its dark corridors and sunken chambers hold secrets of eons long past, and horrors that have lurked undisturbed for centuries. Once in every several years, an enormous maelstrom drains the coastal waters from a seaside gulf, leaving miles of stinking fish stranded on the barren coral reefs and revealing the algae-covered entrance to the temple. Rumors speak of the abominable aquatic horrors that guard its inner chambers, yet also of great treasure hidden within.

Monster Stat blocks – Dark Denizens & N’Gorroth Part 2

Back by popular demand – we’ve got full Stat Block support for all of the monsters included in the release. These booklets will launch alongside each of the releases.

Path of Penitence – War Wagon Campaign Module

Hop in Penitent, we’ve got sins to atone for! Finishing out the core Path of Penitence experience, this month we’ll see the arrival of rules support for the mighty War Wagon! Once your party has reached sufficient standing with the Crusade, they can travel across Doaden in style! Be warned though, although faster than travelling by foot, the Wagon introduces a host of new dangers for the party…

Forbidden Psalm Module – Sunken Temple

This month’s Forbidden Psalm Adaptation will feature the N’Gorroth and follow the Sunken Temple 5E Adventure!

Quelle: Bestiarum Miniatures auf Patreon


Brückenkopf-Redakteur und Miniature-Painting-Streamer. Wiedereinstieg ins Hobby 2015 nach sehr langer Pause. Spielt Warhammer 40k, SAGA, Star Wars Legion, Summoners uvm.

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