von BK-Johannes | 06.02.2023 | eingestellt unter: 3D-Druck, Science-Fiction


Anvil Industry hat eine neue Alieneinheit als STL-Datei im Shop.

AI Digital Sci Fi Avian Infantry 1 Anvil Industry  AI Digital Sci Fi Avian Infantry 2 Anvil Industry  AI Digital Sci Fi Avian Infantry 3 Anvil Industry  AI Digital Sci Fi Avian Infantry 4 Anvil Industry  AI Digital Sci Fi Avian Infantry 5 Anvil Industry  AI Digital Sci Fi Avian Infantry 6 Anvil Industry  AI Digital Sci Fi Avian Infantry 7 Anvil Industry  AI Digital Sci Fi Avian Infantry 8 Anvil Industry  AI Digital Sci Fi Avian Infantry 9 Anvil Industry  AI Digital Sci Fi Avian Infantry 10 Anvil Industry  AI Digital Sci Fi Avian Infantry 11 Anvil Industry  AI Digital Sci Fi Avian Infantry 12 Anvil Industry  AI Digital Sci Fi Avian Infantry 13 Anvil Industry  AI Digital Sci Fi Avian Infantry 14 Anvil Industry  AI Digital Sci Fi Avian Infantry 15 Anvil Industry  AI Digital Sci Fi Avian Infantry 16 Anvil Industry  AI Digital Sci Fi Avian Infantry 17 Anvil Industry

Avian Alien Infantry – Preis 35.00 £

Avian Alien Infantry – Compatible with Regiments Weapons and Female Infantry Conversion Parts

What’s included:


  • 1 x „Modular Hero“ Commander, with 2 different head options, plus Regiments Female right arm compatible torso joint, optional left arm, backpack, stowed rifle, and many more! – (Multi Shell)
  • 1 x Prone Sniper, with optional sniper rifle, specialist weapon backpack, head, and visor – (Multi Shell)
  • 1 x Assassin, with optional head, wrist blades, and right hand – (Multi Shell)

Modular Infantry

  • 7 x Avian Heads with Feathers – (Multi Shell)
  • 4 x Avian Helmets (1 open, 1 closed, 1 command, 1 command with com unit) – (Multi-Shell)
  • 1 x Avian Specialist Helmet
  • 6 x Avian Light Armour Torsos with varied pouches arrangments – (Multi Shell)
  • 6 x Pairs of Avian Legs in various poses, featuring 1 Kneeling pose, and optional knives, pouches, and webbing- (Multi Shell)
  • 5 x Pairs of Avian arms with Pistol-Grip weapon joints
  • 4 x Avian arms with Open Wrist joints for melee / pistols
  • 1 x Pair of arms in a two-handed Pistol pose
  • 1 x Pair of Specialist Weapon Arms – (Multi Shell)

Weapons & Accessories

  • 2 x Flechette Rifle, using Regiments Pistol-Grip weapon joint, plus collapsed version – (Multi Shell)
  • 1 x Collapsing Rifle stock
  • 2 x Flechette Sniper Specialist Weapon, in both deployed and collapsed versions, using Regiments Specialist weapon joints
  • 2 x Flechette Pistol using Regiments Pistol-Grip weapon joint, plus collapsed version – (Multi Shell)
  • 2 x Knives with Avian hands in normal and reverse grip – (Multi Shell)
  • 2 x Wrist Blades, with one deployed and the other collapsed
  • 1 x Specialist Backpack, compatible with any Regiments Sepcialist Weapon and most torsos
  • 1 x Avian hand with a pistol joint
  • 1 x Pistol-Grip Rifle Avian hands set & stock, designed for Digital Kitbashing (No Supports)
  • 2 x Grenades with Avian hands in varied poses – (Multi Shell)
  • 1 x Grenade
  • 4 x Avian hands in veried poses, (open, claw, pointing, and clenched fist)
  • 1 x Avian hand holding a carry handle – (Multi-Shell)

Also included are Bonus Extra Male compatible Avian Light Armour Torsos. While not compatible with any of the arms or legs in this set, this allows you to customise other, male figures with Avian torsos and heads.

Are the Parts Presupported?

Yes. The support element is a separate shell which can be easily and quickly removed in most STL editing programs.

A separate folder is included with all of the parts unsupported too!


Quelle: Anvil Industry


Redakteur von Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2001 im Hobby, mit Unterbrechung^^ Aktuelle Systeme, vor allem Freebooters, Frostgrave, Stargrave, Star Wars Legion, Star Wars X-Wing und 30k.

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