Animal Den Miniatures: Februar Patreon
Animal Den Miniatures haben im Februar wieder ein STL-Paket für Patreons zusammengestellt.
Hi everybody!
Finally, some African fauna is coming! Here’s the whole preview, hope you like it!
- Lions fighting
- Lion and Lioness cuddle
- Lion cubs x2
- Lioness x2
- Lion
- Lionesses Hunting Cape Buffalo
- Cape Buffalo x2
- African Bush Elephant bull x2
- African Bush Elephant bulls fighting
- African Bush Elephant cow and calf
- Leopard x2
- Rhinoceros x2
Thank you all for answering to the used scale poll! I’ve read all the comment and I think 1:24 is something in between the scales you’re using most, so I’ll keep using that scale for the most animals. Unfortunately, I can’t manage to upload two different scales, so 1:24 should be good, you can easily rescale it. 🙂
I’ll also upload an image and short text explaining how to rescale, for those who are struggling with it.
Cheers and see you soon with the release!
Maya 🙂
Die Sculpts wirken auf den Rendern etwas überzogen gedruckt sind sie aber okay.
Boiley’s Hobbytime (vidcaster von gestern) hat welche gedruckt da kann man den unterschied gut sehen.
It’s the ciiiiiiircle, circle of life…